HOME松室八千三系 > 『昔噺金太郎』(Mukashibanashi Kintaro)
The Story of Kintaro

Matsumuro Yachizo Version 1900(Meiji 33)
Catalogue No. 181
『昔噺金太郎』(Mukashibanashi Kintaro
訳者:林弘之(Translator : Hiroyuki Hayashi)
絵師:不明(Illustrator : anonymous)
出版者:松室八千三(Publisher : Yachizo Matsumuro)

■ あらすじ 

Outline of this story
 Long ago, on Mt. Ashigara in the province of Sagami (i.e., present-day Kanagawa Prefecture), there lived a Yamanba(i.e., a mountain witch) and her son Kintaro. Kintaro was a strong little boy; he handled a large axe like a toy and played with wild animals such as bears, deer, hares, and monkeys. One day, he uprooted a huge tree and used it as a bridge to get across a river. This act was witnessed by Sadamitsu Usui, who recruited Kintaro to be a retainer for his lord, Minamoto no Raiko, in recognition of his power and courage. Thereafter, Kintaro took the name Sakata-no-Kintoki and accomplished feats that made him known as one of the "Raiko’s four followers." He became famed for his part in the conquest of the ogres on Mt. Oyeyama and slaying of the giant spider.
■ Note
 The popular story of Kintaro also provided material for children's songs, but it was not included in the Crepe-paper book series of Japanese tales published by Hasegawa Kobunsha. Many folklorists do not classify it as a genuine folk tale. This is probably because, while taking up a historical figure in Sakata, it differs only slightly from the story of Momotaro or other heroes. Thus far, ten volumes have been confirmed as belonging to this series of tales published by Yachizo Matsumuro. Like the other nine volumes mentioned along with the series by Hasegawa Kobunsha, this one has an English translation by Hiroyuki Hayashi, few illustrations, and a story with an elaborate plot.