

Handbook of Japanese Christian Writers co-written by Professor Takuma Nagahama of the Faculty of Foreign Studies, Department of Japanese Studies has been published.

Title: 『Handbook of Japanese Christian Writers』
Editor: Mark Williams、Van C. Gessel、Yamane Michihiro
Writer: Takuma Nagahama, etc.
Publisher: Japan Documents
Date: September, 2022
Format: Hard cover, 384 pages
ISBN: 978-4-909286-10-9 
Price:28,875 JPY(Incl tax)

This is a handbook that collects essays on authors and novelists influenced by Christian teachings such as Tokoku Kitamura, Toson Shimazaki, Takeo Arishima, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Shigekichi Yagi, Tatsuo Hori, Takashi Nagai, Osamu Dazai, Rinzo Shiina, Toshio Shimao, Shotaro Yasuoka, Ayako Miura, Shusaku Endo, Kunio Ogawa, Otohiko Kaga, Ayako Sono, Takako Takahashi.

Professor Nagahama wrote 2 chapters: 8. Dazai Osamu: His Wrestle with the Bible and 9. Shiina Rinzō: His Two Visages (translated into English by Mr. Van C. Gessel).

【Related Information】
『Handbook of Japanese Christian Writers』(Japan Documents)


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