An exchange agreement with the Republic of El Salvador’s Ministry of Culture was concluded on Monday, June 24th. Our aim is to contribute to both countries in the fields of academic affairs, science, and culture. Specific activities in the future will be managed by our University Museum of Cultures and the National Department of Cultural and Natural Heritage of El Salvador’s Ministry of Culture.
1) Conducting exchanges related to the study, research, preservation, reconstruction, education, and familiarization of El Salvador’s archaeological heritage
2) Providing access to archaeological remains owned by the Republic of El Salvador, national archaeological parks and related facilities, and allowing the use of libraries
3) Participation of KUFS students in collaborative projects related to archaeology, public archaeology, museology, and policy science
4) Exchange of information and the fostering of human resources related to the science of protecting cultural assets and the various skills of operating museums
5) Joint publication of books, hosting conferences, and exchanging information such as the exchange of published materials
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