This summer’s open campus event was held for three days, from August 5th to the 7th. Over 3,000 high school students and their guardians attended the event and learned about the many exciting qualities of KUFS.
The opening program kicked off the event with a video clip that introduces our faculties and departments, followed by a greeting by President Ono, the newly appointed President of KUFS since this August. Then, a Zoom conference was held with a current student studying abroad in Canada and a graduate who works in Singapore, who answered questions from the attendees regarding why they chose to enroll in KUFS, the things they prepared before they studied abroad, and life overseas. Then, current students as well as graduates introduced KUFS through their own college life experiences in a fully participatory quiz, helping the attendees get a first-person point of view of life at KUFS.
Various other sessions were offered, including introductions and mock classes by each faculty and department, an entrance exams information session, Campus Tour by the student staffs, and KUFS’s method of learning English.
The attendee survey included comments such as “The quiz during the opening program helped me imagine what college life is like,” “I participated in the departmental information sessions and mock classes and got a firsthand experience of what college classes are like,” and “The student staff who showed me around was very informative and kind.”
The next and the last open campus event of this academic year is scheduled on Sunday, September 4th. Join us and see in-person how college life feels like at KUFS!
KUFS faculty and staff, as well as student staffs all look forward to seeing you!
Sunday, September 4th - Open Campus 2022
Sunday, September 25th - Preparation session for recommendation-based entrance exam
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