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2023/10/01 01:10:00 カナダ・ウィスラーへの旅

  • Category観光情報
  • Posted by広報隊長渡
皆さん、こんにちは。グローバル観光学科3年次生の長渡静流です。長い夏の休暇期間も終わり、新しい学期が始まりました。皆さんはこの夏休みをどのように過ごされましたか?私はこの夏、カナダに短期留学する機会を得ました。カナダでは様々な場所を訪れましたが、その中でも特に印象深かったのはウィスラーというリゾート地です。ウィスラーはカナダのブリティッシュコロンビア州にある町で、冬は北米最大のスキー場として有名です。また、夏は自然やアクティビティが豊富な避暑地としても人気で、ハイキングやマウンテンバイクなどのアウトドアアクティビティが充実しています。さらに、ウィスラーにはギネス記録を持つゴンドラ「Peak 2 Peak」があり、壮大な景色を楽しむことができます。私はこの記事でウィスラーでの旅行体験を皆さんにご紹介したいと思います。


ウィスラーに到着してからは、美しい街並みを楽しみながら町のレストランやお土産ショップを散策しました。また、冒頭でも紹介したPeak 2 Peakという、ウィスラー山とブラッコム山を結ぶ世界最長のゴンドラに乗って山頂を目指し、息を飲むような絶景を楽しみました。山の頂上にはいくつかのレストランや展望台があり、私はそこでカナダ料理のロブスターサンドを食べ、山々や森や湖などの360°広がるダイナミックな大自然を堪能しました。


<参考サイトリンク> ウィスラーについて https://www.canadamanual.com/whistler/


Hello everyone. My name is Shizuru Nagato, and I am a student in my junior year in the Department of Global Tourism here at KUFS.

The long summer vacation is over and a new semester has begun. How did you spend your summer vacation? This summer, I had a chance to study abroad in Canada. I visited various cities and towns, but the place that left the deepest impression on me was the resort of Whistler.

Whistler is a town in British Columbia and in winter it is famous as the largest ski resort in North America. In summer, it is also a popular summer retreat with abundant nature and activities, including hiking, mountain biking, and other outdoor activities. In addition, Whistler is home to the Peak 2 Peak gondola, which holds the Guinness World Record for the most spectacular views. In this blog post I would like to share my travel experiences in Whistler.

I got to Whistler on a bus from Vancouver. It takes about 2 hours from Vancouver to Whistler by car, but on the way there is the Sheets Sky Highway, a route with spectacular views of the ocean and forests, which I enjoyed. We also stopped by Shannon Falls where we felt the power of the waterfalls as they cascaded down from a height of 335 meters.

After arriving in Whistler, we enjoyed the beautiful townscape and strolled around the town's restaurants and souvenir stores. We also took the Peak 2 Peak, the world's longest gondola ride connecting Whistler Mountain and Blackcomb Mountain, to the top of the mountain to enjoy the breathtaking view. There are several restaurants and observation decks at the top, where I had a Canadian lobster sandwich and enjoyed the dynamic 360-degree view of the surrounding landscape, including mountains, forests, and lakes.

The trip to Whistler allowed me to experience Canadian nature and culture. I was able to experience the beauty and power of nature, cultural diversity and history, which are different from the scenery that I can see here in Japan, and it was a very valuable experience.

I also had the opportunity to interact with people of various nationalities and ethnicities in Canada. I learned a lot from the way they respected each other even though they had different customs and values. It was an opportunity for me to become interested in not only English, but also other languages and cultures. I encourage everyone to visit Whistler if you have the chance!

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