

6月は、LGBTQ+の権利について啓発を促す「プライド月間(Pride Month)」です。




6月29日(木)12:50-13:40 モノづくり(ブレスレット作り、折り紙)
7月13日(木)12:50-13:40 ゲーム(トランプなど)
7月27日(木)12:50-13:40 ゲーム+α


<開催場所> 申込み後にお伝えします

<使用言語> 日本語、英語、スペイン語


<申込締切> 7月25日(火)

※人権教育啓発室と健康支援課はLGBTQ+&Ally コミュニティ「IROIRO」の活動をサポートしています。

学生部健康支援課 学生相談室(9号館5階)

June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month.

Join us to do crafts, play games, and have a chance to learn about and interact with members of the LGBTQ+ & Ally Community “IROIRO” at KUFS!!

Refreshments are provided, so whether you’re a member or just an ally, it’s a safe space to have fun and hang out!

We can talk about our personal experiences/cultural ways of viewing LGBTQ+, and we aim to become more comfortable with the topic and destigmatize it.

Times, Dates, and Activities: (Click HERE to see poster)
1. June 29th, Thursday, 12:50 p.m.-1:40 p.m.: Crafts- bracelets & origami
2. July 13th, Thursday, 12:50 p.m.-1:40 p.m.: Games- Cards and so on.
3. July 27th, Thursday, 12:50 p.m.-1:40 p.m.: Games and more

※Feel free to bring your lunch.
※Let’s respect diversity and use non-prejudiced and non-discriminatory communication.

Location: University Gallery, 6F Building 9

Languages: English, Japanese, Spanish

How to join: Please click HERE to register.
※Once you register, you can participate on any of the three days above, but we hope you will join us on as many days as possible!

Registration Deadline: June 27th Tuesday

※LGBTQ+ & Ally Community “IROIRO” is supported by the Office of Human Rights Education and the Division of Student Affairs-Health Support Section.
※The Office of Human Rights Education and the Division of Student Affairs-Health Support Section will be holding a LGBTQ+ awareness campaign (film screening included) on July 7. Details will be announced on the KUFS website and via UNIPA.

Contact Us:
Division of Student Affairs - Health Support Section
Office of Student Counseling Services (5F Building 9)
TEL: 075-322-6025


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