2022/06/03 23:50:00 李先生にインタビューしてきました!
- 教員活動紹介
- 広報隊福井
こんにちは!グローバル観光学科2年次生の福井健太郎です。春学期ももうすぐ半分を迎えようとしています。皆さんいかがお過ごしでしょうか?今回のブログでは、今年度より赴任して来られましたグローバル観光学科講師の李冠宏(リ カンコウ)先生にインタビューをさせていただきました!インタビューの際には、3年次生の江良みゆきさんも付いて来てくださり3人でお話しをしました。李先生は学生時代やこれまでの人生についてお話し下さいました。その中であるものが李先生に大きな影響を与えたことが分かりました。一体何が李先生に影響を与えたのでしょうか。ぜひ最後までご覧ください!それでははじめに李先生から日中両語による自己紹介です。
皆さん、こんにちは。観光が大好きな李冠宏です。出身地は中国の南部にある広西チワン族自治区で、ベトナムと国境を接しており、美しい景観と多様な文化や風習を持つところです。観光以外では、私はアニメやゲームを通して社会や人生について考えることが好きです。おすすめのゲームのトップ3は、「あつまれ どうぶつの森」「モンスターハンター」「世界のアソビ大全51」です。最近では日本の競技麻雀にも興味を持つようになり、これは「運要素のゲーム」だけではなく「人間性が溢れるゲーム」でもあると思います。
大学卒業後は、就職しましたがその後イギリスの大学院へ留学されました。イギリスでの学生生活の中で時間があるときに日本語の勉強をし始めました。大学院での専門は知識科学で知識とは何か、人間はどうやって知識を生み出すのかを研究していました。知識科学を勉強し始めたきっかけは、日本のアニメのドラえもんやゲームの初音ミクなどの人間に寄り添うようなパートナーを作りたいと思いました。そこからA Iを開発したいと思い進学しました。そのようなパートナーを開発するには、初音ミクはどのように考えているのかについて知る必要がありました。その研究をしている中で、研究対象がA Iなどの機械から人間の思考へと変わりました。また一人の人間の思考だけではなく集団の思考の研究をし始めました。ここから李先生は日本の大学院に留学し、知識科学の分野で博士号を取得しました。
Hello there! My name is Kentaro Fukui and I am a sophomore in the department of Global Tourism. We are about to go into the second half of the spring semester. I hope you are enjoying this semester! In this blog, I interviewed Professor Guanhong Li from the Department of Global Tourism. He arrived in Kyoto this spring semester. Miyuki Era, who is a junior in the same department also attended the interview. Professor Li talks us about his student days and his life. In the interview, we found out about his influences, and how he lives his life. At first, we have a self-introduction from Professor Li.
Hello everyone, my name is Guanhong Li and I come from Guangxi, China. Guangxi is located in the south of China, bordering Vietnam, with beautiful scenery and unique and diverse culture and customs. I have a special connection with tourist places and tourist culture. Usually, I like to think about society and life through anime and games. My top three recommended games are: Animal Crossing, Monster Hunter, and Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics. Recently, I have also become interested in Japanese mahjong, which is not only a game that requires luck, but is also full of human expression.
Professor Li has been interested in games and anime since he was little. At the time, Japanese anime was trending in China. He played Japanese games although he didn't understand the Japanese language. He plays games not only for enjoyment but also he wondered how this game was made? So he started to study programing. After he graduated from university, he got a job, and then he went to graduate school in England. In his school free time, he started studying Japanese. At graduate school, he studied scientific knowledge and philosophy. That means thinking about difficult questions such as: "What is knowledge?" and "How can a person generate knowledge?".
Prof. Li started studying knowledge science because he wanted to create a partner that would be close to humans, such as Doraemon in Japanese anime or Hatsune Miku in video games. From there, he decided to go on to higher education because he wanted to develop AI. To try to develop such a partner, Prof. Li needed to know how Hatsune Miku thinks. In the course of his research, he changed his research focus from machines such as AI to human thoughts. He also began to study not only the thoughts of a single person, but also those of a group. From there, Prof. Li went to graduate school in Japan and earned a doctorate in the field of knowledge science.
I had the opportunity to interview Prof. Li and found him to be a very friendly person. I found him very interesting as he spoke enthusiastically about his favorite things and his field of expertise. I also learned that he has many hobbies, such as playing games, reading books, and going to cafes when he has time. And most of all, he seemed to enjoy talking about games! Prof. Li has lived his life through gaming, which has been his hobby since he was a child. I believe that our past hobbies and future interests will be a major point in our future lives as well!
Prof. Li said he would like to talk to many students! He also said that when the pandemic was over, he would like to have many social events with students, such as BBQs, hot springs, and eating out together! I hope you all talk to Prof. Li a lot and find something new to discover!
皆さん、こんにちは。観光が大好きな李冠宏です。出身地は中国の南部にある広西チワン族自治区で、ベトナムと国境を接しており、美しい景観と多様な文化や風習を持つところです。観光以外では、私はアニメやゲームを通して社会や人生について考えることが好きです。おすすめのゲームのトップ3は、「あつまれ どうぶつの森」「モンスターハンター」「世界のアソビ大全51」です。最近では日本の競技麻雀にも興味を持つようになり、これは「運要素のゲーム」だけではなく「人間性が溢れるゲーム」でもあると思います。
大学卒業後は、就職しましたがその後イギリスの大学院へ留学されました。イギリスでの学生生活の中で時間があるときに日本語の勉強をし始めました。大学院での専門は知識科学で知識とは何か、人間はどうやって知識を生み出すのかを研究していました。知識科学を勉強し始めたきっかけは、日本のアニメのドラえもんやゲームの初音ミクなどの人間に寄り添うようなパートナーを作りたいと思いました。そこからA Iを開発したいと思い進学しました。そのようなパートナーを開発するには、初音ミクはどのように考えているのかについて知る必要がありました。その研究をしている中で、研究対象がA Iなどの機械から人間の思考へと変わりました。また一人の人間の思考だけではなく集団の思考の研究をし始めました。ここから李先生は日本の大学院に留学し、知識科学の分野で博士号を取得しました。
Hello there! My name is Kentaro Fukui and I am a sophomore in the department of Global Tourism. We are about to go into the second half of the spring semester. I hope you are enjoying this semester! In this blog, I interviewed Professor Guanhong Li from the Department of Global Tourism. He arrived in Kyoto this spring semester. Miyuki Era, who is a junior in the same department also attended the interview. Professor Li talks us about his student days and his life. In the interview, we found out about his influences, and how he lives his life. At first, we have a self-introduction from Professor Li.
Hello everyone, my name is Guanhong Li and I come from Guangxi, China. Guangxi is located in the south of China, bordering Vietnam, with beautiful scenery and unique and diverse culture and customs. I have a special connection with tourist places and tourist culture. Usually, I like to think about society and life through anime and games. My top three recommended games are: Animal Crossing, Monster Hunter, and Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics. Recently, I have also become interested in Japanese mahjong, which is not only a game that requires luck, but is also full of human expression.
Professor Li has been interested in games and anime since he was little. At the time, Japanese anime was trending in China. He played Japanese games although he didn't understand the Japanese language. He plays games not only for enjoyment but also he wondered how this game was made? So he started to study programing. After he graduated from university, he got a job, and then he went to graduate school in England. In his school free time, he started studying Japanese. At graduate school, he studied scientific knowledge and philosophy. That means thinking about difficult questions such as: "What is knowledge?" and "How can a person generate knowledge?".
Prof. Li started studying knowledge science because he wanted to create a partner that would be close to humans, such as Doraemon in Japanese anime or Hatsune Miku in video games. From there, he decided to go on to higher education because he wanted to develop AI. To try to develop such a partner, Prof. Li needed to know how Hatsune Miku thinks. In the course of his research, he changed his research focus from machines such as AI to human thoughts. He also began to study not only the thoughts of a single person, but also those of a group. From there, Prof. Li went to graduate school in Japan and earned a doctorate in the field of knowledge science.
I had the opportunity to interview Prof. Li and found him to be a very friendly person. I found him very interesting as he spoke enthusiastically about his favorite things and his field of expertise. I also learned that he has many hobbies, such as playing games, reading books, and going to cafes when he has time. And most of all, he seemed to enjoy talking about games! Prof. Li has lived his life through gaming, which has been his hobby since he was a child. I believe that our past hobbies and future interests will be a major point in our future lives as well!
Prof. Li said he would like to talk to many students! He also said that when the pandemic was over, he would like to have many social events with students, such as BBQs, hot springs, and eating out together! I hope you all talk to Prof. Li a lot and find something new to discover!