
Research Center for Latin-American Studies, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies


The mission of the Reserch center for Latin-American Studies is to cultivate a comprehensive understanding of the Latin American world. The center carries out this mission by conducting interdisciplinary research, publishing scholarly articles and books, and offering lectures and conferences to the public. The center is the successor of the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Mexico Research Center, which had been founded in 1980. In 2001, the focus of its work was extended to encompass all of Latin America and the institute was reestablished as the Kyoto Institute of Latin-American Studies. In 2023, the reseach center was renamed the Research Center for Latin-American Studies, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies.

Main Activities

  1. Conducting interdisciplinary research into the culture, history, language, society, politics, economy, and environment of Latin America.
  2. Publishing the center's newsletter, journal, and the results of academic research.
  3. Organizing and offering conferences, courses, and lectures on the language, culture, history, and current affairs of Latin America.
  4. Offering access to the Dr. Victor L. Urqudi library, which holds the institute's approximately 3,000 titles on Latin America.

Major Works in the Collection

  • Escritores Mexicanos
  • Códices Prehispánicos (Fondo de Cultura Económica)
  • Crónicas de América
  • Complete works of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México)
  • Complete works of Alfonso Reyes (Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México)
  • Historia Mexicana (El Colegio de México)

Reserch center for Latin-American Studies, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies

6 Kasame-cho, Saiin, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8558 Japan TEL: 075-925-6853 / FAX: 075-322-6237 / E-Mail: Request form

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