An article written by Akichika Taniguchi, a graduate of KUFS’s Faculty of Foreign Studies’ Department of Italian Studies and currently on the Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, was published on page 24 of Kyoto Shimbun’s morning paper distributed on Saturday, November 21st.
Taniguchi has always aspired to take part in the Olympics somehow, and to fulfill his childhood dream he joined the Japan International Cooperation Agency after graduation, then further pursued his studies in Olympic Education in Greece. Today he works in International Relations of the Organising Committee as a liaison to Olympic Committees of the Mediterranean region, using his English, Spanish, and Italian skills.
Having accomplished his dream after seventeen years of hard work, Taniguchi says, “Sometimes I felt lost, like walking through a trackless path, but I guess one dot led to another and created a line that led me here.”
【Media information】
Page 24 of Kyoto Shimbun’s morning paper on Saturday, November 21st
“From Tokyo: Putting yourself in people’s shoes through three languages”
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