
2024年9月13日 重要

《在学生の証明書発行について / About issuing Certificate for current students 》


 = English follows Japanese =

<授業期間中> 平 日:9:00~21:20/土曜日:9:00~17:00
<授業期間外> 9:00~17:00

種 類 発行手数料 (1通)
在学証明書      250円
在籍証明書 250円
成績証明書 250円
卒業見込・成績証明書   100円
卒業見込証明書     100円
修了見込証明書     100円
学割証 無料


健康診断証明書     100円


《About issuing Certificate for current students

Certificates can be issued through convenience stores, automatic certificate issuance machines,which are located at the 1st floor of Building 1 and service counters.

The operating hours of the machines are as follows:
  <During the class period> Weekday: 9AM9:20PM / Saturday: 9AM5PM
  <Outside the class period>9AM5PM

The fees are as follows:

Type of Certificates  Fee (per pc)
Certificate of Enrollment      250yen
Certificate of Enrollment 250yen
Academic Record 250yen
Certificate of Expected Graduation・Academic Record  100yen
Certificate of Expected Graduation  100yen
Certificate of Expected Graduation (Graduate School)     100yen
Student Discount Certificate Free
Certificate of Expected Credit Acquisition  Scheduled Issue Date: Oct.1,2024
Certificate of Health     100yen

Certificates cannot be issued on days the university is closed, including Sundays, admission examination days, and holidays (national holidays, Golden Week holidays, Obon vacation, New Year holidays, etc.)
*The period will depend on the type of certificate you are applying for. Please refer to the “Certificate-issuance-Schedule” at the bottom of the page for more details.

Click here for information on convenience store issuance.


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