<熱中症の症状> めまい、立ちくらみ、手足のしびれ、筋肉のこむら返り、気分が悪い、頭痛、吐き気、嘔吐、倦怠感、虚脱感
<重症になると> 返事がおかしい、意識消失、けいれん、からだが熱い
<涼しい場所へ> 風通しのよい日陰など、涼しい場所へ
<からだを冷やす> 衣服をゆるめ、からだを冷やす(首回り、脇の下、足の付け根など)
<水分補給> 水分・塩分、経口補水液などを補給する
Stay hydrated!
When indoors or outdoors, regularly intake water, salt, and oral rehydration solution.
Avoid the heat
Stay in a cool place such as a shady area with good ventilation as much as possible.
Heatstroke symptoms
Dizziness, Giddiness, Numbness in hands and feet, Muscle cramps, Feeling sick, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, Dullness , Lethargy
In severe cases! inability to respond, loss of consciousness, convulsions, hot body.
If you come across people suspected of heatstroke (Main first aid)
・Take them to a cool place such as an air-conditioned room or shady spot with good ventilation.
・Loosen their clothes and cool their body (Around the neck, under the armpits, groins, etc.).
・Give them water, salt, oral rehydration solution*, etc.
*Water with salt and glucose dissolved into it.
If they are unable to drink themselves, or if their response is not normal, call an ambulance right away! (119)
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