


English follows Japanese


NINJAでは、対面授業の実施期間中、セッションを、対面/オンラインで実施してきました。実施のためにはさまざまな感染防止対策を講じてきましたが、「近距離・対話中心」というセッションの特性を考え、対面授業再開後も、セッションは引き続きオンラインのみでの実施とします。また、Have a Chat Plusと学生サポートデスクは休止とします。



NINJA Online Session Continues during the Spring Semester

NINJA, located on the first floor of Building 4, would like to inform you of the sessions in the spring semester.

NINJA has been conducting sessions both in person and online during the university's face-to-face classes. We have taken various infection prevention measures to conduct the sessions, but considering the nature of the sessions as being "close and interactive," we will continue to conduct the sessions online even after the university's face-to-face classes resume.

Have a Chat Plus and Student Support Desk will be closed.

This is a temporary measure to ensure your health and safety, and to allow us to continue our learning support activities, which are different from university classes in that you will be able to interact closely with the instructor.

The area on the first floor of Building 4, where the NINJA face-to-face sessions were conducted, is now open as a study space.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

《問い合わせ先》 ランゲージセンター/NINJA(4号館3階)
         Tel: 075-757-8204   Email: i-lang@kufs.ac.jp
《事務取扱時間》月曜日-金曜日 9:00-18:30 土曜日 9:00-17:00


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