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2020/10/06 19:50:00 1年生の対面授業! The First Face-to-Face Class with Freshman Students!

  • Category授業関係
  • Posted byGT Faculty

授業ご担当の藤本先生はもちろんのこと、学科長のバーグランド先生、副学科長の原先生はじめ学科の先生方も駆けつけ、1年次生に言葉を送りました。バーグランド先生からは、最新のご著書『Kyoto Paths, Kyoto Thoughts』がすべての参加者にプレゼントされました。同じ時間に授業が入っていて、参加できない先生方の紹介もあり、1年次生の皆さんも熱心に聞き入っていました。


Hello everyone! The fall semester has started. Online courses will continue in the fall semester, but today, in the 2nd period class "Introduction to Economics," our freshman students finally had a chance to have a face-to-face class and met with their teachers and classmates offline. Prof. Fujimoto who is in charge of this class invited his colleagues, and the teachers including our department chair Prof. Berglund and sub-chair Prof. Hara delivered welcoming speeches to the freshman students.Prof. Berglund generously gave them his newly published book "Kyoto Paths, Kyoto Thoughts" as his gift. There were also students who participated in this class through online devices. We hope that all the freshman students enjoyed this opportunity and that we can continue to provide our students with fulfilling learning experiences at the Department of Global Tourism at KUFS!

  • 対面授業の様子
  • バーグランド先生のスピーチ

2020/09/16 17:20:00 コース選択についての座談会 Online Meeting with Seniors

  • Category授業関係
  • Posted byStudent Reporter





Hello! I’m Ao NAKAMURA, a 1st-year GT student. It's already been about a month since the spring semester ended. The spring semester (From May to August) was operated through online classes. There were not only disadvantages but also advantages of taking online classes.

But it was true that we 1st-year students had some challenges when we had to do course selection. So, not long ago, teachers and seniors arranged an online meeting to explain that for us. Today, I’m going to write about the online meeting.

In the meeting, I heard the difference between the courses of Tourism Business and Tourism Policy and club activities. I learned about the contents of activities and reasons why seniors chose each course. I had heard about course selection from teachers in class but, it was also very meaningful to hear what seniors say. I’m very grateful for the opportunity. Seniors also participated in other meetings which were held by some 1st-year students. They created many opportunities for us.

Online classes will continue in fall but, I will continue to work hard with the help of teachers and seniors. We appreciate your continued support!!
  • 学科長のジェフ先生も参加してくださいました!

2019/09/04 07:20:00 The Report of Mr. ENDO’s Special Lecture

  • Category授業関係
  • Posted byStudent Reporter
Hello, my name is Ayumi URATANI, a second-year student in the Department of Global Tourism Studies. I am going to report a special lecture held on campus called, “Trends in the Japanese Airline Market and Peach’s Business Strategy”, conducted in the class, Airline Business on Monday the 15th of July 2019. The special lecture was conducted by Mr. Satoru ENDO, Chief Corporate Planning Officer of Peach Aviation Limited. There were around 200 participants including faculty, staff, and students of Kyoto University of Foreign Studies (also including junior college and international students). In addition, Mei HAYASHI and Sohta HANAFUSA, who belong to the Department Global Tourism Studies, got to host the event on stage as MCs.

Mr. ENDO explained about the Japanese airline market’s transition and trends, and answered the question, “What is an LCC?”, and covered topics of Peach’s business strategy and future conception, and Kansai’s regional model to improve revitalization during his Powerpoint aided presentation. In addition, he also talked about the opportunity to enter the airline industry, doing business with ANA, secondment to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, his career at Peach, the severity of the airline industry, and overall ideas about being a member of society. When he talked about the severity of the airline industry, he said that “90% of an airline’s work is conducted at the site, and it is so hard for both physical and mental aspects.” I noticed that the work seems demanding but the people working in the airline industry make big efforts to make using aircraft safely, and my awareness of the industry changed. About goals for the future, he said that “in case of that you cannot work at the sort of occupation or corporation you want, you should be interested in various things, and you also ought to think about what you would like to do to get a job or how you can contribute to society to enter a large corporation.” I realized that joining the company I want is not the final goal in my life, but it is rather important how I can contribute to the corporation and society, and it is also important to have a wider perspective more and more. Thanks to that, I could face my future by finding out what I can do through this kind of work.

Peach as a company has stated a mission that “Peach serves as a bridge promoting the exchange of ideas, information, and cultural understanding between people.” Peach’s business strategy, which focuses on inbound travel from Asia, promotes a number of campaigns to grow airport and public transportation use, and they want to contribute to local communities. In the Department of Global Tourism Studies, there are so many students who are interested in revitalization through tourism. That’s why there were the students who were interested in Peach’s business strategy. After the special lecture, participants who belong to the Department of Global Tourism Studies and Global Studies along with faculty, asked him various questions. Some of the questions were about airline jobs and “How cost reduction is possible even though transportation maintenance cost is so high?” Students were impressed by his way of life and his words like “never give up” and “be optimistic”. Finally, all participants took pictures with the guest speaker while telling us how to do the “Peach pose”, which is making your hands into the shape of a peach, and he also taught us what our face cannot hide if we make the pause next to the face.

I took part in this special lecture, and it was an opportunity to think about how I can contribute to society during my study and in the future. I knew that the tourism industry can contribute to society and the world through Peach’s business strategy and Peach’s corporate philosophy. When I hunt for a job, I would like to face my future while keeping in mind Mr. ENDO’s words. We appreciate him taking time out of his busy schedule to visit our university. We also appreciate the cooperation of Peach Aviation Limited.
  • Guest speaker, Mr. Satoru ENDO
  • (Front row from right) Ms. HAYASHI (student MC), Mr. ENDO and Mr. HANAFUSA (student MC)
  • 200 participants attended the special lecture

2019/09/04 07:20:00 Peach 遠藤様の講演会報告 

  • Category授業関係
  • Posted byStudent Reporter

今回は、2019年7月15日に学内で行われた、講義「エアライン・ビジネス」内での特別講演会「日本の航空マーケットの動向とPeachの戦略について」に関して報告をします。講演会では、Peach Aviation 株式会社 執行役員 経営企画室長、遠藤哲様にお越しいただき、貴重な講演をしていただきました。学生は、京都外国語大学全学部、全学年合わせて約200名が(短期大学と留学生も含む)参加し、また、グローバル観光学科の二年次生の林芽依さんと花房颯太さんが司会を務めました。

講演会では、「航空マーケットの変遷と動向」、「LCCとは?」や「Peachの戦略、今後の構想」「地域活性化を促す“The 関西モデル”」に関してパワーポイントでの資料を使い、ご説明していただき、加えて遠藤様ご自身の航空業界に入った動機やこれまでのANAでの業務,外務省への出向,Peachでのキャリア、航空業界の厳しさ、社会人としての心得,大学時代にすべきことなど様々な視点から将来につながるお話をしていただきました。航空業界の厳しさに関して、「航空業界の仕事の9割が現場仕事で、体力面と精神面ともにとてもきつい仕事です。」とおっしゃり、私たちが安全に飛行機を利用するために,華やかにみえるその裏側では、たくさんの工夫と努力がなされていることに気づき、航空業界への意識が変わりました。また、将来の目標に関しては「希望の企業、もしくは希望の職種に就くことができない場合も考慮し,一つに絞らず様々なことに目を向けるべきであり、その企業、または職種に就いて自分が何をしたいのか、自分がその企業で、社会にどのように貢献できるかを考えるとよいと思います。」と語られ、希望の企業に入ることが最終目標なのではなく、社会人としていかに自分が企業や、社会に貢献できるかが大事であることやより広く視野を持つことの大切さに気づくことができ、仕事を通して何ができるかを見極めることで自分の将来と向き合うことができました。


今回の講義に参加し,将来に関するお話の中で、自分の大学での学びや、経験したことを企業や社会にどのように還元し,貢献するかを考える良い機会になりました。またPeachが航空事業を行うことで、就航地の地域活性化につながること,アジアの国々を結ぶ架け橋の役割を果たしていること、観光関連産業は、社会そして、世界に貢献できるということをPeachの戦略と企業理念を通して知り、現在自分が学んでいる観光という学問に誇りを持ち,今後より一層の努力をしなければならないと感じました。就職活動をする際に、遠藤様が語られたことを心に留め、今後もしっかりと自分の将来に向き合いたいと思います。この度はご多忙の中、本学にお越しいただきまして誠にありがとうございました。またPeach Aviation株式会社様のご協力に感謝申し上げます。
  • ご講演者 遠藤哲様
  • 最前列中央,講演者遠藤様,司会の花房さん(左)と林さん(右)
  • 講演会の様子

2019/07/11 17:10:00 グローバル観光学科の2つのコース:Tourism Business or Tourism Policy?

  • Category授業関係
  • Posted byStudent Reporters


Hello! We are Maho Sakata, Chiharu Miyamoto, and Sakura Endo, 2nd-year GT student reporters. Today, we are going to write about the two courses we have in our department. We hope this Japanese-language note will provide some hints to help 1st-year GT students select their courses.









観光政策コースでは、主に観光に関する政策や地方創生、まちづくりについて学びます。地方の活性化、京都の歴史文化、まちづくりなどに興味のある人、卒業後Uターン就職を考えている人などにおすすめです。主に考えられる就職先は、役所の観光課、地方創生団体、旅行会社、一般企業 などですが、観光政策コースにもエアライン志望の人はいます。観光政策コースに行って、幅広く学んでエアラインを目指すのも良いと思います。

1年次生の秋学期の観光政策コースの授業としては、New Media Marketing in Tourism と 観光まちづくり論があります。ハ―キンソン先生の授業は、コンピュータを使い、今までにしたことのない様々なことをするので、とても新鮮でした。吉兼先生の授業では、吉兼先生の住んでいる、明日香村についてたくさん教えてもらいました。






  • 本日18時から雨天決行でPSCの夏祭りがあるよ!

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