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2023/03/18 23:20:00 「4年間ありがとうございました」

  • Category学生生活
  • Posted by広報隊藤松

私は、ENJOY KYOTOやHear Me Okinawaなど様々な活動に参加してきました。2020年度秋学期には国際貢献学部の必修プログラムであるCommunity Engagement Program(CEP)で越前を選択しました。そこでの活動がきっかけとなり、農業・農村の研究をしたい、自分で畑をやってみたいと思うようになりました。そして、2021年度春から「大原わくわくする畑プロジェクト」を開始しました。大原わくわくする畑プロジェクトについては、これまで何度も学科ブログを通して発信させていただいたので、まだ読んでいない方は読んでみてください。このプロジェクトが始まったきっかけの詳細も書いています。


そこで、2022年春に、中間支援任意団体 わくわくする農とまちづくり「にじいろファーム」を立ち上げました。農業を通して豊かなまちづくりをすることを目標として、南先生はじめ多くの方々に支えられて今日まで活動してきました。大原や越前で収穫した野菜を配布し、越前で育てたお米「田んぼの姫」を外大祭で販売させていただくなど、大学関係者のみなさまにも多くのご協力・ご支援をいただきました。






Thank you for 4 years!
Hello! My name is Momoha Fujimatsu and I am in my senior year at the Department of Global Tourism Studies. Time has passed quickly and I'm about to graduate. I have been writing the department blog as part of the PR team for 3 and half years, since the fall term of my first year. This is my last post, so I would like to write it as a summary of my 4 years at university.

​I have participated in various activities such as ENJOY KYOTO and Hear Me Okinawa. In the fall semester of the 2020 academic year, I chose Echizen for the Community Engagement Program (CEP), a compulsory program of the Faculty of Global Engagement. The program led me to want to study agriculture and rural areas, and to try my own farming. Then, in the spring of 2021, we launched the "OharaWakuWaku-Suru-Hatake project." I have posted about the WakuWaku-Suru-Hatake project many times through the department's blog, so if you haven't read it yet, please have a look. It also contains details of how this project started.

​Since my junior year, I have been a member of Professor Minami's seminar and I have been researching mainly in Kumadan, Echizen Town and Ohara. My research theme is "Sustainable rural community development with environmental conservation agriculture at its core." The more I researched and the more I listened to the stories of the local people, the more it became clear to me that there were many issues. "Why" are these issues happening? Under the guidance of Professor Minami, I investigated the "why" and considered what is necessary to create sustainable rural areas, and as a result I concluded that one of the necessary conditions is "diverse actors".
​Therefore, in the spring of 2022, we launched the intermediary organization "Nijiiro Farm". With the goal of creating an affluent town through agriculture, we have been working to this day with the support of Professor Minami and many other people. We distributed vegetables harvested in Ohara and Echizen, sold the rice "Tanbo-no-Hime" grown in Echizen at the Gaidai Festival, and received a lot of cooperation and support from university officials.

​Thanks to the CEP Echizen I realised what I wanted to do after graduation. That is to continue our activities as "Nijiiro Farm". Through agriculture I would like to solve the problems of fields such as Kumadan in Echizen Town, Ohara, and Arashiyama. In a few years, I would like to move our base to our hometown of Oita and work on town planning for Oita.
​I had a dream of doing town planning activities in my hometown when I entered the school. Through my four years at university, I found challenges and became more specific about what I wanted to do. This is also thanks to the professors who gave me guidance, warm support, and various opportunities. Also, thanks to my friends who worked with me I was able to continue my activities. I am very grateful.

​Finally, Professor Kawakami, who is organizing the department's blog, was very helpful. We are grateful for having a place to communicate our activities in Japanese and in English. I would like to make use of the writing skills that I have cultivated here to continue to distribute information about my activities in the future. We hope that you will continue to support and participate in our activities.
Thank you for the 4 years.

  • 2020年度CEP越前 / CEP Echizen in 2020 academic year
  • 2021年春大原わくわくする畑プロジェクト初日 / First day of Ohara WakuWaku-Suru-Hatake project of Spring in 2021
  • 2022年12月28日大原の畑 / Our field of Ohara on December 28, 2022

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