All specialized subjects are taught in English. We offer three multi-disciplinary study concentrations:
1) Sustainability and International Cooperation
2) Global Business and Economics
3) Digital Transformation and Change Leadership
専門科目はすべて英語で行われます。 1. サステナビリティ(持続可能性)と国際協力、2. グローバルビジネスと経済学、3. デジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)とチェンジリーダーシップという3つの軸のもと、有機的につながる学際的プログラムが提供されます。
Kyoto, the ancient cultural capital of Japan, beloved by Japanese and foreigners, is an excellent city for students. With more university students per capita than any other city in Japan, Kyoto is Japan's "College Town".
Together, we examine issues that matter to our diverse global community of international learners.
Students from around the world come together to learn from each other, share ideas, and have fun.
We investigate gender differences in various socio-economic outcomes, and we compare and evaluate various policies targeting gender equality.
Ana Maria Takahashi
Associate Professor
Faculty of Global Engagement, Department of Global Studies
I work for a company based in Kyoto that has a history of over 70 years. Initially, the company focused on manufacturing mannequins, but now its primary focus is on creating commercial facilities and hotel spaces. My role within the company involves handling accounting tasks. The communication skills I acquired during my time at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies have proven beneficial, especially when interacting with colleagues and clients from different countries. The Department of Global Studies at KUFS provides students with opportunities to engage in activities beyond the classroom. In my case, I participated in a club focused on supporting refugees, and I also took part in initiatives to address local issues in Kyotango. These experiences have not only expanded my worldview but have also honed my communication abilities.
古屋 慶太 さん
国際貢献学部 グローバルスタディーズ学科 2021年度卒業
(和歌山県 きのくに国際高等専修学校出身)
Yoshichu Mannequin Co., Ltd.
Mr. Keita FURUYA
Class of 2021 / Faculty of Global Engagement, Department of Global Studies
(Kinokuni Children's Village Senior High School)
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