Special Exhibition Commemorating ICOM Kyoto
Ancient Latin American Arts ~ from Our Own Collection
国際文化資料館では、国際博物館会議(ICOM: International Committee of Museums)京都大会2019を記念して国際文化資料館所蔵 ラテンアメリカ古代美術展を開催します。
一方、国際文化資料館が交流協定を結ぶ国と機関は、エルサルバドル、ニカラグア、コスタリカ3か国の1政府機関(文化省) 4大学、3博物館に及んでいます。また、関連事業として、国際シンポジウムや展覧会も多数実施してきました。
そして本年世界141の国と地域の博物館・関係者が参加する、ICOM世界博物館会議の3年に一度の国際会議(ICOM's 25th General Conference)が京都で開催されますICOMには30の国際委員会がありますが、その一つUMAC(University Museums and Collections)「大学博物館とコレクション委員会に所属する国際文化資料館では、ICOM Kyoto 2019を記念する展覧会として本展を企画しました。
そこで本展では国際文化資料館に所蔵されているラテンアメリカの考古学資料とこれに関連する美術作品をラテンアメリカの古代美術として総括し、ICOM Kyoto 2019のテーマである『文化をつなぐミュージアム-伝統を未来へ-』“Museums as Cultural Hubs:The Future of Tradition”に共鳴し、「過去・現代・未来の視点から展覧会にまとめました。
Commemorating ICOM Kyoto 2019, we are pleased to present the special exhibition, “Ancient Latin American Arts”.
Kyoto University of Foreign Studies has had long term friendship with Latin American countries. For instance, honorable consulates of Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua are placed here. Our Latin American Institute is the center for joint researches and cultural exchange projects.
Furthermore, our museum has formed international exchange agreements with one government agency, four universities and three museums in El Salvador, Nicaragua and Guatemala. We have also held various international symposiums and exhibitions.
ICOM’s 25th General Conference is to be held once every three years and this time in Kyoto. Museum staffs and other experts from141 countries and regions will participate in it. ICOM holds 30 international committees, one of which is UMAC (University Museums and Collections). As a member of UMAC, we plan and hold this commemorating exhibition.
We hold precious archaeological, folklore art objects from Mexico and other Latin American countries. Some of them were donated and collected by foreign organizations and academics. Two years ago, Ohara House Collection was donated by Ohara School of Ikebana. It contained many pieces of precious ancient artifacts from the New Continent especially the Andes.
Prior to the exhibition, we reviewed our archaeological and ancient art collections and rearranged our exhibition concept – “Past, Present, Future” showing our respect to ICOM Kyoto’s slogan, Museums as Cultural Hubs: the Future of Tradition.
Together with Latin American ancient artifacts, the history of our friendships with those countries and our on-going exchange projects will be introduced. Many young and hopeful KUFS alumni and students have been actively working with the projects. KUFS’s pioneering spirits will certainly be handed to the future generations.
◇会 期:2019年8月26日(月)~10月12日(土)
◇時 間:10:00~17:00
◇会 場:京都外国語大学国際文化資料館
◇主 催:京都外国語大学国際文化資料館
◇協 力:京都外国語大学国際言語平和研究所、博物館学芸員資格課程
Exhibition Period: 26th August, 2019 (Mon) ~ 12th October 2019 (Sat)
Opening Hours: 10:00~17:00
Venue: University Museum of International Cultures
3rd and 4th floor No.10 Building
Admission: Free
Organized by University Museum of International Cultures
In Cooperation with International Research Institute for Studies in Language and Peace, Curatorialship Course
(京都市文化市民局文化芸術都市推進室文化財保護課 埋蔵文化財係長)
京都外国語大学 国際文化資料館
電 話 075-864-8741
メール umc@kufs.ac.jp