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2025/01/16 17:20:00 バーグランド先生・吉兼先生最終講義

  • Categoryニュース
  • Posted byGT Faculty


バーグランド先生は"My Intercultural Experience in Life and in Movies"という題目で1969年の初来日から今日までの道のりを映画や映像をおりまぜながら、お話されました。ご自身のご専門である異文化コミュニケーションや、長年京都に住まいながら培ってこられた日本文化についての深い洞察にもとづいて、いつもながらのユーモアある語り口で日本語でお話されました。



Hello everyone!

Prof. Jeff Bergland and Prof. Hideo Yoshikane, who have led the Department of Global Tourism with their wealth of experience and insight since its establishment in 2018, will be retiring this academic year.

Prof. Bergland spoke on "My Intercultural Experience in Life and in Movies," using movies and videos to illustrate his journey from his first visit to Japan in 1969 to the present day. He spoke in Japanese with his usual humor, based on his expertise in cross-cultural communication and the deep insight into Japanese culture that he has been cultivated while living in Kyoto for many years.

Meanwhile, Prof. Yoshikane expressed his gratitude toward Prof. Berglund, who is the same age as him and with whom he has built a close relationship at KUFS. He also gave participants original badges made from photos taken during their research trip to Southeast Asia. He also reviewed his work and the events that have shaped his career as a researcher, including his "figure and ground" theory of tourism.

2025/01/16 10:20:00 えんま堂祭り

  • CategoryGTゼミ活動紹介
  • Posted by広報隊星野
こんにちは!グローバル観光学科3年次生の星野 太希です。新しい年がはじまり、2024年度の授業もいよいよ最終週です。今回のブログでは、私が属している河上ゼミが昨年10月27日に出展した「えんま堂まつり」について紹介します!





Hello! My name is Taiki Hoshino, and I’m a third-year student in the Department of Global Tourism. In this blog, I would like to share my experience at the Enmado Festival, where the Kawakami Seminar, which I belong to, exhibited on October 27 in 2024.

First, let me introduce the festival. The Enmado festival has been held annually since 2021, under the sponsorship of the Nishi-shichi Prosperity Association. This shopping district traces its origins back to the Nishi Ichi of the government-run markets, Higashi Ichi and Nishi Ichi, which were located in the Sakyo and Ukyo districts, with Suzaku Oji Avenue at the center, right after the war. Whe we participated last year, the Yaku-yoke Hokko Fudo Go Maku was held at Enma-do, the main hall of the festival and the primary shrine of Fudo Myo. Additionally, a Children's Picture Book Reading Session was organized primarily for children.

We participated as part of the Umineru Project, which we have been working on since 2023. We sold two types of products: the first was Umineru, developed in collaboration with Uminekoya, a company in Wakayama Prefecture known for selling sea glass accessories, and Imanishi Seika, a long-established candy maker in Kyoto. The second was Umineko Glass, developed with the cooperation of other candy makers in Kyoto and Wakayama. In 2023, we had a stall at the Enmado Festival and sold these products, but we received feedback that it was difficult for customers to imagine the taste of Umineru, making it hard for them to make a purchase. To address this, this time we introduced a new trial experience called Renge de Umineru. For 100 yen (including the brick), customers could scoop up a glass of soft candy from a bottle using a brick and taste it.

The first thing I’d like to share is that I was very happy with the sales of all the products we sold. Last time, we were left with unsold stock of both the sea urchin and sea cat glasses. However, this year we sold all of them. I believe this success was due in part to the new Renge de Umineru experience, which was introduced as a response to last time's feedback. Furthermore, the Umineko Glass was also sold out, as the new trial helped attract the attention of customers.

The second thing I experienced was the warmth of the local community. At the festival, it was heartwarming to see many children and their families enjoying the event and interacting with the people involved, including us. Additionally, it was wonderful to see the people behind the festival enjoying conversations with each other and purchasing each other’s products. Thanks to this, even though it was my first time participating in the Enmado Festival, I was able to enjoy myself from start to finish.

In this report, I’ve shared my experience at the Enmado Festival and my personal feelings as a first-time participant. I’ve never been involved in many local festivals before, but I believe the reason I had such a great time wasn’t just because of the support from the festival organizers and participants but also because of the customers who truly enjoyed the festival. If there are any local festivals in the future, I will actively participate. I encourage anyone reading this blog to get involved as an organizer or participant if you get the chance, as it offers a chance to experience the warmth of the local community.

  • えんま堂まつりで私たちが出展した様子。たくさんのお客様が来店してくれました。

2024/12/07 01:30:00 2024年度Hear Me Okinawa「沖縄スタディーツアー」

  • Category学内サークル・団体活動
  • Posted by広報隊岩本

今回のブログでは9月に参加した「沖縄スタディーツアー」についてお話していきます。まず、Hear Me Okinawaとは?昨年に行った時の様子も知りたい!という方は学科ブログに掲載しているので、ぜひ覗いてみてください! (上記のリンクから閲覧できます)そして、この沖縄スタディーツアーは、ご縁から繋がっている現地の方々のご協力のもと、ガイドをしていただき、沖縄の歴史や文化などを学び・考え・感じる機会として、昨年に引き続き2日間行いました。







2日目はバス無料dayということで、バスを利用しながら沖縄市内をまわりました。この日は沖縄市戦後文化資料展示館 ヒストリート、ライカムなどへ行った後に全体で2日間の振り返りをしました。

○沖縄市戦後文化資料展示館 ヒストリート

「イオンモール沖縄 ライカム」、「ライカム交差点」など「ライカム」は地名としても使われています。ライカムという言葉は、この地にあった米軍司令部「Ryukyu Command Headquarters」が由来となっています。また、私たちは夏に京都で行われた舞台「ライカムで待っとく」を観劇し、その舞台となった場所でもあります。この舞台は沖縄の過去・現在が交差していく中で、沖縄と日本のあり方をたくさん考えさせられるものでした。胸にささる言葉も数多くあり特に、「私たちの何気ない生活の中には誰かの犠牲がある」「沖縄は日本のバックヤード」という言葉が印象に残っています。誰かの幸せを踏み台にしてまで、良い日々を送りたいとは思いたくもありませんが、実際にそのようなことが今、起こっているのだと突きつけられたように感じました。実際に、ライカムへ訪れると、観光や買い物などを楽しんでいる人が大勢いました。しかし、あの時の言葉や感じたことを思い出すと、当たり前の日常ではないのだなと考え、少し身が引き締まる思いもありました。




  • 「沖縄市戦後文化資料展示館 ヒストリート」 機会があればぜひ訪れてみてください!
  • みなさんと!今年もお世話になりました!
  • 展示会のお知らせ お時間があるときにぜひ!

2024/12/07 01:20:00 Hear Me Okinawa 2024 "Okinawa Study Tour"

  • Category学内サークル・団体活動
  • Posted by広報隊岩本
Hello, everyone! My name is Mako Iwamoto, and I am a third-year student in the Department of Global Tourism. Today, I’d like to share my experience participating in the Okinawa Study Tour, Hear Me Okinawa, which took place this September.

If you’re interested in learning more about Hear Me Okinawa and last year’s activities, I encourage you to check out the department blog!

This year’s Okinawa Study Tour was guided by local experts, allowing us to explore and reflect on the history and culture of Okinawa over two days. A total of 14 students joined the project under Mr. Hara’s leadership: seven first-year students, six third-year students, and one final-year student, all from the Department of Global Tourism.

In this story, I’ll focus on the places visited by the third-year students, as we explored locations different from those visited by first-time participants.

Day 1: Exploring Okinawa’s History and Natural Beauty
On the first day, we visited the Himeyuri Peace Museum, the Peace Memorial Park, the Cornerstone of Peace, and Sefa-utaki. Unfortunately, I couldn’t attend the morning activities, so I asked my fellow students about their impressions.

Himeyuri Peace Memorial Museum
• "Last year, I was overwhelmed by the tragic stories, but this time I felt calmer and could ask more questions."
• "I’m grateful for the new insights I gain each year."
• "Experiencing the Gama made the song Shima Uta feel even more profound, as it was inspired by these events. I understood more deeply this year how much suffering the Battle of Okinawa caused."
• "I was touched by the guide’s story: ‘In the old days, children would write love letters on leaves and give them to their crushes.’"
Peace Memorial Park
• "It was chilling to hear the guide say, ‘The sea in front of us looks beautifully blue now, but during the war, it was stained red with blood. Even today, some people cannot bear to look at it.’"
• "I was awestruck by the breathtaking beauty of nature—it felt like something from another world."

These experiences reminded us that no matter how many times we visit, there is always more to learn and new perspectives to gain.

Day 2: Free Exploration and Reflection
The second day was a free bus tour around Okinawa City. We visited the Okinawa City Postwar Cultural and History Historeet museum, Rycom, and concluded with a review of our two-day experience.

Okinawa City Postwar Cultural and History Historeet
This museum focuses on reexamining postwar Okinawa. Through rare photographs, newspaper articles, and historical artifacts, we gained a deeper understanding of Okinawa’s journey from the past to the present. It was a powerful opportunity to reflect on history.

Rycom has become so well-known that it’s even a place name, as in AEON MALL Okinawa Rycom and Rycom Intersection. The name originates from the “Ryukyu Command Headquarters” that was once located here. Having watched the play Rycom de Mattoku in Kyoto this summer, visiting the actual location of its setting was fascinating. At the same time, it was sobering to recall the emotions and messages from the play.

Looking back on this year’s Okinawa Study Tour, the words and stories I encountered continue to resonate with me. Learning about Okinawa has reminded me of the importance of understanding history. By learning, reflecting, and keeping these lessons in mind, we can connect with more profound messages and share them with others.

I hope to continue learning about Okinawa’s culture and history through my own experiences and observations. There is still so much to explore and understand.

Finally, I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to help make this year’s Okinawa Study Tour possible. Thank you so much!

◎ Announcement:
From December 9 to December 13, an exhibition will be held on the first floor of Building No. 4! Along with the usual panel displays, we’re also preparing quizzes, shisa-making workshops, and other fun activities. If you have time, please stop by during your break!

  • the Okinawa City Postwar Cultural and History Historeet Museum
  • With everyone
  • Upcoming Panel Exhibition

2024/11/29 23:00:00 Professor Hirata's Seminar: Seminar Trip to Busan, Korea

  • CategoryGTゼミ活動紹介
  • Posted byYamashita
Hello, everyone! I’m Sorama Yamashita, a third-year student in the Global Tourism Department. I belong to Professor Hirata’s seminar. In this seminar, we conducted some unique research during the spring semester. We went on a study trip to Busan, Korea, with my fellow seminar members from September 8th to 12th. Today, I will introduce our activities and share my experiences from the Korean Busan study trip.

Seminar Research Activities
First, let me introduce our seminar activities. The theme of our research was "Plans for Improving Recruitment Activities from a Student's Perspective." The goal was to create an appealing company brochure to help businesses struggling with recruitment.
To begin, we visited a local company to learn more about their work in detail. We conducted interviews and on-site visits, during which representatives shared insights about their business's strengths and appeal. Through this process, we gained a better understanding of the company’s unique qualities. After gathering this information, we held discussions to analyze the company’s information and brainstorm brochure designs.
We focused on what aspects of the company would attract students as potential employees and how to communicate this effectively. We also researched other companies' websites and brochures, analyzing successful case studies and presentation techniques. As a result, we were able to incorporate effective strategies into the brochure for our cooperating company.
The findings of this research were presented at the 2024 International GLOCAL-TOURISM Student Presentation on the third day of our study trip in Busan, Korea.

Study Trip to Busan, Korea
Next, I will talk about our study trip to Busan. Along with this essay, I have created a video summarizing the trip from the first to the fifth day—please take a look if you’re interested. Participation in the Busan training program was optional, and I was initially concerned about the cost. However, I decided to join for three main reasons: I wanted to build friendships with my seminar members, I was excited about the opportunity to visit Korea, and I hoped to create lasting memories from my time as a student. These motivations made the experience worthwhile.

Presentation Contest in Busan
On the third day of our trip, we participated in the 2024 International GLOCAL-TOURISM Student Presentation. This was the culmination of our spring semester research. In addition to Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, several other institutions participated, including KINDAI University, Hannan University, Osaka University of Commerce, Seinan Jo Gakuin University, Nara Prefectural University, and NPO Corporation Adovo. Some universities presented in English, while others presented in Japanese. During the afternoon session, our seminar from Kyoto University of Foreign Studies gave our presentation. All eight members stood on stage and spoke in Japanese. I was very nervous, but we presented with confidence and considered it a great success. This experience allowed us to share the results of our hard work with professors and students from other universities.

Additionally, this presentation motivated me for my upcoming graduation thesis and mid-year report. Although I’m not part of the group continuing this project in the fall semester, three members are working on new activities. Our partner companies have reached out, expressing interest in using social media platforms like Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok for promotional videos.
Our efforts were recognized, and we were awarded the Encouragement Prize for our presentation. Reflecting on this, I feel grateful for choosing Professor Hirata’s seminar and for the unforgettable memories we created during the Busan trip.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who supported us throughout this journey. The Busan trip and the research we conducted have been invaluable experiences that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Thank you all for reading!

Here is a video link. Please check this out!!

  • Hirata Seminar Students Participating in International Glocal-Tourism Student Presentation
  • We experienced Korean traditional dresses during our trip
  • My favorite Bibimpap at Kime Airport in Busan

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