Exibition TOP   >  Catalogue  >  Part 3 The world at the time of the Napoleonic Wars  >  [日本語解説]

25 The Napoleonic Wars even lead to compilation of a Japanese-Dutch dictionary

『通布字典(Doeff jiten)』


 Commonly known as the Doeff-Halma and the Nagasaki Halma, this Japanese-Dutch dictionary was produced by the Dutch commissioner in Nagasaki, Hendrik Doeff (1777-1835), when he found himself unable to return to the Netherlands due to the Napoleonic Wars. He was assisted by the Shogunate’s interpreters and drew on the second edition of François Halma’s Dutch-French dictionary published in 1729.
 Although partially completed in 1816, it was only finished following Doeff's return to the Netherlands in 1833. A draft was presented to the Nagasaki bugyō magistrate, and a copy was ordered to be made by the Shogunate following corrections by official interpreters. In the absence of a printed edition, students at the Tekijuku school of medicine and other Western sciences vied to produce a transcription. However, it was eventually published under the title Oranda jī by Katsuragawa Hoshū.
 While Doeff was stationed in Dejima, Thomas Raffles (1781-1826), who had captured the Dutch territory of Java while it was under French rule, dispatched a ship to Dejima with the aim of restoring the trade with Japan that had formerly been conducted in Hirado. However, this plan was thwarted by Doeff’s wits. At this time, the Dutch trading post in Dejima was reportedly the only place in the world where the Dutch flag flew.
 Originally published in 10 volumes, volume 8 is missing from the set in the library’s collection.
                           (26×19cm×9 vols.)

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