Exibition TOP   >  Catalogue  >  Part 3 The world at the time of the Napoleonic Wars  >  [日本語解説]

23 Golovnin of Russia learns of Napoleon’s invasion of his country while imprisoned
   in Japan

[ГОЛОВНИН, Василий Михайлович]

Записки флота капитана Гoловнина о пр иключеніяхъ его въ
плҍну у Японцевъ въ 1811, 1812 и 1813 годахъ

2 vols. Санктпетербургъ, 1816.


 Vasily Mikhailovich Golovnin (1776-1831) was a Russian admiral. Sent to serve with the British navy, he learned the art of command from Admiral Nelson during the Anglo-French War. In 1807 following his return to Russia, he sailed for Kamchatka as captain of the Diana. Although detained by the British navy near Cape Town as Russia had now allied itself with France, Golovnin eventually reached Pertopavlosk on the Kamchatka Peninsula. From there he sailed to conduct an ocean survey of Sitka Island in North America. From 1811, he headed south from the Kuril Islands and mapped as far as Iturup. Landing on Kunashir, he and eight of his crewmembers were captured by garrison troops of the Nanbu domain. They were handed over to the Matsumae domain and imprisoned in Hakodate. After some two years and three months under house arrest, he was released in exchange for Takadaya Kahei and four sailors, who had been seized by Petr Ivanovich Rikord, vice commander of the Diana, and he returned to Russia.
 These two volumes describe Golovnin's imprisonment in Hakodate. In them, he pays tribute to the sensitivity and intelligence of the Japanese, whom he praises for their industriousness and patriotism. Golovnin also describes how he learned of Napoleon’s invasion of and then retreat from Russia from someone who was present at negotiations for his release with Rikord.  The Tokugawa shogunate commissioned a translation from the Dutch edition by Baba Sajurō. Following Baba’s death, this was completed by his pupils in 1825 under the title Sōyaku Nihon kiji.
                            (27×21cm×2 vols.)

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