HOME開化絵・横浜絵所蔵目録(Ukiyoe-Kaika-e and Yokohama-e) > | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
(A view of a steam locomotive from foreign buildings in Yokohama)
Catalogue No. 78
三代目一立斎広重(Hiroshige Ichiritsusai, the third)画 丸屋鉄治郎板 3枚続 明治9(1876)年 34.8×71.8 cm
(Steam locomotive operating between Tokyo and Takasaki)
Catalogue No. 79
三代目一立斎広重(Hiroshige Ichiritsusai, the third)画 米屋本次良板 3枚続 明治17(1884)年 37.2×72.1 cm
(Steam locomotive of Takanawa railroad)
Catalogue No. 118
昇斎一景(Ikkei Shosai)画 萬孫板 3枚続 [刊年不明] 36.6×73.4 cm
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