2025/01/16 17:20:00 バーグランド先生・吉兼先生最終講義
- ニュース
- GT Faculty
バーグランド先生は"My Intercultural Experience in Life and in Movies"という題目で1969年の初来日から今日までの道のりを映画や映像をおりまぜながら、お話されました。ご自身のご専門である異文化コミュニケーションや、長年京都に住まいながら培ってこられた日本文化についての深い洞察にもとづいて、いつもながらのユーモアある語り口で日本語でお話されました。
Hello everyone!
Prof. Jeff Bergland and Prof. Hideo Yoshikane, who have led the Department of Global Tourism with their wealth of experience and insight since its establishment in 2018, will be retiring this academic year.
Prof. Bergland spoke on "My Intercultural Experience in Life and in Movies," using movies and videos to illustrate his journey from his first visit to Japan in 1969 to the present day. He spoke in Japanese with his usual humor, based on his expertise in cross-cultural communication and the deep insight into Japanese culture that he has been cultivated while living in Kyoto for many years.
Meanwhile, Prof. Yoshikane expressed his gratitude toward Prof. Berglund, who is the same age as him and with whom he has built a close relationship at KUFS. He also gave participants original badges made from photos taken during their research trip to Southeast Asia. He also reviewed his work and the events that have shaped his career as a researcher, including his "figure and ground" theory of tourism.
バーグランド先生は"My Intercultural Experience in Life and in Movies"という題目で1969年の初来日から今日までの道のりを映画や映像をおりまぜながら、お話されました。ご自身のご専門である異文化コミュニケーションや、長年京都に住まいながら培ってこられた日本文化についての深い洞察にもとづいて、いつもながらのユーモアある語り口で日本語でお話されました。
Hello everyone!
Prof. Jeff Bergland and Prof. Hideo Yoshikane, who have led the Department of Global Tourism with their wealth of experience and insight since its establishment in 2018, will be retiring this academic year.
Prof. Bergland spoke on "My Intercultural Experience in Life and in Movies," using movies and videos to illustrate his journey from his first visit to Japan in 1969 to the present day. He spoke in Japanese with his usual humor, based on his expertise in cross-cultural communication and the deep insight into Japanese culture that he has been cultivated while living in Kyoto for many years.
Meanwhile, Prof. Yoshikane expressed his gratitude toward Prof. Berglund, who is the same age as him and with whom he has built a close relationship at KUFS. He also gave participants original badges made from photos taken during their research trip to Southeast Asia. He also reviewed his work and the events that have shaped his career as a researcher, including his "figure and ground" theory of tourism.
2024/04/01 15:20:00 ご入学、ご進級おめでとうございます!!
- ニュース
- GT Faculty
Congratulations to all freshman students on your entrance to Kyoto University of Foreign Studies! Congratulations also to all current students on the start of your new academic year!
April is full of both anxiety and anticipation for everyone, but the entire faculty and staff of the Department of Global Tourism are sincerely looking forward to working with you on campus in the coming academic year 2024. If you have any problems, please don't hesitate to consult with people around you including your academic advisors.
Happy Spring!!
Congratulations to all freshman students on your entrance to Kyoto University of Foreign Studies! Congratulations also to all current students on the start of your new academic year!
April is full of both anxiety and anticipation for everyone, but the entire faculty and staff of the Department of Global Tourism are sincerely looking forward to working with you on campus in the coming academic year 2024. If you have any problems, please don't hesitate to consult with people around you including your academic advisors.
Happy Spring!!
2023/12/22 23:00:00 西陣織でつむぐゴッホと浮世絵展に行ってきました!
- ニュース
- 広報隊廣田
Hello everyone! This is Ayumu Hirota, and I am a sophomore in the Global Tourism Department. As December arrives, I find myself gazing at the aurora picture in my room calendar, dreaming of seeing it with my own eyes someday. Today, I want to share about my recent visit to the Nishijin Brocade Asagi Art Museum and their Nishijin-ori Woven Textiles: Van Gogh and Ukiyo-e Exhibition.
First, let's talk about getting to the Nishijin Brocade Asagi Art Museum. It's a 5-minute walk from Hankyu Karasuma Station, located on the right as you walk towards Kyoto Station from Karasuma Station. The entrance fee for college students is 400 yen. After buying your ticket on the first floor, you'll take the elevator to the seventh floor.
The exhibition starts with displays of silk threads, the raw material for Nishijin weaving, and introduces the history of Nishijin weaving. Originating in the 5th or 6th century with immigrants in the Uzumasa area passing down sericulture and silk weaving techniques, it has evolved over 1500 years.
Here's a fun fact: Why is it called "Nishijin" weaving? It dates back to 1467, during the Ōnin War. Weavers who had fled to Osaka/Sakai returned to Kyoto after the war and resumed their craft in the area where the western army had camped, hence the name Nishijin, which means western faction.
Inside the museum, you'll see Van Gogh's paintings and Ukiyo-e prints he admired, all woven in Nishijin style. From a distance, they look like paintings, but up close, you can see the hundreds of threads woven together. Viewing these pieces from the side reveals the threads on the back, reminding you they are woven works. The beauty of the colors and the precision of the Nishijin weave is breathtaking.
Further in, there's a glow-in-the-dark "Starry Night" displayed in a dark room, showcasing vivid colors in the silk threads. I stumbled upon this museum, but it's become one of my favorite spots. The museum staff mentioned new exhibits starting in January. Why not visit and be captivated by the precision and beauty of Kyoto's traditional Nishijin weaving?
*The permission to use the photos of the artwork has been obtained from a curator of this museum.
Hello everyone! This is Ayumu Hirota, and I am a sophomore in the Global Tourism Department. As December arrives, I find myself gazing at the aurora picture in my room calendar, dreaming of seeing it with my own eyes someday. Today, I want to share about my recent visit to the Nishijin Brocade Asagi Art Museum and their Nishijin-ori Woven Textiles: Van Gogh and Ukiyo-e Exhibition.
First, let's talk about getting to the Nishijin Brocade Asagi Art Museum. It's a 5-minute walk from Hankyu Karasuma Station, located on the right as you walk towards Kyoto Station from Karasuma Station. The entrance fee for college students is 400 yen. After buying your ticket on the first floor, you'll take the elevator to the seventh floor.
The exhibition starts with displays of silk threads, the raw material for Nishijin weaving, and introduces the history of Nishijin weaving. Originating in the 5th or 6th century with immigrants in the Uzumasa area passing down sericulture and silk weaving techniques, it has evolved over 1500 years.
Here's a fun fact: Why is it called "Nishijin" weaving? It dates back to 1467, during the Ōnin War. Weavers who had fled to Osaka/Sakai returned to Kyoto after the war and resumed their craft in the area where the western army had camped, hence the name Nishijin, which means western faction.
Inside the museum, you'll see Van Gogh's paintings and Ukiyo-e prints he admired, all woven in Nishijin style. From a distance, they look like paintings, but up close, you can see the hundreds of threads woven together. Viewing these pieces from the side reveals the threads on the back, reminding you they are woven works. The beauty of the colors and the precision of the Nishijin weave is breathtaking.
Further in, there's a glow-in-the-dark "Starry Night" displayed in a dark room, showcasing vivid colors in the silk threads. I stumbled upon this museum, but it's become one of my favorite spots. The museum staff mentioned new exhibits starting in January. Why not visit and be captivated by the precision and beauty of Kyoto's traditional Nishijin weaving?
*The permission to use the photos of the artwork has been obtained from a curator of this museum.
2023/05/05 15:40:00 フランスの出版物でハーキンソン先生の教授法がとりあげられました!
- ニュース
- GT Faculty
Professeur Eric Hawkinson mis en avant dans "La collection numérique + mot clé « virtuel »"
Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que le Professeur Eric Hawkinson, un futuriste de l'apprentissage et un innovateur dans la technologie immersive, a été mis en avant dans "La collection numérique + mot clé « virtuel »". Cette publication française explore le monde virtuel sous toutes ses formes et met en lumière les ressources inédites, les expériences improbables et les espoirs qui s'ouvrent aux universités et au-delà. Eric est connu pour ses projets innovants, qui ont inclus des rallyes touristiques augmentés, des expositions d'art communautaires en AR, des escape rooms en réalité mixte et d'autres expériences technologiques immersives.
L'article de la publication française met l'accent sur le projet d'Eric, intitulé "My Hometown". Il s'agit d'une plateforme qui emmène les étudiants dans des voyages virtuels et des échanges culturels d'une richesse rare. Ce projet vise à engager les étudiants dans des échanges interculturels et à promouvoir une plus grande empathie et une vision plus large du monde. La mise en avant d'Eric dans cette publication française est une reconnaissance de sa contribution à la technologie immersive et à l'éducation. C'est une première publication en français pour Eric, qui continue d'être un leader dans le domaine de l'apprentissage et de la technologie immersive.
Nous sommes fiers d'avoir Eric comme membre de notre faculté à l'Université de Kyoto pour les Études Étrangères et nous le félicitons pour cette reconnaissance méritée de son travail remarquable.
フランスの出版物「La collection numérique + キーワード「virtual」」にてエリック・ハーキンソン教授が紹介される
エリック・ハーキンソン教授が、フランスの出版物である「La collection numérique + キーワード「virtual」」において紹介されました!この出版物は、仮想世界のありとあらゆる形態を探求し、大学をはじめとする教育機関などでの活用方法や、新たな可能性を紹介しています。エリック教授は、拡張現実を活用した観光ツアー、ARを用いたコミュニティアート展示、ミックスリアリティエスケープルームなど、革新的なプロジェクトで知られています。
Professor Eric Hawkinson Featured in "La collection numérique + keyword 'virtual'"
We are pleased to announce that Professor Eric Hawkinson, a learning futurist and innovator in immersive technology, has been featured in "La collection numérique + keyword 'virtual'". This French publication explores the virtual world in all its forms and highlights new resources, unlikely experiences, and hopes related to universities and beyond. Eric is known for his innovative projects, which have included augmented tourism rallies, AR community art exhibits, mixed reality escape rooms, and other immersive technology experiences. The article in the French publication focuses on Eric's "My Hometown" project, a platform that takes students on virtual journeys and cultural exchanges of rare richness. This project is designed to engage students in intercultural exchange and understanding, promoting greater empathy and a broader perspective of the world.
Eric's feature in this French publication is a recognition of his contribution to immersive technology and education. This is Eric's first publication in French, and he continues to be a leader in the field of learning and immersive technology.
Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que le Professeur Eric Hawkinson, un futuriste de l'apprentissage et un innovateur dans la technologie immersive, a été mis en avant dans "La collection numérique + mot clé « virtuel »". Cette publication française explore le monde virtuel sous toutes ses formes et met en lumière les ressources inédites, les expériences improbables et les espoirs qui s'ouvrent aux universités et au-delà. Eric est connu pour ses projets innovants, qui ont inclus des rallyes touristiques augmentés, des expositions d'art communautaires en AR, des escape rooms en réalité mixte et d'autres expériences technologiques immersives.
L'article de la publication française met l'accent sur le projet d'Eric, intitulé "My Hometown". Il s'agit d'une plateforme qui emmène les étudiants dans des voyages virtuels et des échanges culturels d'une richesse rare. Ce projet vise à engager les étudiants dans des échanges interculturels et à promouvoir une plus grande empathie et une vision plus large du monde. La mise en avant d'Eric dans cette publication française est une reconnaissance de sa contribution à la technologie immersive et à l'éducation. C'est une première publication en français pour Eric, qui continue d'être un leader dans le domaine de l'apprentissage et de la technologie immersive.
Nous sommes fiers d'avoir Eric comme membre de notre faculté à l'Université de Kyoto pour les Études Étrangères et nous le félicitons pour cette reconnaissance méritée de son travail remarquable.
フランスの出版物「La collection numérique + キーワード「virtual」」にてエリック・ハーキンソン教授が紹介される
エリック・ハーキンソン教授が、フランスの出版物である「La collection numérique + キーワード「virtual」」において紹介されました!この出版物は、仮想世界のありとあらゆる形態を探求し、大学をはじめとする教育機関などでの活用方法や、新たな可能性を紹介しています。エリック教授は、拡張現実を活用した観光ツアー、ARを用いたコミュニティアート展示、ミックスリアリティエスケープルームなど、革新的なプロジェクトで知られています。
Professor Eric Hawkinson Featured in "La collection numérique + keyword 'virtual'"
We are pleased to announce that Professor Eric Hawkinson, a learning futurist and innovator in immersive technology, has been featured in "La collection numérique + keyword 'virtual'". This French publication explores the virtual world in all its forms and highlights new resources, unlikely experiences, and hopes related to universities and beyond. Eric is known for his innovative projects, which have included augmented tourism rallies, AR community art exhibits, mixed reality escape rooms, and other immersive technology experiences. The article in the French publication focuses on Eric's "My Hometown" project, a platform that takes students on virtual journeys and cultural exchanges of rare richness. This project is designed to engage students in intercultural exchange and understanding, promoting greater empathy and a broader perspective of the world.
Eric's feature in this French publication is a recognition of his contribution to immersive technology and education. This is Eric's first publication in French, and he continues to be a leader in the field of learning and immersive technology.
2023/05/01 22:20:00 キャリアを考える合同授業をおこないました!
- ニュース
- GT Faculty
Hello everyone! It's Golden Week. KUFS will l be closed for classes on the 1st and 2nd this week, so many of you may be going back home or traveling. Have a nice holiday and tell us about it when you come back to school!
Well, last week, for two consecutive days, Mr. Hino and Mr. Chiba, staff members of the on-campus career center, visited us and first-year, second-year, and third-year students, respectively, had a special class to think about their futute careers!
The students worked on their own image of who they want to be in five years and how they plan to spend their student life to achieve this image. They also shared their ideas with each other. In addition, third-year students preparing for job hunting experienced the roles of moderator, timekeeper, secretary, and presenter in a discussion simulating a group interview. The guidance was based on the experience of a long-time human resources manager at a company, and allowed the students to think about their careers independently.
Kyoto Gaidai's Career Center is a place for all students. Please visit them on the 2nd floor of Building No. 4, no matter what grade you are in!
Hello everyone! It's Golden Week. KUFS will l be closed for classes on the 1st and 2nd this week, so many of you may be going back home or traveling. Have a nice holiday and tell us about it when you come back to school!
Well, last week, for two consecutive days, Mr. Hino and Mr. Chiba, staff members of the on-campus career center, visited us and first-year, second-year, and third-year students, respectively, had a special class to think about their futute careers!
The students worked on their own image of who they want to be in five years and how they plan to spend their student life to achieve this image. They also shared their ideas with each other. In addition, third-year students preparing for job hunting experienced the roles of moderator, timekeeper, secretary, and presenter in a discussion simulating a group interview. The guidance was based on the experience of a long-time human resources manager at a company, and allowed the students to think about their careers independently.
Kyoto Gaidai's Career Center is a place for all students. Please visit them on the 2nd floor of Building No. 4, no matter what grade you are in!