皆さんこんにちは、NINJA Castです。
Hello, everyone! We are NINJA Cast.
We are looking for new members to join us in the Spring Semester of 2023.
新メンバー募集に伴い、NINJA Cast Orientationを開催します!
We will introduce you to what we are actually doing at the orientation.
また、NINJA Castと直接相談ができる時間も設けています。
Also, you can talk with NINJA Cast and ask questions.
NINJA Castになって私たちと一緒に活動しませんか?
Are you interested in becoming a member of NINJA Cast?
Why don’t you join us?
【NINJA Cast Orientation】
Date & Time, Place: Dec. 20th (Tue) 12:50-13:40@R443
Dec. 23rd (Fri) 12:50-13:30@R441
※事前申し込み不要/No Reservation is needed
※NINJA Cast 応募の詳細は説明会でご案内します/Application details will be explained in the orientations
※両日同じ内容です/Same content for both day
詳細は添付ファイルをご確認ください/ Please see the attached for details
~What is NINJA? ~
NINJA is a facility to foster autonomous learners through learning foreign languages.
その魅力を伝え、さらにNINJAを魅力的にしていくのがNINJA Castです。
NINJA Cast consists of a group of volunteer students who promote and attract other learners to NINJA.
We hold seasonal events and projects about various languages and cultures.
《Inquiry》Language Center/NINJA(Fl.3rd, Bldg.4)
Tel: 075-925-5369 Email: ninja@kufs.ac.jp
We are looking for new members to join us in the Spring Semester of 2023.
新メンバー募集に伴い、NINJA Cast Orientationを開催します!
We will introduce you to what we are actually doing at the orientation.
また、NINJA Castと直接相談ができる時間も設けています。
Also, you can talk with NINJA Cast and ask questions.
《問い合わせ先》 ランゲージセンター(4号館3階)
Tel: 075-925-5369 Email: i-lang@kufs.ac.jp
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