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2019/05/14 22:30:00 教員紹介:原一樹先生

  • Category教員活動紹介
  • Posted byStudent Reporter

① ご出身はどちらですか?
長崎県佐世保市 出身 ハウステンボスの近くです。

② 先生のご専門は何ですか?

③ 学生のうちにしておいたほうが良いことは何ですか?

④ 学生に贈りたい言葉は何ですか?
「万巻の書を読み 千里の道を往く」。たくさんの本を読み、たくさんの旅をせよという意味です。元々は中国の古典由来の、富岡鉄斎の座右の銘としても有名な言葉ですね。

Hello everyone! I am Nanami Shimaoka, a second-year student at the Department of Global Tourism Studies. Here is the interview I had with Professor Kazuki Hara.

① Where are you from in Japan?
I am from Sasebo-shi, Nagasaki, Japan. My hometown is located near Huis Ten Bosch which is an amusement facility in Nagasaki.

② What do you specialize in?
I originally specialized in philosophy. However, my current research interests are centered around tourist ethics. Since I realized the potential growth of Japanese tourism about 10 years ago, I have tried to conduct tourism research and developed related theories. I think that our department's mission of achieving "Sustainable Development Goals" through the power of tourism is very important in the future globalized society. I hope to explore this issue from the viewpoint of tourism ethics. I value not only theoretical research but also fieldwork at different destinations. For example, my seminar students and I have conducted field research both overseas and dometically in Thailand, Guam, Kinosaki (hot spring spot in Hyogo), and Uji (suburban city in South Kyoto that is famous for powdered green tea) to study current tourism.

③ What do you think are the important things students should do in college?
I suggest you should read many books and familiarize yourself with all sorts of artistic work including art, music, and play. These will help enrich your life. Traveling alone is also important because it allows you to have your own time to think for yourself. Having the time to be alone has been creasingly important as we are often overwhelmingly connected in the current society.

④ Could you tell us the words you like?
"Read many books and travel many miles." This phrase originally came from classic Chinese literature, but it is also famous as the motto of Mr. Tessai Tomioka.

  • 原一樹先生

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