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2021/05/28 23:00:00 学科事務の千葉さんに聞く京都:十三まいり

  • Category広報隊からのインタビュー~ちょっと聞かせてください
  • Posted by広報隊石橋





歴史ある行事であり、「難波より 十三まゐり 十三里 もらひにのほる 知恵もさまざま」という歌が広まったことから江戸時代の中頃には既に京都以外の近畿圏から参拝に来る人も多かったほど有名です。現在もメディアによって情報を得やすくなったため、多くの人が他府県から参拝に来られます。




参考Web資料: 十三まいりなど法輪寺の行事・祭事 (kokuzohourinji.com)

Hello everyone! I'm Naoko Ishibashi, a third-year student in the Department of Global Tourism. The rainy season has started early this year. In the midst of this rainy season, how are you doing?

This time, with the help of Ms. Masayo Chiba, who works as an office clerk in our department, we learned about "Jusan-mairi." Mrs. Chiba was born and raised in Kyoto, and with her bright personality, we enjoyed our conversations.

Have you ever heard of "Jusan-mairi"? “Jusan-mairi” is an event unique to Kyoto. It is especially famous for the pilgrimage held at Horinji Temple in Arashiyama from March 13 to May 13, which is one month before and after the 13th day of the third month of the lunar calendar (around April 13 now).

Originally, we were planning to accompany Mrs. Chiba, whose son celebrates his "Jusan-mairi" this year, to Horin-ji Temple to cover the event, but due to the current COVID outbreak, we decided to cancel it and instead interviewed her afterwards.

According to Mrs. Chiba, “Jusan-mairi” is a common event for those who have lived in Kyoto for a long time, but many people from other prefectures may have never heard of it. It is an important rite of passage to adulthood for men and women who have grown to the age of thirteen to pray to the bodhisattva for protection from bad luck and the bestowal of wisdom. It is true that even today, after graduating from elementary school and entering junior high school around that age, one's senses and moods change a bit.

It is an event with a long history, and it is said that many people from the Kinki region other than Kyoto has visited the temple since the middle of the Edo period. Even today, many people come from other prefectures to visit Horinji Temple hearing this tradition through SNS and other media.

During the visit to the temple, you write one kanji character of your choice and dedicate it to the bodhisattva Emptiness. The temple will pray for you every day using the kanji you wrote as a substitute for yourself.

Mrs. Chiba said, “I was surprised to see very few children visiting the temple for their Jusan-mairi compared to the time I experienced this event when I was a child. This might be just because of the timing of this pandemic, but still there used to be a lot more children. Even if we take it into account, I cannot help but think about the declining birth rate.

I hope this article gives you some ideas on "Jusan-mairi,” the traditional life ritual in Kyoto. Horin-ji Temple is located about 200 meters away from Arashiyama Station on the Hankyu Railway Arashiyama Line. On the temple grounds, you can see the "Den-den-gu," a shrine dedicated to the ancestral deity of electricity and radio waves, which is rare in Japan, and is also famous for its needle offerings and the Urushi Ancestral Deity. If you have a chance, please visit.
  • 千葉さんへの取材風景
  • 見せていただいた千葉さんの十三まいりの時の写真
  • 法輪寺での参拝の様子

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