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2024/09/27 23:00:00 ワーキングホリデー Vol.2「都市選びと海外生活」

  • Category留学関係
  • Posted by広報隊橋本
こんにちは! グローバル観光学科3年次生の橋本永爾です。今回は前回に続きワーホリ第二弾「都市選びと海外生活」です。前回ではビザについて説明しましたが、今回は1年間、ワーホリをしてきた経験から都市選びと海外生活について書いていこうと思います。





Choosing a city when living abroad
Hello, I'm Eiji Hashimoto, a third-year student in the Department of Global Tourism. This is the second part of my working holiday series, "Choosing a city when living abroad."
In the last article, I explained about visas, but this time I'd like to write about choosing a city when living abroad based on my experience of spending a year on a working holiday visa in Canada.

Choosing a city
My impression from spending a year in Canada was that there were more people coming to Canada on a working holiday visa than I expected. I often traveled to Vancouver, and I was surprised to see so many Japanese people there. What I felt was that if you choose a big city, you will spend more time with people who have similar values, that is, people from the same country in search of security. In fact, I ended up spending more time with Japanese people in the second half of my working holidays.

Of course, I don't think it's good to draw a line between Japanese and foreigners, but if you can muster up the courage to interact with people who have completely different values, you will definitely grow more. So, in terms of choosing a city, this is my personal opinion, but it's better to avoid big cities if you look for chances of personal growth.

Life in Canada
I went to a language school to learn English for the first three months. There were two main groups of people there: Latinos (Mexicans, South Americans, etc.) and Japanese, and many of my friends were South Americans.

After graduating from the language school, I worked at a souvenir shop and a cafe. What I realized while working was that you can't acquire English skills just by working in an English speaking country. Of course, it would be different if you had a more complicated job, but you can't acquire English skills in a simple service job. My recommendation is to talk to people. Whether it's a casual everyday conversation or a discussion on a certain topic, you will naturally acquire English skills if you do it a lot.

However, as I mentioned earlier, I spent an extremely large amount of time with Japanese people in the latter half of my working holidays. One of the reasons for this is that most of the friends I made at the language school went back to their home countries. There are few people who have visas that allow them to stay for a long period of time, such as a working holiday visa, and most people go back to their home countries after three to six months.

Another reason is the place where I was staying. This is because I was living in a dormitory-type hotel (cheaper than other share houses or homestays) with a friend (who is Japanese). Living together meant I had many opportunities to speak Japanese. If there are people reading this who are thinking about going on a working holiday experience, I strongly recommend interacting with local people.

Next time, I would like to write mainly about "preparing for your working holidays, things you should do during your working holidays, and things you didn't need to do."
  • カナダでできた友だちとのバーベキューパーティーで

2024/06/08 17:20:00 ワーキングホリデー vol.1「ビザ」

  • Category留学関係
  • Posted by広報隊橋本
こんにちは、グローバル観光学科3年次生の橋本永爾です。                    皆さんはカナダをはじめとした海外に興味がありますでしょうか?私は大学を一年間休学し、カナダでワーホリをしてきました。そこで皆さんの中でワーホリをやりたいなと思っている人や、海外に行ってみたいけど、どうすれば行けるのかわからないという人の為にこのブログを執筆します。もちろん検索をすればなんでも出てくるこの時代ですのでもっと踏み入った内容、つまり良い点だけでなく悪い点も積極的に書いていこうと思います。


ほとんどの人は、ワーホリビザを申請するとき留学エージェント(以下エージェント)に依頼し、申請を代行してもらう人が多いと思います。しかし、私はエージェントを利用することはお勧めしません。なぜなら、多額の仲介手数料を取られてしまうからです。私は、ビザをはじめ航空券や住まいなどは自分ですべて段取りをしたので、現地で出会った日本人の友達に聞いた話になりますが、ビザ代、海外保険代そして渡航代あわせて100万円ほど必要だったようです。しかし、自力でやれば、ビザ代:約3万円、渡航費:片道約15万程度であり 保険代に関してはあまり覚えていませんがここまでで約18万円ほどしかかかっていません。 


Hello, I am Eiji Hashimoto, a third-year student in the Department of Global Tourism. Are you interested in Canada or other countries overseas?

I took a year off from university and went on a working holiday to Canada. I’m writing this blog for those of you who want to go on a working holiday or those who want to go abroad but don’t know how. Of course, nowadays, you can find anything if you search, so I’d like to provide more in-depth information, including both the good and bad points. However, what I am about to write is only one student's view based on my own experience among various ways of doing things. Please understand that what I am about to write is not the official view of the Department of Global Tourism at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies.

What Exactly is a Working Holiday?
A working holiday is a type of visa required to enter a foreign country. Other options include work visas and student visas. A student visa allows you to enroll in a country’s universities or language schools, but in most cases, you cannot work. Without substantial savings, it can be difficult to live for even a year in a foreign country where the cost of living is higher than in Japan. On the other hand, a work visa allows you to work full-time, but if your goal is to learn English, it may be a tough choice since you might not be hired due to less-than-perfect communication skills. There are, of course, many exceptions.

One of the characteristics of working holiday visas is their high degree of freedom compared to other visas. They are issued once per country to people aged 18 to 30. Working holidays are available in English-speaking countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Ireland, as well as in non-English-speaking countries such as Germany and France. However, it is not available for the United States because they do not offer a working holiday visa.

Study Abroad Agent
When applying for a working holiday visa, most people ask a study abroad agent (I’ll just use the word “agent” from here) to handle the application on their behalf. However, I do not recommend using an agent because they charge a large amount in brokerage fees. I paid for everything myself, including visas, airline tickets, and housing. A Japanese friend I met there told me that the total cost, including visa fees, overseas insurance, and travel expenses, was around 1 million yen. However, doing it on my own, the visa fee was about 30,000 yen, travel expenses were about 150,000 yen each way, and insurance costs were minimal, totaling around 180,000 yen.

Of course, relying on an agent makes going abroad easier since there is almost nothing to do on your own. However, if you are going to study English like me, it might be a good idea to obtain the visa yourself. By searching on the internet and completing the process on your own, you will gain self-confidence and the satisfaction of knowing you did it yourself.

It is difficult, and I remember having some problems with the application and struggling. However, since you have the clear goal of completing your visa application, you will have the determination to see it through to the end. That's all for now. The next topic that I’ll cover will be "City Selection and Living Abroad."
  • Robson Street in Vancouver
  • バンクーバー国際空港

2023/04/07 02:10:00 イギリスへの短期留学

  • Category留学関係
  • Posted by広報隊河原
皆さん、こんにちは。グローバル観光学科2年次生の河原のどかです。暖かい日が多くなり、外に出歩くのも気持ちよくなってきましたね。今回は大学で紹介されてい たUK English Program を利用し、2月の中旬にイギリスへ短期留学に行った経験をお伝えします。


現地ではEF International Language Campusesという語学学校に通い、エクアドルやチリ、ベネズエラ、サウジアラビア、フランスなどの国々出身の16歳から26歳くらいまでの方たちと共に授業を受けました。授業中に各々が先生に呼びかけ、分からない点や疑問をクラスと共有する点や、授業中に歌い出したり、踊ったりする点が日本とは違い、新鮮で興味深く感じました。また、アニメの影響で日本に興味をもってくれた方が多く、会う度に「オゲンキデスカ?」と聞いてくれたり、逆にクラスメイトに母国語を教えてもらえたりと文化交流がたくさんできたのは国際色豊かな語学学校の利点だと思います。


放課後は学校周辺のイーストボーンで過ごすだけでなく、ハリーポッターのロケ地にもなったセブン・シスターズや隣町のブライトン、土日には学校のバスツアーで世界遺産のストーンヘンジ、古代ローマ時代から続く温泉地のバース 、同じくハリーポッターのロケ地があり、有名大学が並ぶオックスフォードへ行きました。友達とロンドンへ2日行き、ビックベンバッキンガム宮殿などへも行きました 。忙しなくイギリスを観光しましたが、まだまだ行きたいところがあり、時間が足りないと感じました。本当に充実した3週間で、クラスメイトやホストファミリーとの別れはとても辛かったです。また会えた時にたくさん会話ができるよう、語学の勉強により励みたいです。

Greetings everyone! My name is Nodoka Kawahara, and I am a second-year student enrolled in the Global Tourism program at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies. With the arrival of spring, I wanted to share my recent experience of participating in a short-term study abroad program in the UK during mid-February. This was made possible through the UK English Program, which KUFS makes available to its students.

This was my first trip overseas, and I vividly remember the excitement of boarding an airplane for the first time, which took me to London via Dubai, totaling a 20-hour flight. Despite the long hours, the flight was enjoyable, with delicious food, great entertainment options, and the freedom to sleep whenever I wanted - perfect for a novice traveler like myself.

I attended EF International Language Campuses, where I interacted with fellow students from countries such as Ecuador, Chile, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, and France, among others, aged between 16 to 26. It was a unique experience for me to witness students regularly asking questions and sharing their doubts during class, singing and dancing, which differed from the more reserved behavior we have in Japan. It was fascinating to learn how many of the students developed an interest in Japanese culture through anime, and they would often greet me with "Ogenki desuka?" when we met. Being part of an international language school allowed us to learn about diverse cultures and engage in cultural exchanges.

I stayed with a kind host family, including a grandmother, a large dog, and an old cat. My host mother treated me like her own grandchild, and we shared dinner every night, discussing our day-to-day experiences, cultural differences between Japan and England, and our families. It was a heartwarming experience, and my listening skills improved significantly through my conversations with my host mother.

During my free time, I explored the Eastbourne area around the school, visited Seven Sisters, which featured in Harry Potter movies, and the nearby town of Brighton. On weekends, I joined a school bus tour to visit various locations such as Stonehenge, a UNESCO World Heritage site, Bath, a spa resort since Roman times, Oxford, which has many famous universities and is also a location featured in Harry Potter. I also spent two days in London, where I visited iconic landmarks such as Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. Although we were busy sightseeing in England, there were still many places I wished to visit, and the trip ended too soon.

Overall, it was a fulfilling three weeks, and it was hard to bid farewell to my classmates and host family. I am motivated to work harder on my language studies so that I can have meaningful conversations with my newfound friends in the future.

  • Big Ben
  • Four-legged host family
  • I could see many beautiful views

2022/11/19 22:00:00 韓国留学現地リポート

  • Category留学関係
  • Posted by3年次 大徳真実




次に語学堂についてです。私はソウルにある、한양대학교 (ハニャン大学)という大学の語学堂に通っています。クラスは1〜6級まであり、レベルテストの結果で、自分のレベルに合ったクラスに分けられます。私のクラスの人数は14人いて、日本6人、中国4人、ドイツ2人、スウェーデン1人、マレーシア1人と、アジア出身が多いですが、意外と多国籍なクラスです。最近は、授業にも慣れ、習った韓国語を使って会話したり、わからない時は英語や、翻訳機を使って違う国籍の子たちと話すようになりました。言語の違いの不安もありますが、怖がらずに自分からたくさん話すことが大事だと思います。語学堂には韓国人の方が先生しかおらず、韓国人と直接関わる機会が少ないため、韓国人と交流できる場を探し、日常で韓国語を話す機会を増やしてこうと思います。

Hello everyone! I’m Mami Otoku and I am a student at the Department of Global Tourism. I have been studying abroad in Korea since May this year. Today, I’m writing this article to tell you about life in Korea and the language school I attend.

On the day I arrived, I was happy to finally be in Korea and a little anxious. When I started living here, even though I could not speak Korean, I was able to communicate with a few words and gestures. Now it’s been a few weeks and I want to be able to speak more, so I am trying my best to study Korean.
Transportation is mainly by subway and bus. You can go farther paying less than you would in Japan.

I often eat out for meals. Korean food has the image of being all spicy, but there are many non-spicy foods that are also very tasty! After the semester started, I began going out with my classmates to cafes, to eat dinner at night, and I even went to the Han River (Hangang) to ride my bike. I like K-pop, so I also get to see concerts and the K-pop stars at fan events. Plus, Korean university festivals, where these stars sometime come on campus and perform on stage, are fun, and I highly recommend them if you like K-pop!
It has been two months since I came to Korea, but there are still many places I would like to visit and things I would like to try, and I want to experience everything I can in the limited time I have here.

Next, I would like to talk about the language school I am attending. My school is located inside a university in Seoul called 한양대학교 (Hanyang University). There are classes from level 1 to level 6, and students are placed in the class that best suits their level based on the results of a placement test. 

There are 14 students in my class, 6 from Japan, 4 from China, 2 from Germany, 1 from Sweden, and 1 from Malaysia. Many students are from Asia, but the class is surprisingly multinational. I have become accustomed to the class and have started using the Korean I have learned to converse, and when I don't understand something, I use English or a translation device to communicate with my classmates.

I am anxious about the language difference, but I think it is important to speak a lot without being afraid. Since I do not have many opportunities to interact directly with Korean people, I would like to find a place where I can interact with local people and so increase my opportunities to speak Korean in my daily life.
  • 「文化授業」
  • BTSのアルバム撮影地で
  • 韓国の市場

2021/03/19 21:30:00 1年間のカナダ留学

  • Category留学関係
  • Posted byStudent Reporter
Hello everyone, I'm Tomohiro Tanaka. I learned a lot of things during my study abroad in Canada. If you are thinking about going to study abroad, I hope that you can make a good choice for your future.

















参考資料: 田中さんが通った語学学校のウェブサイトはこちらをご覧ください。

  • コロナ禍のカナダのスーパー前で入店を待つ人びと
  • 仲間と過ごす休日
  • 語学学校での田中さん

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