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「ちりめん本」の中で、展示会に出展するもののみ原則として写真頁と解説(「あらすじ」と「注釈」)頁の2頁に纏めた。さらに、出展しないものも併せ、本目録末尾の「京都外国語大学付属図書館・京都外国語短期大学付属図書館 ちりめん本所蔵目録」に記載した。
「ちりめん本」の解説(「あらすじ」と「注釈」)に記載しきれないことや書誌事項については、本目録末尾の「京都外国語大学付属図書館・京都外国語短期大学付属図書館 ちりめん本所蔵目録」に記載した。
「ちりめん本」の中で、英語等で「カレンダー」と記載されたものは内容の記述について重要性が認められるもののみ、写真頁と解説(「あらすじ」と「注釈」)頁の2頁に纏めた。さらに、他のカレンダーの中で表紙絵の優れたものは、別に左右2頁にわたる項目を設けて写真を記載した。なお、書誌事項については本目録末尾の「京都外国語大学付属図書館・京都外国語短期大学付属図書館 ちりめん本所蔵目録」に記載した。
「ちりめん本」の中で外国が舞台になっている作品については、本目録末尾の「京都外国語大学付属図書館・京都外国語短期大学付属図書館 ちりめん本所蔵目録」に記載した。
「浮世絵-開化絵と横浜絵」の中で展示会に出展するもののみ写真頁を作り解説を付した。さらに、出展しないものも併せ、本目録末尾の「京都外国語大学付属図書館・京都外国語短期大学付属図書館 開化絵・横浜絵所蔵目録」に記載した。
サイト内の本文中にある< >はルビを示したものです。
Introductory Notes
This catalogue is prepared for CREPE-PAPER BOOKS and WOODBLOCK PRINTS AT THE DAWN OF CULTURAL ENLIGHTENMENT IN JAPAN - the rare book exhibition held by the Library of Kyoto University of Foreign Studies and Kyoto Junior College of Foreign Languages to commemorate the 60th anniversary. It is a record of "chirimen-bon" (i.e.,Crepe-paper books) and woodblock prints (i.e.,"kaika-e" and "Yokohama-e") in the Library collection.
As far as possible, Chinese characters are reproduced as printed in the materials (both "chirimen-bon" and woodblock prints), but the common-use "joyo" characters are used instead if this is not possible.
As a general rule, the catalogue devotes two pages to each "chirimen-bon" exhibited, with one page for a photograph and the other for an explanation (consisting of a synopsis and commentary proper). In the catalogue at the back, "Catalogue of Crepe-paper Books" of our Library, it also lists "chirimen-bon" that are not included in the exhibit.
The catalogue devotes two pages to each "chirimen-bon" with a content that is the same even if the language and title are different, with one page for a photograph and the other for an explanation (consisting of a synopsis and commentary proper).
For Japanese translations of "chirimen-bon" titles, precedence is accorded to notations in the colophon or elsewhere in the book. When there are no such notations, the catalogue adopts translations that have become established in academia or in the Library.
Even if different "chirimen-bon" versions were published in other languages, the synopses and commentary in the cat-alogue are based on the English version, except in the case of versions authored or edited in another language for which the Library does not have an English version.
Matters not included in the "chirimen-bon" synopsis and commentary and bibliographic information are contained in the catalogue at the back, "Catalogue of Crepe-paper Books" of our Library.
For "chirimen-bon" calendars, the catalogue devotes two pages, with one page for a photograph and the other for an explanation (consisting of a synopsis and commentary proper), only for those specimens considered important for their text. Calendars with outstanding illustrations at the cover are given two-page photographic spreads in addition. Bibliographic information is contained in the catalogue at the back, "Catalogue of Crepe-paper Books" of our Library.
The catalogue presents an explanation, instead of a synopsis and commentary, for those "chirimen-bon" which concern Japanese culture.
"Chirimen-bon" whose stories are set in foreign countries are listed in the catalogue in the back, "Catalogue of Crepe-paper Books" of our Library.
The catalogue devotes one page with a photograph and an explanation only to each of the woodblock prints that are exhibited. In the catalogue at the back, "Catalogue of Uki-yoe─Kaika-e・Yokohama-e" of our Library it also lists wood-block prints that are not included in the exhibit.
In light of their nature, the explanation on woodblock prints is positioned below each work as a method of an English translation of the Japanese title. This is followed in the acc-ount of the illustrator as well.
In this site, Japanese writing mentioned "< >" means give kana along with the Chinese characters.