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2022/07/09 03:40:00 増田央先生へインタビューをしてきました!

  • Category教員活動紹介
  • Posted by広報隊廣田








Hello! I’m Ayumu Hirota and I’m in my freshman year at the Department of Global Tourism. The hot days continue, and most of the conversations are dominated by exclamations like "it's hot!" with air conditioners and fans running at full blast in our rooms. Let's all be careful not to suffer from heat stroke during this hot summer!

Today, I interviewed Prof. Hisashi Masuda, a new faculty member in the Department of GT.

1. Where are you from?
I’m from Utsunomiya City in Tochigi Prefecture. Utsunomiya City is famous for its "gyoza", and some other famous places in Tochigi include Nikko, and Nasushiobara, where we have an imperial villa.

2. What is the origin in your name Hisashi?
It was provided by the shrine. I myself have never met anyone I know directly who reads this character as “Hisashi”.

3. What kind of games did you play as a child?
When I entered elementary school, I played more with my friends than with my brother because of the age difference. He was 6 years older than me. Since I was a member of a local team, we played soccer and games with the team members.

4. What is your research and what made you decide to specialize in that field?
Originally, I majored in physics when I was an undergraduate student in the Department of Physics at Chiba University. Although the content that physics deals with is interesting, it requires very advanced theories and large-scale experiments at the cutting edge, and I found it difficult to contribute in this field. In the midst of all this, I often came across a keyword from a management perspective called "innovation," and after reading books on service innovation and its related themes, I began to think that I wanted to study management. At that time, there was an opening at Kyoto University's Graduate School of Business Administration, which claimed to be a business school integrating the humanities and sciences, and I decided to go there. At first, I did not intend to become a researcher, but as I studied there, I realized how interesting service research was, and from there, I continued my research with a focus on services, transferred to the Graduate School of Economics, earned a doctorate degree, and became a researcher. I am currently conducting business research mainly in the tourism and hospitality industry from the perspectives of marketing and business administration, with a focus on services.

5. How do you relax away from work?
Research itself has become one of my hobbies. Sometimes I play the viola, which I have been playing since high school, and participate in ensembles, or I read books not related to my research.

6. Do you have any advice for students?
There are many different kinds of people in our department, so please deepen your own insight through various experiences and interactions with them. It will come in handy later on. This is the case for me with orchestra, which I have played in since high school. 

7. Finally, if you set your life's max at 100, where are you at right now?
I guess it depends on how you view the meaning of max in life, but in terms of life goals as a researcher, I think it will be like just seeing how far I can go, because I believe that there is no 100% achievement in research.
  • インタビュー風景
  • お忙しい中ありがとうございました

2022/06/03 23:50:00 李先生にインタビューしてきました!

  • Category教員活動紹介
  • Posted by広報隊福井
こんにちは!グローバル観光学科2年次生の福井健太郎です。春学期ももうすぐ半分を迎えようとしています。皆さんいかがお過ごしでしょうか?今回のブログでは、今年度より赴任して来られましたグローバル観光学科講師の李冠宏(リ カンコウ)先生にインタビューをさせていただきました!インタビューの際には、3年次生の江良みゆきさんも付いて来てくださり3人でお話しをしました。李先生は学生時代やこれまでの人生についてお話し下さいました。その中であるものが李先生に大きな影響を与えたことが分かりました。一体何が李先生に影響を与えたのでしょうか。ぜひ最後までご覧ください!それでははじめに李先生から日中両語による自己紹介です。

皆さん、こんにちは。観光が大好きな李冠宏です。出身地は中国の南部にある広西チワン族自治区で、ベトナムと国境を接しており、美しい景観と多様な文化や風習を持つところです。観光以外では、私はアニメやゲームを通して社会や人生について考えることが好きです。おすすめのゲームのトップ3は、「あつまれ どうぶつの森」「モンスターハンター」「世界のアソビ大全51」です。最近では日本の競技麻雀にも興味を持つようになり、これは「運要素のゲーム」だけではなく「人間性が溢れるゲーム」でもあると思います。



大学卒業後は、就職しましたがその後イギリスの大学院へ留学されました。イギリスでの学生生活の中で時間があるときに日本語の勉強をし始めました。大学院での専門は知識科学で知識とは何か、人間はどうやって知識を生み出すのかを研究していました。知識科学を勉強し始めたきっかけは、日本のアニメのドラえもんやゲームの初音ミクなどの人間に寄り添うようなパートナーを作りたいと思いました。そこからA Iを開発したいと思い進学しました。そのようなパートナーを開発するには、初音ミクはどのように考えているのかについて知る必要がありました。その研究をしている中で、研究対象がA Iなどの機械から人間の思考へと変わりました。また一人の人間の思考だけではなく集団の思考の研究をし始めました。ここから李先生は日本の大学院に留学し、知識科学の分野で博士号を取得しました。



Hello there! My name is Kentaro Fukui and I am a sophomore in the department of Global Tourism. We are about to go into the second half of the spring semester. I hope you are enjoying this semester! In this blog, I interviewed Professor Guanhong Li from the Department of Global Tourism. He arrived in Kyoto this spring semester. Miyuki Era, who is a junior in the same department also attended the interview. Professor Li talks us about his student days and his life. In the interview, we found out about his influences, and how he lives his life. At first, we have a self-introduction from Professor Li.

Hello everyone, my name is Guanhong Li and I come from Guangxi, China. Guangxi is located in the south of China, bordering Vietnam, with beautiful scenery and unique and diverse culture and customs. I have a special connection with tourist places and tourist culture. Usually, I like to think about society and life through anime and games. My top three recommended games are: Animal Crossing, Monster Hunter, and Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics. Recently, I have also become interested in Japanese mahjong, which is not only a game that requires luck, but is also full of human expression.

Professor Li has been interested in games and anime since he was little. At the time, Japanese anime was trending in China. He played Japanese games although he didn't understand the Japanese language. He plays games not only for enjoyment but also he wondered how this game was made? So he started to study programing. After he graduated from university, he got a job, and then he went to graduate school in England. In his school free time, he started studying Japanese. At graduate school, he studied scientific knowledge and philosophy. That means thinking about difficult questions such as: "What is knowledge?" and "How can a person generate knowledge?".

Prof. Li started studying knowledge science because he wanted to create a partner that would be close to humans, such as Doraemon in Japanese anime or Hatsune Miku in video games. From there, he decided to go on to higher education because he wanted to develop AI. To try to develop such a partner, Prof. Li needed to know how Hatsune Miku thinks. In the course of his research, he changed his research focus from machines such as AI to human thoughts. He also began to study not only the thoughts of a single person, but also those of a group. From there, Prof. Li went to graduate school in Japan and earned a doctorate in the field of knowledge science.

I had the opportunity to interview Prof. Li and found him to be a very friendly person. I found him very interesting as he spoke enthusiastically about his favorite things and his field of expertise. I also learned that he has many hobbies, such as playing games, reading books, and going to cafes when he has time. And most of all, he seemed to enjoy talking about games! Prof. Li has lived his life through gaming, which has been his hobby since he was a child. I believe that our past hobbies and future interests will be a major point in our future lives as well!

Prof. Li said he would like to talk to many students! He also said that when the pandemic was over, he would like to have many social events with students, such as BBQs, hot springs, and eating out together! I hope you all talk to Prof. Li a lot and find something new to discover!
  • 李冠宏(リ カンコウ)先生 Prof. Li
  • インタビュー中の様子 During the interview with Prof. Li

2022/05/16 16:50:00 Professor Hawkinson gives a TEDx Talk

  • Category教員活動紹介
  • Posted byGT Faculty
Faced with the challenge of empty classrooms, borders closed to tourists, and online learning; learning futurist Eric Hawkinson conceived the my hometown project that enables students anywhere in the world to create online virtual tours to their hometowns, giving them valuable skills, and enabling new human connections. This project has won awards and now is featured on TED.com. Professor Hawkinson gave the presentation inside of one of his virtual worlds made to replicate Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto, Japan.

The 'My Hometown Project' is a project that all KUFSGT students complete in their 3rd year. It is training our students to design, curate, and give guided tours of their hometowns in virtual reality. This is giving them vocational training for tourism and hospitality and at the same time giving them new technology skills.

Professor Hawkinson designed this program in 2017 and started implementing it into classes at KUFS in 2018. It has since become an international program that invites participants from all over the world.

Watch the talk here


空っぽの教室、観光客に閉ざされた国境、オンライン学習。コロナ禍において観光教育をいかにおこなうのかという課題に、私たちは直面しています。そのような中でハーキンソン教授は、世界のどこにいる学生でも自分の故郷をテーマとしたバーチャルツアーをオンラインで作成することで、スキルを身に付け新しいつながりを可能にする「マイ・ホームタウン・プロジェクト」を発案しました。このプロジェクトは数々の賞を受賞し、現在ではTED.comでも紹介されています。 ハーキンソン教授は、日本の京都にある八坂神社を再現したバーチャル世界の中で発表を行いました。




  • During the TEDx Talk During the TEDx Talk
  • Sketch of the TEDx Talk Sketch of the TEDx Talk
  • The TEDx Stage The TEDx Stage

2021/11/19 11:30:00 藤本茂先生にインタビューしてきました!

  • Category教員活動紹介
  • Posted by広報隊中川










・店員さんがイケメンで味も価格も最強な「La Segunda Jolla(ラ・セグンダ・ホヤ)」のメキシコ料理。京都メキシカンの草分けで名店La Jolla(ラ・ホヤ)の姉妹店です。毎週火曜日のタコス食べ放題は、コスパ抜群です。

Hello! My name is Riko Nakagawa and I am a freshman student at the Department of Global Tourism. This is our interview with Prof. Shigeru Fujimoto.

(1)Where are you from? 

I’m from Koshien in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo.

(2) What are important words for you?


My motto for life is this tanka poem by Sugawara no Michizane:
As long as you have a good heart, you don't need to pray, you are already blessed.

(3)What is your area of specialty and what made you interested in it?

Crisis management and security.

Ever since I was a child, I have been interested in security, wondering why wars occur and how they can be eliminated. At the same time, I was also interested in the structure of the universe, reflecting the historical background of my childhood. Therefore, when I entered university, I was very undecided whether to study international politics in the Faculty of Law or astrophysics in the Faculty of Science. At that time, I happened to pick up a book written by one of my mentors and learned that economics could be used to analyze security using mathematical methods. Although my teacher was from the economics department, he had a doctorate in engineering as well as a doctorate in economics, and he was actively conducting research and putting the results out there for the benefit of society. My wish came true, and I was able to study under my mentor from my first year as a student in a free and open-minded atmosphere in my current field of specialization, which is a fusion of humanities and sciences.

(4)What are you like when you were a student?(American football player)

There are two major things that I have learned through playing American Football. They were to "take responsibility" and to "accept my weaknesses (it’s OK to not attain an ideal).” Here taking responsibility means, in essence, acknowledging the weight of one's words and actions. Accepting my weaknesses means having the right mindset to grasp and set your goals, and to position your current abilities honestly and truthfully in relation to those goals accurately and clearly. On top of that, I worked on practicing doing things thoroughly and without compromise. In the process, I learned that "pride" is something you have in your actions, not in comparison to others. In fact, I learned all these very same things from my mentor as an attitude to towards academics. Isn't it interesting that American football and academics have the same sense of responsibility, the same mindset, and the same way of practice? I'm sure business is the same.

(5) What are your recommended restaurants for students?

・The ramen at Menkiya is made with uncompromising ingredients and preparation, and offers many perks for students. They also have a full Izakaya menu and are open until 2am.
・Mexican food at La Segunda Jolla, where the staff are handsome and the prices are the best. La Segunda Jolla is the sister restaurant of the famous La Jolla, a pioneer of Mexican food in Kyoto. The all-you-can-eat tacos every Tuesday are a great way to save money.
・The chef of MOTOI, a French restaurant that has been awarded a Michelin star for 10 years in a row since it opened, wanted to see his daughter's smile, so he decided to make her favorite gyoza, so now we have MOTOI Gyoza. The restaurant is very reasonably priced and in a good location, making it ideal for students. In the first year of its opening, this restaurant was also selected as a Michelin Bib Gourmand. Be sure to try the gyoza made by this excellent chef.

  • 取材中の様子

2021/11/05 22:00:00 藤倉先生にインタビューしてきました!

  • Category教員活動紹介
  • Posted by広報隊前田&倉谷

① 出身地

② 好きな食べ物

③ 専門分野

④ 学生のうちにした方がいいこと

⑤ 今年やりたいこと

⑥ 学生に送りたい言葉


Hello, everyone! This is Yuki Maeda and Ayuka Kuratani, and we are sophomore students at the Department of Global Tourism. This is our interview with Prof. Naoko Fujikura.

① Where are you from?
I’m from Oyamazaki, Kyoto.

② What do you like to eat?
Every morning I prepare some miso soup and it will include a variety of ingredients, such as seasonal vegetables. This gives me energy for the day. My finest creation is pumpkin-miso soup. My all-time favorite food is fish - I’m awfully fond of sashimi, yakizakana (grilled fish) and nizakana (fish simmered in a soy sauce broth). I'd happily take a trip to eat good fish - the fish caught and prepared in Kanazawa and Toyama are especially delicious.
Not only do I like to eat fish, I also like observing fish in an aquarium. The Shanghai Aquarium sticks in my memory as being very spacious. You should go if you have a chance – I strongly recommend it!

③ What is your academic discipline?
My focus is on women’s studies. Before I entered graduate school, I was an office worker, but I quit my job in order to look after my grandfather. The caregiving was harder than I thought. This experience made me think about caregiving in America and to find out more, I applied to and was accepted by an American graduate school to study at their women’s studies department. I learned a lot about the challenges women face right now, for example, the current situation of female workers and why most caregivers are women. At the moment I’m researching women and solo travel.

④ What do you think we as students should do at this time in our lives?
I think that students should enjoy sightseeing in Kyoto as well as studying English. There are a lot of historical temples, shrines and nature to be seen in Kyoto. Right now, we can enjoy the autumn scenery in the city. Take this chance to visit many spots in Kyoto and experience the culture of the ancient capital.
Moreover, studying English is important for your future. Utilize all the resources at KUFS to improve your English skills.

⑤ What do you want to do this year?
Because of COVID-19, it was hard to get anything done this year, so I really want to go on a trip. I want to seek out the best, most delicious fish in the Sea of Japan or the Seto Inland Sea. I was raised in Kyoto which is far from the ocean, but my love of fish comes from my father who grew up in a small fishing village in Tokushima Prefecture. I also want to master how to use Instagram - I have absolutely no idea how it all works. I want to chronicle my fish-eating trips on the Gram.

⑥ Do you have a message for us?
“Don’t care what others think! Do what you want to do!”It's a waste of time to let other people's opinions get in the way of your own. Be yourself and push forward to achieve your goals. I hope you have a full life at KUFS!
  • 沢山お話をしてくださった藤倉先生

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