Kyoto University of Foreign Studies (KUFS) is located in Kyoto, Japan's cultural capital for more than 1,200 years. The university offers a variety of activities that draw on Kyoto's unique heritage, including classes for learning about Kyoto's traditional culture and club activities in which students accompany foreign tourists around Kyoto as interpreter-guides. Kyoto is home to 17 temples, shrines, and other sites that have been designated as World Heritage Sites, as well as many museums and art galleries. With many traditional festivals and rituals held throughout the year, Kyoto offers a wealth of opportunities to experience Japanese culture firsthand.
The "Faculty of Global Engagement" was established in April 2018 on three pillars of education: languages, liberal arts, and community engagement. As globalization continues to advance, we are entering an era in which people, goods and currency will all freely pass across international borders. Further, the world is facing brand new issues never faced before. In order to gain the ability to behave and act in such a society, we produce "Changemakers" who can solve problems, with Community Engagement (collaboration and cooperation with regional communities) as our core philosophy.
By taking formal classes offered by the department, international students learn how to communicate in correct Japanese while studying with other Japanese students. By exploring in depth different aspects of Japanese culture from traditional to modern, students learn that culture has profound impacts, as it continues to create new values and meaning. International students deepen their understanding of Japan through learning and interacting with Japanese students, who, in turn, relearn their native language as their area of specialization.
The university offers extensive Japanese language and culture education for international students, including Japanese classes as well as hands-on classes on Japanese Tradition & Culture in which they can experience Japanese culture firsthand. International students can also improve their Japanese skills while experiencing Japanese culture through extracurricular activities and exchange with Japanese students. Through the course, they can acquire not only the Japanese proficiency required to study at a Japanese university or graduate school, but also knowledge indispensable for living and studying in Japan.
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