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2024/06/01 08:30:00 長野の旅館での30日間のインターンシップ‐ 「普通」についての考え 

  • CategoryCEP活動紹介
  • Posted by広報隊リー
みなさん、こんにちは。グローバル観光学科3年生のフェン ティ リー です。今回のブログの話はおそらく私の大学生活の中で最も長く、そして私に とって最も記憶に残るブログです。CEP に参加した学生たちはどのような経験 をしたでしょうか?今回のインターンシップで、それぞれの学生が何かしらの 感銘を受けたに違いないとおもいます。

ブログのタイトル通り「普通」のことの重要性について 30日間、考えたインターンシップでした。それが何を意味していたのかを読み進めながら確かめてみてください。今回 のインターンシップでは、私は長野県にある湯田中渋温泉を選びました。そこは金具屋(有名な日本のアニメ「千と千尋の神隠し」に登場する金具屋)に近い場所です.

1月29日、私たちは出発しました。京都から荷物を準備して離れた とき、私の心には 30 日間を楽しみにする気持ちがありましたが、なんとなく悲しみや不安もありました。それはなじみのある場所を離れるのは寂しいからでしょう。私たちは京都から長野まで約 5 時間かかりました。長野に近づくにつれて、窓の外の道路は雪に覆われた景色で、私は「ああ、私はもう京都を離れてしまったのか」と思いました。長野に到着して最初に驚いたのは自動券売機 がなく代わりにチケットを受け取る人が箱を持って立っていたことでした。 駅から出て、私たちを待っていた先生や宿の人がいて、私たちをゲストハウス に案内してもらいました。 長野での初日は、周囲の景色が主に山々であり、スーパーマーケットまで かなり遠かったです。ここには古くて使い古された道具や品物があり、私たち は一緒に掃除し、日常的に使うものを買いに行きました。部屋を片付けた後、 私たちはこの CEP プログラムのメンバーとの交流のため、食事に参加しました。長野での 2 日目は、インターンシップが始まる前の自由研修の日でした。私たちは山 中湯で有名な観光地の一つ、スノーモンキーパークこと地獄谷野猿公苑に行きました。私たちは山 道を登り、海抜 850 メートルの高さにある志賀高原の岩山にある公園に到着し ました。ここに着くと、周囲の雄大で美しい山々と雪に包まれた景色に本当に 圧倒されました。公園の名前が示すように、ここは自然な岩山の環境の中、群れでくらすサルが有名です。特に冬には、雪に覆われた山々の景色の中で温泉 に浸かるサルの姿が象徴となり、世界中から多くの観光客を引き付けていま す。私たちが訪れたとき、外国人観光客が多く、日本人を見つけるのは難しい ほどでした。ここでは、観光客たちは携帯電話やカメラを持ち、すべてのかわ いい瞬間を記録するために集まっています。サルの群れやここでの景色を眺め た後、私たちは「つくし」という店に行き、長野の名物であるそばを食べました。

長野での 3 日目は、私たちが旅館での仕事を始める日でした。私たちのチ ームは 3 人で、「小石屋」と「かどや」の 2 つの旅館の仕事を担当しました。 私たちの主な仕事は、リネン回収、温泉の清掃、フロント清掃、トイレの清掃 です。最初はリネン回収から始めました。チェックアウトされた部屋をチェッ クし、それからお客様の使用シーツ、枕カバー、タオル、浴衣などを集めまし た。それからそれらをランドリーに持って行き、旅館の人に案内されました。 この最初の日に、私たちを案内した旅館の人の印象的な言葉は、「この温泉地 は狭いので挨拶することが最も重要です」というものでした。 次の日から、私たちはスケジュールに従って同じような仕事を旅館で続け、 週に一度、スーパーマーケットに食品を買いに行きました。最初の週は仕事と ここでの生活に慣れていなくて、バスから外を見て雪景色を眺めながら帰る と、私は「普通」のことについて考えました。京都では数分歩けばスーパーに着き、便利な調理器具を手に入れることができますが、ここでは新鮮な食材を 買うには遠くまで行かなければならず、自炊もより難しくなりました。

長野での 12 日目は、日本では普通の日かもしれませんが、私にとっては 特別な日でした。その日はベトナムの新年のテトでした。この温泉地と同様 に、私の故郷であるベトナムも田舎であり、道はかなり狭く、ほとんどの近所 の人々がお互いの名前や顔を知っています。特にテト(お正月)の日には、家 族や友人が仕事や忙しさに関係なく集まります。街中や家の中は春の黄色と赤で溢れ、テトの音楽が流れる中、ベトナムならではの温かい雰囲気を感じるこ とができます。ベトナムのテトの日にも、私はインターンシップ先で普段と同じように仕事を続けました。仕事にはだんだん慣れてきましたが、一日の終わ りには疲れとこの地の寒さが加わり、ますますベトナムを思い出しました。仕 事が終わると、家族に電話をかけましたが、この日の宿泊先の Wi-Fi は安定し ていませんでした。再び「普通」のことであるインターネットの重要性につ いて考えました。その時は、ただインターネットが安定していれば、テトの 3 日間を電話で家族と過ごしたいと願うだけでした。幸運なことに、少なくとも 私は 3 日間のテトの間に家族に電話することができました。 一週間のうち、旅館での仕事以外の 4 日間は、自由に研究する時間もありました。

休みの日には、宿泊地周辺を散策しました。私は湯田中駅の近くにある Tea Salon という喫茶店を見つけました。店内は暖かみのある古風なスタイル で飾られており、ここの店長であるおばあさんは私がインターン生であること を知ると、親しみやすく、温かい会話で私を迎えてくれました。そのおかげ で、私は長野の寒さの中で暖を取る場所として、ここを何度も訪れました。ある日、私とルームメイトがお店に来て、私たちがコーヒーを飲んだとき、外国人 客が次々とやってきました。おばあさんが一人で対応するのが大変そうだったので、私たちはおばあさんと注文を取ったり、片付けを手伝ったりしました。 手伝った後、おばあさんは私たちに「今日のカフェはまるで私たちに贈られた贈り物 だ」と言いました。私とルームメイトがおばあさんのお店から帰るみちすがら、私たちは幸せな気持ちでいっぱいに なりました。帰り道、私はアルバイトで接客することは「普通」のことだと思っていましたが、今ではその日、接客の経験がなかったら、おばあさんをうまく手伝えなかったでしょう。27 日目は私のチームの旅館で働く最後の日です。 旅館のお姉さんから私たちそれぞれに手紙が渡されました。

長野での 30 日目は 2月 28日で、長野でインターンシップの最後の日です。このインターンシップに参加する前に、私はアルバイトの経験がありましたの で、このインターンシップではスキルよりも異なることを学んだと思います。 それは、環境に適応することです。ここでの30 日間で、私は過去には考えられなかったぐらい、自分の背丈の二倍ぐらいになる大きなシーツの束を持ち上げることができるようになりました。そして設備の少ない場所の中で素晴らしい山や雪の景色を眺めることで 小さな喜びを見出すことができました。 困難な環境に置かれると、「普通」、「当たり前」のことをより大切にし、 過去にはできないことができるようになることに気づきました。そして、馴染 みのある場所を離れ、新しい場所に足を踏み入れることで、予想もしなかった 美しいものを見つけることができると気づきました。そして、なじみの場所を 離れることは悲しいですが、最も幸せなことは待っている人がいることです。

長野を離れるとき、私が忘れられないものは美しい景色と「忘れないから、いつかまた来てね」という喫茶店のおばあさんからのメッセージです。1 つのブログに最大 3 枚の写真しかあげられない制限がなければ、私は 30 枚の写真も投稿して、皆さんに長野の自然の美しさを一部感じてもらいたいです。このインターンシップを通じて気づきを得られたのは幸いでした。
  • スノーモンキーパークこと地獄谷野猿公苑
  • 湯田中渋温泉郷

2024/06/01 08:20:00 30 Days Internship in Nagano - Think about `Ordinary` DGF Vol.2

  • CategoryCEP活動紹介
  • Posted by広報隊リー
Hello, here is the second volume of Ly's reflection on her internship experience in Yudanaka, Nagano.

On our 12th day in Nagano, it might have been an ordinary day in Japan, but it was special to me. That day was Tet, the Vietnamese New Year. Like this hot spring area, my hometown in Vietnam is also rural, with narrow roads where most neighbors know each other by name and face. Especially on Tet, families and friends gather regardless of work or busyness. The streets and homes are filled with spring yellow and red, with the music of New Year's Day playing, creating a warm atmosphere unique to Vietnam. Even during Tet in Vietnam, I continued working at the internship site just like any other day. While I was getting used to the work, at the end of the day, fatigue combined with the cold made me think even more about Vietnam. After work, I called my family, but the Wi-Fi at the accommodation that day was unstable. Once again, I reflected on the importance of "ordinary" things like stable internet. At that moment, all I wished for was stable internet to spend the three days of Tet talking to my family. Luckily, I managed to call my family during the three days of Tet.

Out of the week, there were four or five days besides working at the ryokan where I had time for independent research. On my days off, I explored the area around the accommodation. I found a teahouse called Tea Salon near Yudanaka Station. The interior was decorated in a warm and classic style, and when the old woman who managed the shop found out I was an intern, she warmly welcomed me with friendly and warm conversations. Thanks to that, I visited here multiple times as a place to warm up in the cold of Nagano. One day, when my roommate at the guesthouse and I were at the shop drinking coffee, foreign customers kept coming in one after another. Seeing the old woman struggling to handle it alone, we helped take orders and clean up. After helping out, the old woman told us, "Today's cafe is a gift from me to you." When we left the coffee shop, we felt full of happiness.

On the way back, I used to think that working part-time in customer service was "ordinary," but now I realize that without the experience of serving customers that day, I wouldn't have been able to help the old woman effectively.
The 27th February was the last day my team worked at the ryokan. Each of us received a letter from the ryokan's older sister. On our 30th day in Nagano, which was February 28th, it was the last day of our internship. Before participating in this internship, I had some part-time work experience, so I believe I learned different things rather than just skills of working the reception desk. It was about adapting to the environment.

The 30 days here changed me to be able to lift a linen bag twice as big as I had ever imagined carrying. And I was able to find small joys in admiring the beautiful mountains and snowy scenery in a place with limited facilities.
Being placed in a challenging environment made me cherish the "ordinary," the "usual," and made me realize that I could do things I couldn't do in the past. By leaving familiar places and stepping into new ones, I realized that I could find unexpectedly beautiful things. While leaving familiar places is sad, the happiest thing is knowing that someone is waiting for you. When leaving Nagano, what I can't forget is the beautiful scenery and the message from the coffee shop owner—saying, "Come back again someday, because I won't forget you."If there weren't a restriction to post only up to 3 photos in one blog, I would have posted 30 photos to share the beauty of Nagano's nature with everyone. Through this internship, what I gained has stayed with me as an individual.
  • Yudanaka Shibu Hotspring

2024/05/31 15:10:00 30 Days Internship in Nagano - Think about `Ordinary` DGF- Vol.1

  • CategoryCEP活動紹介
  • Posted by広報隊リー
Hello everyone. I'm Huynh Thi Ly, a third-year student majoring in Global Tourism. This blog is about the longest and most memorable experience of my university life. What experiences did you have during the CEP? I think each student has been impressed by something during this internship.As the title of the blog suggests, it's about reflecting on the importance of "ordinary" things for 30 days. Please read on to find out what that entails.

For this internship, I chose Yudanaka Shibu Onsen in Nagano province, a place close to Kanaya Ryokan—a famous Japanese anime shop featured in "Spirited Away." On January 29th, we departed. As we left Kyoto and prepared for the journey, I felt both excitement and a hint of sadness and anxiety. Leaving a familiar place can be lonely. It took us about 5 hours to travel from Kyoto to Nagano. As we neared Nagano, the roads outside the window were blanketed in snow, and I thought, "Ah, I've truly left Kyoto behind." Upon arrival in Nagano, the first thing that surprised me was the absence of ticket vending machines; instead, there were people holding boxes to collect tickets. We exited the station, where our teacher and the person in charge of our accommodation were waiting to guide us to the guesthouse.

The first day in Nagano was mainly spent surrounded by mountains, and the supermarket was quite far away. There were old and worn-out household items here, and we cleaned together and went to buy daily necessities. After tidying up the room, we joined a meal with members of the CEP Program.

The second day in Nagano was a free training day before the internship program started. We visited Snow Monkey Park, a famous tourist spot known for its hot springs in Yamanaka. We climbed up the mountain road and arrived at a park on a rocky mountain in Shiga Kogen, 850 meters above sea level. Upon arrival, we were truly overwhelmed by the magnificent and beautiful mountains and the snow-covered scenery around us. As the name of the park suggests, it is famous for the monkeys living in the natural rocky mountain environment. Especially in winter, the sight of monkeys soaking in hot springs amidst the snow-covered mountains symbolizes and attracts many tourists from around the world. When we visited, there were so many foreign tourists that it was difficult to find Japanese people. Here, tourists gathered with their smartphones and cameras to record every nice moment. After observing the monkey troop and the scenery, we went to a shop called "Tsukushi" and ate soba, a specialty of Nagano. On the third day in Nagano, we began our work at the ryokan. Our team of three was responsible for work at two ryokans, "Koishiya" and "Kadoya." Our tasks included collecting linens, cleaning the hot springs, front desk cleaning, toilet cleaning, and reception.

We started with linen collection. We checked the rooms that had been checked out, gathered items such as used sheets, pillowcases, towels, and yukatas, and then took them to the laundry, guided by the staff at the ryokan. On this first day, the memorable words from the ryokan staff who guided us were, "Greetings are the most important thing in this hot spring area because here the roads are so narrow."In the following days, we continued similar tasks at the ryokan according to the schedule, and once a week, we went to the supermarket to buy groceries. In the first week, as we were not yet accustomed to the work and life here, I reflected on "ordinary" things. In Kyoto, it only takes a few minutes to walk to the supermarket, and you can easily get convenient cooking utensils. But here, we had to go far to buy fresh ingredients, making cooking more difficult.

To be continued to Vol.2

  • Snow Monkey Park

2024/04/13 02:50:00 タイでのCEP活動報告

  • CategoryCEP活動紹介
  • Posted by広報隊廣田






Hello everyone! My name is Ayumu Hirota, and I am currently a junior in the Department of Global Tourism here at KUFS. As I reach the halfway point of my time at university, I find myself increasingly eager to explore opportunities that allow me to contemplate my future university life, my aspirations, and my career path.

Today, I'd like to discuss my experiences with the CEP, which took place in Thailand during our spring break. The primary aim of this program is to boost the number of Japanese tourists visiting Thailand by devising and presenting our own tourism strategies. To achieve this objective, we dedicated approximately three weeks, from February 12th to March 5th, to engaging in a series of visits and activities. I'm excited to share the moments that made a significant impact on me each week.

In the first week, we participated in a Muay Thai lesson. Muay Thai, recognized as Thailand's national sport, has also gained popularity as a method of weight loss due to its vigorous movements. The experience, which included a full-body workout involving hip twists for kicks and using elbows for defense, combined with Thailand's warm climate compared to Japan, left me utterly drained. I distinctly remember feeling completely depleted of energy after the lesson.

The second week saw us relocating to Pattaya, a two-hour drive from Bangkok. Known as one of Thailand's premier beach resorts, we immersed ourselves in the experience of Thailand's sea with all our senses. It was disheartening, however, to witness the considerable amount of trash on the shore, despite cleanup efforts. Participating in beach cleaning, I observed that plastic bottles were especially prevalent among the debris. Having attended a lecture at a local university about the crucial role of coral reefs in preserving the sea's beauty, I recognized the importance of ongoing efforts to reduce litter to maintain the pristine seas along the coast.

In our third week, we attended a lecture on the current state of tourism in Thailand at the Tourism Authority of Thailand. This institution, which specializes in tourism public relations, provided us with insights into Thai tourism that went beyond what we could learn from classroom instruction or preliminary research. We learned about Thailand's focused promotional strategies and how Thai tourism styles have evolved due to COVID-19. This lecture was not only valuable but will also be critical for our future presentations.

Moreover, throughout our stay, we were constantly stimulated by the sights, smells, and sounds of Thailand—from the scent of bills absorbing the aromas of spices, oil, soil, and exhaust gases, to the country's temples, traditional crafts, organic coconut farms, and the vibrant markets. Thailand's land area is 1.4 times larger than that of Japan. Although I couldn't visit all the places I had researched before coming to Thailand, as well as those I discovered during my stay, it's evident that Thailand is filled with attractions. My desire to return to Thailand is strong, as I only visited a few areas this time around. I made this resolution over the course of the three weeks.

  • majiでtsukareru 5秒前
  • パタヤでのダイビング
  • 農園だからこそ味わうことのできる特別な味

2024/03/28 01:00:00 城崎温泉でのCEP報告

  • CategoryCEP活動紹介
  • Posted by広報隊河原



Hello everyone! My name is Nodoka Kawahara, and I'm currently a second-year student majoring in Global Tourism. In this post, I'm thrilled to share my experience with the CEP program, which took place at Kinosaki Onsen over approximately one month during our spring break. Our project was hosted by the prestigious Nishimuraya Hotel Sogetsu-tei, and our main task involved creating a map to highlight the myriad attractions of Kinosaki Onsen and introduce more people to this beautiful location.

To give you a bit of background, Kinosaki Onsen is situated in the northern part of Hyogo Prefecture and boasts a rich history that spans over 1,300 years. Among its jewels is the Nishimuraya, a renowned and historic ryokan that has been welcoming guests for more than 160 years. Specifically, we were based at Nishimuraya Hotel Shougetsu-tei , one of the most expansive traditional inns in the area. Our experience was primarily centered around working in the guest room department. In the mornings, our duties involved cleaning rooms after guests checked out. This task taught us the importance of meticulous cleaning techniques and the thoughtful placement of amenities in each room, all aimed at ensuring guests' comfort and embodying the essence of hospitality.

After a five-hour break, my evenings were dedicated to assisting with dinner service. I had the responsibility of serving meals in various settings, including guest rooms, dining halls, and banquet rooms. This rotation offered me the invaluable opportunity to observe and learn from each employee's unique approach to customer service. The warmth and encouragement from guests, especially upon learning about my participation in a university internship, were truly heartwarming and encouraging.

Alongside my work experience, I embarked on a project to create a map of the Kinosaki hot spring resort area as part of my field research. Having never visited Kinosaki before, my initial impression was shaped by social media posts depicting it as a town peppered with trendy new cafes. True to my expectations, upon arrival, I discovered numerous cafes, each boasting its own unique and fashionable concept. However, what truly captivated us wasn't just the contemporary flair seen on social media but also the rich history of Kinosaki Onsen, dating back more than 1,300 years, and the genuine warmth of the local community. Our aim was to unveil those gems that aren't easily found on social media. As a result, we designed a printed map that offered insights only obtainable by visiting Kinosaki Onsen in person. To compile this information, we sought recommendations from hotel staff and included shops that we personally frequented and loved.

Among the 11 highlighted locations on the map, I'd like to spotlight the traditional craft of straw works. We had the privilege of interviewing Kamiya Mingeiten, a shop specializing in traditional straw crafts, a practice that dates back to the Edo period and is distinctive to Kinosaki. The artisans grow and dye the straw themselves, then meticulously tear it into thin strips, weave patterns without overlapping, and use a rice-based glue to bind the pieces—a process that surprised me with its natural sheen and absence of varnish. Another fascinating discovery was the 33 incarnations of the statues in the Onsenji-Temple Museum, highly recommended by Prof. Kazuki Hara from Department of Global Tourism. In closing, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone at Nishimuraya, the professors, and all who contributed to the publication of the map.
  • 光沢が綺麗な麦わら細工の桐箱 A paulownia box with beautiful straw craft details
  • 就業終了の証をいただきました。 We received a certificate of completion.
  • 手書きのあたたかいマップを作成しました。城崎に行かれる際はぜひ参考にしてください。 Our handwritten map. Please refer to it when you visit Kinosaki!

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