HOME開化絵・横浜絵所蔵目録(Ukiyoe-Kaika-e and Yokohama-e) > | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
「無題 [異人館之図] 」
(Foreign residence)
Catalogue No. 115
一川芳員(Yoshikazu Issen)画 丸甚板 3枚続 明治1(1868)年 34.8×72.4 cm
(Steam locomotive operating between Takanawa and Shinagawa)
Catalogue No. 119
四代目歌川豊国(Toyokuni Utagawa, the fourth)画 古買屋勝五郎板 3枚続 明治5(1872)年 36.0×73.0 cm
(A steamship operating between Tokyo and Yokohama)
Catalogue No. 84
二代目一曜斎国輝(Kuniteru Ichiyosai, the second)画 加賀屋吉兵衛板 3枚続 [明治5(1872)年] 34.7×71.7 cm
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