「文化財ドックin京都外大 〜匠のわざと社寺建築〜」
In Association with ICOM Kyoto 2019
Cultural Property Dock at KUFS ~ Artisans in Architecture of Japanese Temples and Shrines
このたび、国際文化資料館では第11回京の匠展をICOM京都大会2019関連特別企画「文化財ドックin京都外大 〜匠のわざと社寺建築〜」として開催いたします。
University Museum of International Cultures KUFS is pleased to present the special exhibition titled “Cultural Property Dock at KUFS ~ Artisans in Architecture of Japanese Temples and Shrines” in association with ICOM Kyoto 2019.
This is the 11th in the series of our long -running project “Artisan of Kyoto”, which we have jointly organized with Bunyukai, a group of specialists from various architectural industries related to historical temples and shrines in Kyoto.
In this exhibition, hands-on exhibits “Experiencing Skills of Artisan” are also presented, hoping foreign visitors participating in ICOM Kyoto as well as Japanese people to experience the Japanese traditional skills and technics. We also would like to send our message – the importance to preserve our cultural properties and pass them to our next generations.
This exhibition has been made possible as one of the UMAK* projects commemorating ICOM Kyoto with the support from the Agency for Cultural Affairs.
*University Museums Association of Kyoto
◇会 期:2019年9月3日(火)~9月8日(日)
◇時 間:11:00~16:00
◇会 場:京都外国語大学9号館前、9号館6階、7階
Exhibition Period:September 3, 2019(Tue)~September 8(Sun)
Opening Hours:11:00~16:00
Venues: Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
・Open space in front of the Building 9th (Outdoor Exhibits),
・University Gallery, 6th floor, Building 9th (Bunyukai Exhibits)
・International Hall, 7th floor, Building 9th (Hands-on Exhibits)
主 催:文友会、京都・大学ミュージアム連携、京都外国語大学国際文化資料館
助 成:文化庁(令和元年文化庁地域の博物館を中核としたクラスター形成事業)
後 援:ICOM京都大会2019
協 力:(公財)京都古文化保存協会、京都外国語大学国際言語平和研究所、博物館学芸員課程
Organizers:Bunyu-kai, University Museum of International Cultures KUFS,
University Museum Association of Kyoto
Special support:Agency for Cultural Affairs (Project to Support Art Museums and History Museums for the Local Community FY Reiwa 1.)
In Cooperation with:Archaeological Conservation Association of Kyoto, KUFS, International Research Institute for Studies in Language and Peace, Museum Curatorialship Course
Supported by:ICOM Kyoto 2019
Related Event: the 15th Extension Lecture, University Museum of International Cultures.
日 時:2019年9月3日(火)13:30〜15:30
会 場:京都外国語大学941教室
講 師:宇佐美直八氏 文友会会長・(株)宇佐美松鶴堂
千田真由美氏 文友会・(株)奥谷組
13:30 開会挨拶 南博史(京都外国語大学国際文化資料館館長)
13:35 宇佐美直八氏
13:50 千田真由美氏
14:05 後藤由美子氏
14:30 鼎談(司会:南博史)
15:30 閉会挨拶
定 員:先着50名
電 話:075-864-8741
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