HOMECALENDARS(カレンダー類) > 『日本の詩歌と生活情景』(Nippon no shika to seikatsu jokei)
Rhymes & Life Scenes of Japan Calendar for 1902

English ed. 1901(Meiji 34) Catalogue No.91


French ed. 1901(Meiji 34) Catalogue No.126


Nippon no shika to seikatsu jokei
著者:長谷川武次郎(Author : Takejiro Hasegawa)
絵師:不明(Illustrator : anonymous)

■ 解説
祭り)」、4月が「向島の花見」、5月が「男の子の祭り(端午の節句 )」、
  本学図書館はこの1902年の英語版カレンダーの他に、もう一冊の同内容のフランス語版を所蔵している。これは『日本の咄家<はなしか> 』を著わしたジュール・アダンが翻訳し、明治34年8月に刊行されたもので、書名は
Au Japon les douze mois de l'année(『日本の12ヶ月』)である。この書物の挿絵は英語カレンダーと全く同じものが使われており、英語版の詩をフランス語に翻訳したものであるが、暦は刷り込まれておらず、書名通り日本のひと月ごとの様子を表現したものとなっている。
■ Explanation
 This book is a calendar for 1902 (Meiji 35), and was published by Takejiro Hasegawa, who also wrote the text. Takejiro composed little verses to sketch the major event in each of the twelve months, and arrayed the days of each month in an illustration depicting that event. For the representative events, he chose New Year's Day in January, the Inari Feast in February, the Dolls Feast in March, the cherry blossoms at Mukojima in April, the Boys' Feast in May, the irises at Horikiri in June, the Feast of Lanterns in July, summer in Kyoto in August, the Chrysanthemum Feast in September, the Ebisu Feast in October, autumn at Momijiyama in November, and preparations for New Year in December. Each is beautifully illustrated.
  In addition to this English version, our library has a French version that is basically the same in content. This is a translation from the English by Jules Adam, who wrote
Japanese Story-Tellers, and was published in August 1901 (Meiji 34). Entitled Au Japon les douze mois de l'année, it contains exactly the same illustrations as the English version and French translations of the English verses, but omits the calendar. True to its title, it merely presents a typical Japanese scene for each of the twelve months.