2024/12/07 01:30:00 2024年度Hear Me Okinawa「沖縄スタディーツアー」
今回のブログでは9月に参加した「沖縄スタディーツアー」についてお話していきます。まず、Hear Me Okinawaとは?や昨年に行った時の様子も知りたい!という方は学科ブログに掲載しているので、ぜひ覗いてみてください! (上記のリンクから閲覧できます)そして、この沖縄スタディーツアーは、ご縁から繋がっている現地の方々のご協力のもと、ガイドをしていただき、沖縄の歴史や文化などを学び・考え・感じる機会として、昨年に引き続き2日間行いました。
2日目はバス無料dayということで、バスを利用しながら沖縄市内をまわりました。この日は沖縄市戦後文化資料展示館 ヒストリート、ライカムなどへ行った後に全体で2日間の振り返りをしました。
○沖縄市戦後文化資料展示館 ヒストリート
「イオンモール沖縄 ライカム」、「ライカム交差点」など「ライカム」は地名としても使われています。ライカムという言葉は、この地にあった米軍司令部「Ryukyu Command Headquarters」が由来となっています。また、私たちは夏に京都で行われた舞台「ライカムで待っとく」を観劇し、その舞台となった場所でもあります。この舞台は沖縄の過去・現在が交差していく中で、沖縄と日本のあり方をたくさん考えさせられるものでした。胸にささる言葉も数多くあり特に、「私たちの何気ない生活の中には誰かの犠牲がある」「沖縄は日本のバックヤード」という言葉が印象に残っています。誰かの幸せを踏み台にしてまで、良い日々を送りたいとは思いたくもありませんが、実際にそのようなことが今、起こっているのだと突きつけられたように感じました。実際に、ライカムへ訪れると、観光や買い物などを楽しんでいる人が大勢いました。しかし、あの時の言葉や感じたことを思い出すと、当たり前の日常ではないのだなと考え、少し身が引き締まる思いもありました。
今回のブログでは9月に参加した「沖縄スタディーツアー」についてお話していきます。まず、Hear Me Okinawaとは?や昨年に行った時の様子も知りたい!という方は学科ブログに掲載しているので、ぜひ覗いてみてください! (上記のリンクから閲覧できます)そして、この沖縄スタディーツアーは、ご縁から繋がっている現地の方々のご協力のもと、ガイドをしていただき、沖縄の歴史や文化などを学び・考え・感じる機会として、昨年に引き続き2日間行いました。
2日目はバス無料dayということで、バスを利用しながら沖縄市内をまわりました。この日は沖縄市戦後文化資料展示館 ヒストリート、ライカムなどへ行った後に全体で2日間の振り返りをしました。
○沖縄市戦後文化資料展示館 ヒストリート
「イオンモール沖縄 ライカム」、「ライカム交差点」など「ライカム」は地名としても使われています。ライカムという言葉は、この地にあった米軍司令部「Ryukyu Command Headquarters」が由来となっています。また、私たちは夏に京都で行われた舞台「ライカムで待っとく」を観劇し、その舞台となった場所でもあります。この舞台は沖縄の過去・現在が交差していく中で、沖縄と日本のあり方をたくさん考えさせられるものでした。胸にささる言葉も数多くあり特に、「私たちの何気ない生活の中には誰かの犠牲がある」「沖縄は日本のバックヤード」という言葉が印象に残っています。誰かの幸せを踏み台にしてまで、良い日々を送りたいとは思いたくもありませんが、実際にそのようなことが今、起こっているのだと突きつけられたように感じました。実際に、ライカムへ訪れると、観光や買い物などを楽しんでいる人が大勢いました。しかし、あの時の言葉や感じたことを思い出すと、当たり前の日常ではないのだなと考え、少し身が引き締まる思いもありました。
「沖縄市戦後文化資料展示館 ヒストリート」 機会があればぜひ訪れてみてください!
展示会のお知らせ お時間があるときにぜひ!
2024/12/07 01:20:00 Hear Me Okinawa 2024 "Okinawa Study Tour"
Hello, everyone! My name is Mako Iwamoto, and I am a third-year student in the Department of Global Tourism. Today, I’d like to share my experience participating in the Okinawa Study Tour, Hear Me Okinawa, which took place this September.
If you’re interested in learning more about Hear Me Okinawa and last year’s activities, I encourage you to check out the department blog!
This year’s Okinawa Study Tour was guided by local experts, allowing us to explore and reflect on the history and culture of Okinawa over two days. A total of 14 students joined the project under Mr. Hara’s leadership: seven first-year students, six third-year students, and one final-year student, all from the Department of Global Tourism.
In this story, I’ll focus on the places visited by the third-year students, as we explored locations different from those visited by first-time participants.
Day 1: Exploring Okinawa’s History and Natural Beauty
On the first day, we visited the Himeyuri Peace Museum, the Peace Memorial Park, the Cornerstone of Peace, and Sefa-utaki. Unfortunately, I couldn’t attend the morning activities, so I asked my fellow students about their impressions.
Himeyuri Peace Memorial Museum
• "Last year, I was overwhelmed by the tragic stories, but this time I felt calmer and could ask more questions."
• "I’m grateful for the new insights I gain each year."
• "Experiencing the Gama made the song Shima Uta feel even more profound, as it was inspired by these events. I understood more deeply this year how much suffering the Battle of Okinawa caused."
• "I was touched by the guide’s story: ‘In the old days, children would write love letters on leaves and give them to their crushes.’"
Peace Memorial Park
• "It was chilling to hear the guide say, ‘The sea in front of us looks beautifully blue now, but during the war, it was stained red with blood. Even today, some people cannot bear to look at it.’"
• "I was awestruck by the breathtaking beauty of nature—it felt like something from another world."
These experiences reminded us that no matter how many times we visit, there is always more to learn and new perspectives to gain.
Day 2: Free Exploration and Reflection
The second day was a free bus tour around Okinawa City. We visited the Okinawa City Postwar Cultural and History Historeet museum, Rycom, and concluded with a review of our two-day experience.
Okinawa City Postwar Cultural and History Historeet
This museum focuses on reexamining postwar Okinawa. Through rare photographs, newspaper articles, and historical artifacts, we gained a deeper understanding of Okinawa’s journey from the past to the present. It was a powerful opportunity to reflect on history.
Rycom has become so well-known that it’s even a place name, as in AEON MALL Okinawa Rycom and Rycom Intersection. The name originates from the “Ryukyu Command Headquarters” that was once located here. Having watched the play Rycom de Mattoku in Kyoto this summer, visiting the actual location of its setting was fascinating. At the same time, it was sobering to recall the emotions and messages from the play.
Looking back on this year’s Okinawa Study Tour, the words and stories I encountered continue to resonate with me. Learning about Okinawa has reminded me of the importance of understanding history. By learning, reflecting, and keeping these lessons in mind, we can connect with more profound messages and share them with others.
I hope to continue learning about Okinawa’s culture and history through my own experiences and observations. There is still so much to explore and understand.
Finally, I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to help make this year’s Okinawa Study Tour possible. Thank you so much!
◎ Announcement:
From December 9 to December 13, an exhibition will be held on the first floor of Building No. 4! Along with the usual panel displays, we’re also preparing quizzes, shisa-making workshops, and other fun activities. If you have time, please stop by during your break!
If you’re interested in learning more about Hear Me Okinawa and last year’s activities, I encourage you to check out the department blog!
This year’s Okinawa Study Tour was guided by local experts, allowing us to explore and reflect on the history and culture of Okinawa over two days. A total of 14 students joined the project under Mr. Hara’s leadership: seven first-year students, six third-year students, and one final-year student, all from the Department of Global Tourism.
In this story, I’ll focus on the places visited by the third-year students, as we explored locations different from those visited by first-time participants.
Day 1: Exploring Okinawa’s History and Natural Beauty
On the first day, we visited the Himeyuri Peace Museum, the Peace Memorial Park, the Cornerstone of Peace, and Sefa-utaki. Unfortunately, I couldn’t attend the morning activities, so I asked my fellow students about their impressions.
Himeyuri Peace Memorial Museum
• "Last year, I was overwhelmed by the tragic stories, but this time I felt calmer and could ask more questions."
• "I’m grateful for the new insights I gain each year."
• "Experiencing the Gama made the song Shima Uta feel even more profound, as it was inspired by these events. I understood more deeply this year how much suffering the Battle of Okinawa caused."
• "I was touched by the guide’s story: ‘In the old days, children would write love letters on leaves and give them to their crushes.’"
Peace Memorial Park
• "It was chilling to hear the guide say, ‘The sea in front of us looks beautifully blue now, but during the war, it was stained red with blood. Even today, some people cannot bear to look at it.’"
• "I was awestruck by the breathtaking beauty of nature—it felt like something from another world."
These experiences reminded us that no matter how many times we visit, there is always more to learn and new perspectives to gain.
Day 2: Free Exploration and Reflection
The second day was a free bus tour around Okinawa City. We visited the Okinawa City Postwar Cultural and History Historeet museum, Rycom, and concluded with a review of our two-day experience.
Okinawa City Postwar Cultural and History Historeet
This museum focuses on reexamining postwar Okinawa. Through rare photographs, newspaper articles, and historical artifacts, we gained a deeper understanding of Okinawa’s journey from the past to the present. It was a powerful opportunity to reflect on history.
Rycom has become so well-known that it’s even a place name, as in AEON MALL Okinawa Rycom and Rycom Intersection. The name originates from the “Ryukyu Command Headquarters” that was once located here. Having watched the play Rycom de Mattoku in Kyoto this summer, visiting the actual location of its setting was fascinating. At the same time, it was sobering to recall the emotions and messages from the play.
Looking back on this year’s Okinawa Study Tour, the words and stories I encountered continue to resonate with me. Learning about Okinawa has reminded me of the importance of understanding history. By learning, reflecting, and keeping these lessons in mind, we can connect with more profound messages and share them with others.
I hope to continue learning about Okinawa’s culture and history through my own experiences and observations. There is still so much to explore and understand.
Finally, I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to help make this year’s Okinawa Study Tour possible. Thank you so much!
◎ Announcement:
From December 9 to December 13, an exhibition will be held on the first floor of Building No. 4! Along with the usual panel displays, we’re also preparing quizzes, shisa-making workshops, and other fun activities. If you have time, please stop by during your break!
the Okinawa City Postwar Cultural and History Historeet Museum
With everyone
Upcoming Panel Exhibition
2024/08/07 13:50:00 「Michibata KYOTO」~だれもが楽しめる、二条城周辺まちあるき~ Michibata KYOTO: Exploring the Nijo Castle Area
みなさん、初めまして。私は京都外国語大学グローバル観光学科4年次生の剱物真桜(けんもつ まお)です。この度、私たちが行っている「Michibata KYOTO」という活動で、京都市・近畿日本ツーリストと協働で製作した動画が公開されました。ぜひ、紹介させてください!
Michibata KYOTOは、「道端に眠る、あなたの知らない京都」を紹介することをコンセプトとし、2022年度に活動をスタートした地図メディアです。観光客の分散や、責任ある旅行者の誘致を目的とし、今までに2つの紙媒体マップを製作しました。
プロジェクトが始まったのは、2023年秋。まずは、京都市と、業務を請け負っている近畿日本ツーリストの皆様と打ち合わせし、動画のターゲットやコンセプトを話し合いました。Michibata KYOTOが目的のひとつとして取り組んでいる「観光客の分散」についても考慮し、今回は二条城周辺で、車いすユーザーの方に向けた動画を製作することに決定。皆様から意見をいただきながら企画内容や動画の台本を組み立てていき、撮影場所の下見も経て、いよいよ撮影本番の日がやってきました。
私たちは、誰もが楽しむことのできる観光が、個人や地域の幸せに貢献することができると信じ、これからもMichibata KYOTOの活動を通して、ユニバーサルツーリズムの発信を続けていきます。今後の活動にも、ぜひご注目ください!
Hello, everyone. My name is Mao Kenmotsu, a fourth-year student in the Department of Global Tourism at the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies. I’m excited to share that we have released a video produced through our Michibata KYOTO project, in collaboration with the City of Kyoto and Kinki Nippon Tourist. Let me tell you more about it:
Michibata KYOTO is a map/media project that began in 2022, with the concept of introducing hidden gems of Kyoto that the visitor might not know about. Our goals are to disperse crowds and attract more responsible travelers. So far, we have created two paper maps.
For our second map, the Uji City Universal Tourism Map, we received advice from Professor Takashi Kitami, a part-time lecturer at our university. This led to our collaboration with the City of Kyoto on their Universal Tourism Promotion Project. Universal tourism is about making tourism enjoyable for everyone, regardless of disability, age, gender, or nationality.
The project kicked off in the autumn of 2023. First, we had meetings with representatives from the City of Kyoto and Kinki Nippon Tourist to discuss the target audience and concept of the video. Considering one of our aims is to disperse tourists throughout the city, we decided to create a video for wheelchair users around the Nijo Castle area. With feedback from everyone involved, we planned the content and script, scouted filming locations, and finally, the filming day arrived.
We filmed in February this year. Despite the cold weather, we gathered at Nijo Castle at 7 AM, before it opened, with special permission to film inside Ninomaru Palace and its gardens. It was a great opportunity for us to slowly explore Nijo Castle while filming. We spent the whole day filming, from lunch to Shinsenen and a yuzen dyeing experience. Starting at 7 AM, we wrapped up around 5 PM. It was a long, cold day, and we were all exhausted by the end!
Have you ever taken a leisurely walk around Nijo Castle? Nijo Castle, a former shogunate villa and a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a well-known tourist spot in Kyoto. However, many people rush to the next destination right after visiting Nijo Castle.
I encourage especially the students studying in Kyoto to take the time to walk around the city areas like the Nijo Castle surroundings. These areas showcase the everyday lives of Kyoto’s residents. For example, Sanjo Covered Shopping Arcade is where locals shop for dinner at delis, greengrocers, and butcher shops. Just a short walk from there, you’ll find historical sites like Shinsenen, which dates back to the Heian period, and yuzen dyeing workshops.
In these areas, you can enjoy a personalized Kyoto experience at your own pace. It’s a place where everyone, regardless of disability, age, or different cultural values, can enjoy.
We believe that making tourism enjoyable for everyone contributes to the happiness of individuals and communities. We will continue to promote universal tourism through our Michibata KYOTO activities. Please look forward to our future endeavors!
Check out our activities here!
Michibata KYOTOは、「道端に眠る、あなたの知らない京都」を紹介することをコンセプトとし、2022年度に活動をスタートした地図メディアです。観光客の分散や、責任ある旅行者の誘致を目的とし、今までに2つの紙媒体マップを製作しました。
プロジェクトが始まったのは、2023年秋。まずは、京都市と、業務を請け負っている近畿日本ツーリストの皆様と打ち合わせし、動画のターゲットやコンセプトを話し合いました。Michibata KYOTOが目的のひとつとして取り組んでいる「観光客の分散」についても考慮し、今回は二条城周辺で、車いすユーザーの方に向けた動画を製作することに決定。皆様から意見をいただきながら企画内容や動画の台本を組み立てていき、撮影場所の下見も経て、いよいよ撮影本番の日がやってきました。
私たちは、誰もが楽しむことのできる観光が、個人や地域の幸せに貢献することができると信じ、これからもMichibata KYOTOの活動を通して、ユニバーサルツーリズムの発信を続けていきます。今後の活動にも、ぜひご注目ください!
Hello, everyone. My name is Mao Kenmotsu, a fourth-year student in the Department of Global Tourism at the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies. I’m excited to share that we have released a video produced through our Michibata KYOTO project, in collaboration with the City of Kyoto and Kinki Nippon Tourist. Let me tell you more about it:
Michibata KYOTO is a map/media project that began in 2022, with the concept of introducing hidden gems of Kyoto that the visitor might not know about. Our goals are to disperse crowds and attract more responsible travelers. So far, we have created two paper maps.
For our second map, the Uji City Universal Tourism Map, we received advice from Professor Takashi Kitami, a part-time lecturer at our university. This led to our collaboration with the City of Kyoto on their Universal Tourism Promotion Project. Universal tourism is about making tourism enjoyable for everyone, regardless of disability, age, gender, or nationality.
The project kicked off in the autumn of 2023. First, we had meetings with representatives from the City of Kyoto and Kinki Nippon Tourist to discuss the target audience and concept of the video. Considering one of our aims is to disperse tourists throughout the city, we decided to create a video for wheelchair users around the Nijo Castle area. With feedback from everyone involved, we planned the content and script, scouted filming locations, and finally, the filming day arrived.
We filmed in February this year. Despite the cold weather, we gathered at Nijo Castle at 7 AM, before it opened, with special permission to film inside Ninomaru Palace and its gardens. It was a great opportunity for us to slowly explore Nijo Castle while filming. We spent the whole day filming, from lunch to Shinsenen and a yuzen dyeing experience. Starting at 7 AM, we wrapped up around 5 PM. It was a long, cold day, and we were all exhausted by the end!
Have you ever taken a leisurely walk around Nijo Castle? Nijo Castle, a former shogunate villa and a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a well-known tourist spot in Kyoto. However, many people rush to the next destination right after visiting Nijo Castle.
I encourage especially the students studying in Kyoto to take the time to walk around the city areas like the Nijo Castle surroundings. These areas showcase the everyday lives of Kyoto’s residents. For example, Sanjo Covered Shopping Arcade is where locals shop for dinner at delis, greengrocers, and butcher shops. Just a short walk from there, you’ll find historical sites like Shinsenen, which dates back to the Heian period, and yuzen dyeing workshops.
In these areas, you can enjoy a personalized Kyoto experience at your own pace. It’s a place where everyone, regardless of disability, age, or different cultural values, can enjoy.
We believe that making tourism enjoyable for everyone contributes to the happiness of individuals and communities. We will continue to promote universal tourism through our Michibata KYOTO activities. Please look forward to our future endeavors!
Check out our activities here!
2024/07/31 22:10:00 Michibata KYOTO 学内イベント 報告ブログ
みなさんこんにちは!グローバル観光学科3年次生の畑佐瞳です。梅雨が明け、カラッとした暑さがやってきましたがみなさんはいかがお過ごしでしょうか。今回は、7/16〜7/19に行ったMichibata KYOTOの学内イベントについて報告します。
Michibata KYOTOとは、京都外国語大学の学生が道端で発見した京都の一面を「こっそりおせたげる」地図メディアです。現在4年次生の剱物真桜さんが2年ほど前に立ち上げた団体で、部活でもサークルでもなく、グローバル観光学科の学生有志が集まって活動しています。今年度からは剱物さんから代表を引き継いで、私と、同じくグローバル観光学科3年次生梅沢小春の2人でリーダーを務めています。そんな、まだまだ立ち上がったばかりのMichibata KYOTOの活動を紹介します。
最近の主な活動は、御朱印をテーマにしたパンフレットや、宇治を舞台にしたユニバーサルツーリズムマップの制作など紙媒体での発信をしたり、京都市と近畿日本ツーリストとMichibata KYOTOの共同でユニバーサルツーリズム推進動画の制作を行なったりもしました。この動画については、次回のブログで剱物さんが紹介いたしますので、楽しみにしていてください。
今回はMichibata KYOTO初の学内イベントということで、Michibata KYOTOについて皆さんに知ってもらうためのパネルの展示や、活動紹介動画の紹介を行いました。また、Michibata KYOTOのメンバーによる京都のおすすめスポットの紹介や、「みんなの京都のおすすめスポットボード」を用意し、イベント参加者にも京都の好きな場所を紹介してもらう参加型の企画も行い、紹介してくれた参加者には特典で京飴をプレゼントしました!
7月16日から7月19日まで開催したこのイベントには、4日間で合計178人の方々に参加していただきました。他府県からの高校生、海外からの留学生など外部の方々も参加していただき、Michibata KYOTOのことを知っていただけて嬉しく思います。
今後も、Michibata KYOTOは様々な活動を通して「道端に眠る、あなたの知らない京都」をみなさんにお届けしてまいります。少しでも、みなさんの新たな発見に繋がることを願っております。最後になりましたが、今回の学内イベントに参加していただいた方々、心より感謝申し上げます。本当にありがとうございました!
Hello everyone! I’m Hitomi Hatasa, a third-year student in the Global Tourism Department. As the rainy season ends and the dry heat arrives, I hope you’re all doing well. Today, I’d like to report on the Michibata KYOTO on-campus event that took place from July 16th to July 19th.
Michibata KYOTO is a map media project created by students of Kyoto University of Foreign Studies to share lesser-known aspects of Kyoto discovered along the roadside. This group, founded about two years ago by senior Mao Kenmotsu, isn’t an official club or society, but rather a voluntary group of students from the Global Tourism Department.
Starting this year, Mao passed on the leadership to me and Koharu Umezawa, also a third-year student in the Global Tourism Department. Let me introduce the activities of the still relatively new Michibata KYOTO.
Do you often stroll around Kyoto? When you do, you might come across mysterious things like stone monuments and statues along the roadside. These objects hide the long history and authentic Kyoto that isn’t widely known. By highlighting these hidden charms, we aim to address the asymmetry in the utilization of Kyoto’s tourist resources. We want to spread tourists to less-visited areas and encourage students to explore Kyoto’s culture and better understand their own country. Additionally, we strive to promote sustainable tourism by attracting “responsible travelers” who care about their travel destinations and by supporting universal tourism in Kyoto.
Recently, we’ve been involved in various projects such as creating a pamphlet themed around goshuin (temple stamps), producing a universal tourism map set in Uji, and working with the Kyoto City and Kinki Nippon Tourist to create a video promoting universal tourism. This video shooting will be reported in the upcoming post, so please check it out.
For our first on-campus event, we showcased Michibata KYOTO through a panel display and an introduction video. We also shared recommended spots in Kyoto from our members and set up a participatory "Everyone’s Recommended Kyoto Spots Board" where attendees could share their favorite places in Kyoto. Those who participated received Kyoto candies as a special gift! Over the four days, from July 16th to July 19th, a total of 178 people attended, including high school students from other prefectures and international students. We were delighted to have so many people learn about Michibata KYOTO.
Moving forward, we plan to continue creating pamphlets and collaborating with Kyoto City and Kinki Nippon Tourist. Additionally, last year we were approached by Geo-Mark Co., a company that makes digital maps, and we have started creating digital maps using their services. This project aims to digitize our original maps, previously available only in print or on Instagram, so they can be viewed on smartphones, tablets, and computers.
Michibata KYOTO will continue to bring you the "Kyoto you didn’t know: hidden gems" through various activities. We hope to spark new discoveries for you all. Finally, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in this on-campus event. Thank you so much!
Michibata KYOTOとは、京都外国語大学の学生が道端で発見した京都の一面を「こっそりおせたげる」地図メディアです。現在4年次生の剱物真桜さんが2年ほど前に立ち上げた団体で、部活でもサークルでもなく、グローバル観光学科の学生有志が集まって活動しています。今年度からは剱物さんから代表を引き継いで、私と、同じくグローバル観光学科3年次生梅沢小春の2人でリーダーを務めています。そんな、まだまだ立ち上がったばかりのMichibata KYOTOの活動を紹介します。
最近の主な活動は、御朱印をテーマにしたパンフレットや、宇治を舞台にしたユニバーサルツーリズムマップの制作など紙媒体での発信をしたり、京都市と近畿日本ツーリストとMichibata KYOTOの共同でユニバーサルツーリズム推進動画の制作を行なったりもしました。この動画については、次回のブログで剱物さんが紹介いたしますので、楽しみにしていてください。
今回はMichibata KYOTO初の学内イベントということで、Michibata KYOTOについて皆さんに知ってもらうためのパネルの展示や、活動紹介動画の紹介を行いました。また、Michibata KYOTOのメンバーによる京都のおすすめスポットの紹介や、「みんなの京都のおすすめスポットボード」を用意し、イベント参加者にも京都の好きな場所を紹介してもらう参加型の企画も行い、紹介してくれた参加者には特典で京飴をプレゼントしました!
7月16日から7月19日まで開催したこのイベントには、4日間で合計178人の方々に参加していただきました。他府県からの高校生、海外からの留学生など外部の方々も参加していただき、Michibata KYOTOのことを知っていただけて嬉しく思います。
今後も、Michibata KYOTOは様々な活動を通して「道端に眠る、あなたの知らない京都」をみなさんにお届けしてまいります。少しでも、みなさんの新たな発見に繋がることを願っております。最後になりましたが、今回の学内イベントに参加していただいた方々、心より感謝申し上げます。本当にありがとうございました!
Hello everyone! I’m Hitomi Hatasa, a third-year student in the Global Tourism Department. As the rainy season ends and the dry heat arrives, I hope you’re all doing well. Today, I’d like to report on the Michibata KYOTO on-campus event that took place from July 16th to July 19th.
Michibata KYOTO is a map media project created by students of Kyoto University of Foreign Studies to share lesser-known aspects of Kyoto discovered along the roadside. This group, founded about two years ago by senior Mao Kenmotsu, isn’t an official club or society, but rather a voluntary group of students from the Global Tourism Department.
Starting this year, Mao passed on the leadership to me and Koharu Umezawa, also a third-year student in the Global Tourism Department. Let me introduce the activities of the still relatively new Michibata KYOTO.
Do you often stroll around Kyoto? When you do, you might come across mysterious things like stone monuments and statues along the roadside. These objects hide the long history and authentic Kyoto that isn’t widely known. By highlighting these hidden charms, we aim to address the asymmetry in the utilization of Kyoto’s tourist resources. We want to spread tourists to less-visited areas and encourage students to explore Kyoto’s culture and better understand their own country. Additionally, we strive to promote sustainable tourism by attracting “responsible travelers” who care about their travel destinations and by supporting universal tourism in Kyoto.
Recently, we’ve been involved in various projects such as creating a pamphlet themed around goshuin (temple stamps), producing a universal tourism map set in Uji, and working with the Kyoto City and Kinki Nippon Tourist to create a video promoting universal tourism. This video shooting will be reported in the upcoming post, so please check it out.
For our first on-campus event, we showcased Michibata KYOTO through a panel display and an introduction video. We also shared recommended spots in Kyoto from our members and set up a participatory "Everyone’s Recommended Kyoto Spots Board" where attendees could share their favorite places in Kyoto. Those who participated received Kyoto candies as a special gift! Over the four days, from July 16th to July 19th, a total of 178 people attended, including high school students from other prefectures and international students. We were delighted to have so many people learn about Michibata KYOTO.
Moving forward, we plan to continue creating pamphlets and collaborating with Kyoto City and Kinki Nippon Tourist. Additionally, last year we were approached by Geo-Mark Co., a company that makes digital maps, and we have started creating digital maps using their services. This project aims to digitize our original maps, previously available only in print or on Instagram, so they can be viewed on smartphones, tablets, and computers.
Michibata KYOTO will continue to bring you the "Kyoto you didn’t know: hidden gems" through various activities. We hope to spark new discoveries for you all. Finally, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in this on-campus event. Thank you so much!
2023/11/17 21:20:00 2023年度Hear Me Okinawa「沖縄スタディーツアー」
皆さん、こんにちは!グローバル観光学科2年次生の岩本茉子です。今回は私が9月に参加したHear Me Okinawaの「沖縄スタディーツアー」についてお話ししたいと思います。
まず、Hear Me Okinawaとはグローバル観光学科の卒業生である佐野香織さんが立ち上げられた学生団体です。この活動は大学のゼミでグアムと沖縄の比較研究を行ったことなどをきっかけに始められました。また、佐野さんは実際に沖縄へ足をはこび、沖縄戦の歴史や想いに対する現地の方の声にふれたことから、インスタグラムでの発信にも力を入れてこられました。特に、沖縄の歴史や文化、平和学習の重要性を伝えることに加え、ダークツーリズムにも焦点を当て、地域の人々の声に耳を傾けながら、持続可能な観光に貢献することも目的として掲げられてきました。
Hello, everyone! My name is Mako Iwamoto, and I am a second-year student in the Department of Global Tourism. Today, I would like to introduce the Okinawa Study Tour called Hear Me Okinawa that I participated in last September.
Hear Me Okinawa, initiated by Kaori Sano, an alumna of the Department of Global Tourism, is a student-led initiative. Its inception was spurred by a comparative analysis of Okinawa and Guam conducted in a university seminar. Sano's visit to Okinawa deepened her understanding of the local sentiments regarding the Battle of Okinawa. Consequently, she utilizes Instagram to highlight the significance of Okinawa's history, culture, and peace education. Additionally, she concentrates on Dark Tourism and is actively engaged in promoting sustainable tourism.
Last year, students keen on this activity gathered to continue it, resulting in an Okinawa Study Tour and an on-campus exhibition. This year, six second-year Department of Global Tourism students, including one who participated last year, joined the project under Mr. Hara's leadership.
Over three days, we explored Okinawa with Ms. Sano and local guides. Our first stop was Ie Island in northern Okinawa, home to the heart-shaped Nyatiya Cave. This cave, a popular tourist site, also served as a wartime refuge, a fact that profoundly changed my perception of its beauty.
On the second day, we visited Sakima Art Museum, Kakazutakadai Park, American Village, Roadside Station Kadena, and the Eisa Festival. The observation deck at Roadside Station Kadena offers a panoramic view of Kadena Air Base, highlighting Okinawa's military base issues. The proximity and loud aircraft noise at the base starkly illustrated the challenges of living alongside such facilities. Interactive comics and sensory experiences at the station provided an engaging learning opportunity about Kadena Town.
Our final day included visits to Haebaru Culture Center, Gama, Himeyuri Peace Museum, and Peace Memorial Park. Experiencing Gama's complete darkness, a site used for treating wounded soldiers, I gained a deeper understanding of the area's harsh history.
This Study Tour was a valuable experience, offering new insights into Okinawa's culture, people, food, and music. It left me eager to continue learning and deepening my understanding.
Finally, I extend my heartfelt thanks for the support in organizing the Okinawa Study Tour.
An exhibition showcasing our Okinawa experiences is planned on campus from January 9 to 12, 2024. We are preparing to share Okinawa's story in an engaging manner. More details will follow soon. Stay tuned!
まず、Hear Me Okinawaとはグローバル観光学科の卒業生である佐野香織さんが立ち上げられた学生団体です。この活動は大学のゼミでグアムと沖縄の比較研究を行ったことなどをきっかけに始められました。また、佐野さんは実際に沖縄へ足をはこび、沖縄戦の歴史や想いに対する現地の方の声にふれたことから、インスタグラムでの発信にも力を入れてこられました。特に、沖縄の歴史や文化、平和学習の重要性を伝えることに加え、ダークツーリズムにも焦点を当て、地域の人々の声に耳を傾けながら、持続可能な観光に貢献することも目的として掲げられてきました。
Hello, everyone! My name is Mako Iwamoto, and I am a second-year student in the Department of Global Tourism. Today, I would like to introduce the Okinawa Study Tour called Hear Me Okinawa that I participated in last September.
Hear Me Okinawa, initiated by Kaori Sano, an alumna of the Department of Global Tourism, is a student-led initiative. Its inception was spurred by a comparative analysis of Okinawa and Guam conducted in a university seminar. Sano's visit to Okinawa deepened her understanding of the local sentiments regarding the Battle of Okinawa. Consequently, she utilizes Instagram to highlight the significance of Okinawa's history, culture, and peace education. Additionally, she concentrates on Dark Tourism and is actively engaged in promoting sustainable tourism.
Last year, students keen on this activity gathered to continue it, resulting in an Okinawa Study Tour and an on-campus exhibition. This year, six second-year Department of Global Tourism students, including one who participated last year, joined the project under Mr. Hara's leadership.
Over three days, we explored Okinawa with Ms. Sano and local guides. Our first stop was Ie Island in northern Okinawa, home to the heart-shaped Nyatiya Cave. This cave, a popular tourist site, also served as a wartime refuge, a fact that profoundly changed my perception of its beauty.
On the second day, we visited Sakima Art Museum, Kakazutakadai Park, American Village, Roadside Station Kadena, and the Eisa Festival. The observation deck at Roadside Station Kadena offers a panoramic view of Kadena Air Base, highlighting Okinawa's military base issues. The proximity and loud aircraft noise at the base starkly illustrated the challenges of living alongside such facilities. Interactive comics and sensory experiences at the station provided an engaging learning opportunity about Kadena Town.
Our final day included visits to Haebaru Culture Center, Gama, Himeyuri Peace Museum, and Peace Memorial Park. Experiencing Gama's complete darkness, a site used for treating wounded soldiers, I gained a deeper understanding of the area's harsh history.
This Study Tour was a valuable experience, offering new insights into Okinawa's culture, people, food, and music. It left me eager to continue learning and deepening my understanding.
Finally, I extend my heartfelt thanks for the support in organizing the Okinawa Study Tour.
An exhibition showcasing our Okinawa experiences is planned on campus from January 9 to 12, 2024. We are preparing to share Okinawa's story in an engaging manner. More details will follow soon. Stay tuned!