

Sign language has been often featured in the media lately. The University held a hybrid lecture on "sign language for coexistence (Title: Japanese Sign Language---Another Japanese Language Different from Japanese)" on Saturday, December 16th. Approximately 20 people, including our students and staff, participated. Students from Busan University of Foreign Studies in South Korea, which is our university's partner university, also participated online.

Presenter Eiji Taira is a specially appointed researcher at the National Institute of Informatics, a researcher at Kansei Gakuin University, which is Japan's only university with a sign language research center, and is also qualified as a sign language interpreter. He explained the types of sign languages used in Japan and also sign languages overseas in the lecture. This was an opportunity to reaffirm the importance of sign language as a language.

This lecture will be held as part of the University's international contribution studies joint research project, “Toward Peacebuilding Using Language: From the Perspective of a Multicultural Society” (Professor Takuma Nagahama, Department of Japanese Studies/ Professor Michiko Kato, Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences/ Associate Professor Takaaki Miyaguchi, Department of Global Studies/ Assistant Professor Rika Hanai, Department of Japanese Studies).


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