2022/07/02 10:50:00 Global Engagement の授業より:誰もが関わりのある「児童労働問題」
- 授業関係
- 広報隊長谷川
こんにちは!グローバル観光学科一年次生の長谷川穂香です。関東からやってきた私は、七月に入りやっと京都での新しい環境に慣れてきたところです。先月は梅雨真っ盛り、一日中どんよりするような天気が続く毎日で、体調を崩しやすい気候でした。先生方・学生の皆さん、体調はいかがでしょうか?くれぐれも無理せず、メリハリをつけて過ごしたいですね。さて、春学期の授業も半分を終え、近づく夏休みにワクワクしている人も多いと思います。今回は、そんな折り返し地点にある授業について、特にグローバル観光学科の一年次の必修科目、Global Engagementの授業で学んだ児童労働問題やフェアトレードに関するお話をします。
Global Engagementの第三回講義では、私達は児童労働に関するドキュメンタリー映画を視聴しました。それは、私達が普段から食べることの多いチョコレートの材料、カカオを生産する人々が抱える問題である児童労働の現実を映していました。私達大学生の年齢にも満たない小さな子供が学校に行かず働かされているのです。この児童労働の状況の根本にあるのは、現地の人々の「子どもは働いて当たり前」という考えでした。そして、驚くことに、彼らは自分達が作ったカカオ豆を誰がどのように消費しているのか知らなかったのです。もちろん、チョコレートを食べたこともありませんでした。逆に私達は、日常の中に当たり前にあるチョコレートを誰がどんなふうに作っているのか、気にも留めないのです。もちろん、可能性にあふれた子供たちが働かされていることを、チョコレートを食べながら思い起こす人も少ないでしょう。
Hello, there! My name is Honoka Hasegawa, and I am in my freshman year at the Department of Global Tourism at KUFS. I came to Kyoto from Tokyo in April and finally got used to my new lifestyle. Last month it was the rainy season, and I guess it can be challenging to maintain our health at this time of year. How are you doing, teachers and students? Please do not push yourself too much but let's try to do our best! Now, this spring semester has already passed the halfway mark, and I am sure that most students are waiting for summer vacation! In this article, I'm going to talk about the Global Engagement class, which is one of the required subjects in this department.
In our third lecture, we watched a movie about child labor and fair trade. It shows the fact that many children are working in a terrible situation when processing cacao, which is the raw material for chocolate. I could not believe that these children are younger than us. This problem stems from the thought that it is normal to let children do this type of work. I was surprised to learn that these people have never eaten chocolate and did not even know how the cacao that they were processing are consumed. On the other hand, we had no idea about who and how the chocolate is made, nor had we given any thought to the children who are working in a bad environment.
There are some NGOs in Japan that are trying to solve this child labor problem. The movie that we watched is made by them. I joined an online seminar from the NGO to learn about child labor, why this cruel problem can occur, and what they are doing to solve it. The definition of child labor is decided by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. That is why a part-time job that you may have is not defined as child labor. However, that is also true that this problem exists in Japan too. Child labor can happen not only with chocolate but many other products, because one of the reasons why children need to work in these terrible situations is because they are coming from poverty. In short, it is not easy to decrease the number of child laborers since the background situation is complicated.
There are three things that we can do to take action to solve the child labor problem: donate, spread information, and buy fair trade products. The first one might be hard for us, but it is helpful to donate to an NGO. You can find the website to donate if you search for "Child labor NGO donation." The second one which might be easier for us is to let others know about child labor. You can retweet or share the post by an NGO so that everyone around you can become aware what is happening around the world. The last one is to buy products made through fair trade. You can find the fair-trade mark on the packaging of some products.
We cannot make a big change at once. The important thing is to make a little progress even if it is a small step. Why don't you take that first small step?
Global Engagementの第三回講義では、私達は児童労働に関するドキュメンタリー映画を視聴しました。それは、私達が普段から食べることの多いチョコレートの材料、カカオを生産する人々が抱える問題である児童労働の現実を映していました。私達大学生の年齢にも満たない小さな子供が学校に行かず働かされているのです。この児童労働の状況の根本にあるのは、現地の人々の「子どもは働いて当たり前」という考えでした。そして、驚くことに、彼らは自分達が作ったカカオ豆を誰がどのように消費しているのか知らなかったのです。もちろん、チョコレートを食べたこともありませんでした。逆に私達は、日常の中に当たり前にあるチョコレートを誰がどんなふうに作っているのか、気にも留めないのです。もちろん、可能性にあふれた子供たちが働かされていることを、チョコレートを食べながら思い起こす人も少ないでしょう。
Hello, there! My name is Honoka Hasegawa, and I am in my freshman year at the Department of Global Tourism at KUFS. I came to Kyoto from Tokyo in April and finally got used to my new lifestyle. Last month it was the rainy season, and I guess it can be challenging to maintain our health at this time of year. How are you doing, teachers and students? Please do not push yourself too much but let's try to do our best! Now, this spring semester has already passed the halfway mark, and I am sure that most students are waiting for summer vacation! In this article, I'm going to talk about the Global Engagement class, which is one of the required subjects in this department.
In our third lecture, we watched a movie about child labor and fair trade. It shows the fact that many children are working in a terrible situation when processing cacao, which is the raw material for chocolate. I could not believe that these children are younger than us. This problem stems from the thought that it is normal to let children do this type of work. I was surprised to learn that these people have never eaten chocolate and did not even know how the cacao that they were processing are consumed. On the other hand, we had no idea about who and how the chocolate is made, nor had we given any thought to the children who are working in a bad environment.
There are some NGOs in Japan that are trying to solve this child labor problem. The movie that we watched is made by them. I joined an online seminar from the NGO to learn about child labor, why this cruel problem can occur, and what they are doing to solve it. The definition of child labor is decided by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. That is why a part-time job that you may have is not defined as child labor. However, that is also true that this problem exists in Japan too. Child labor can happen not only with chocolate but many other products, because one of the reasons why children need to work in these terrible situations is because they are coming from poverty. In short, it is not easy to decrease the number of child laborers since the background situation is complicated.
There are three things that we can do to take action to solve the child labor problem: donate, spread information, and buy fair trade products. The first one might be hard for us, but it is helpful to donate to an NGO. You can find the website to donate if you search for "Child labor NGO donation." The second one which might be easier for us is to let others know about child labor. You can retweet or share the post by an NGO so that everyone around you can become aware what is happening around the world. The last one is to buy products made through fair trade. You can find the fair-trade mark on the packaging of some products.
We cannot make a big change at once. The important thing is to make a little progress even if it is a small step. Why don't you take that first small step?
2020/12/05 22:00:00 ゲスト講義:高野山 奥之院ナイトツアー
- 授業関係
- Student Reporter
皆さんこんにちは!グローバル観光学科1年次生の池田 興亜です。水曜日2講時のグローバル観光学科1年次生必修科目「Global Engagement &Peace」という授業で、10年ほど前から高野山の奥之院にてナイトツアーを企画し実施されてきた、(株)AWESOME TOURS代表取締役・ 田村暢啓様のお話をお伺いしました。田村さんの起業の動機は、身近にあった奥之院を外国人観光客に向けて案内しようと考えたことだと仰っていました。このツアーは、僧侶や寺院にて勤務経験のある元執事の方が案内してくださいます。また、高野山の宿坊では、宿泊の際も同様に、修行僧の方やお寺にいるお坊さんが対応をしてくださるとのことです。奥之院という特殊な場所で、日頃は接点の無い方たちと接することができるという点が、このツアーのミソだと感じました。
最後に、現在高野山で行われているイベントの紹介をしたいと思います。2020年9月より、「高野山1万人ご招待キャンペーン」が南海電気鉄道株式会社によって実施されています。このキャンペーンの目的は、高野山及び山麓のエリアへの来訪促進です。2020年10月から2021年3月までに計1万人の観光客に向けて、高野山駅までの切符、高野山内バスフリー乗車券、現地で使える6000円分のクーポンを抽選でプレゼントするという企画です。Twitter, Instagram などS N Sで「#高野山1万人ご招待キャンペーン」が使われているなど、盛り上がりを見せています。是非、皆さんも参加してみてはいかがでしょうか?
謝辞:(株)AWESOME TOURS代表取締役・ 田村暢啓様には大変興味深い講義をしていただきました。改めまして、深く御礼申し上げます。
(株)AWESOME TOURS https://awesome-tours.jp/
Hello everyone! I am Koa IKEDA, a first-year student in the Department of Global Tourism Studies. In a class called "Global Engagement & Peace," a required subject for first-year GT students, we had Mr. Nobuhiro TAMURA as a guest speaker. He is the president of AWESOME TOURS, who has been organizing and conducting night tours at Okunoin Temple in Koyasan for about 10 years. Mr. Tamura said that his motivation for starting the company was to show Okunoin Temple, which was in his neighborhood, to foreign tourists. The tour will be led by a monk and a former butler who has worked at the temple. He also said that the same is true for lodging at the shukubo in Koyasan, where ascetics and monks at the temple will be available to help you with your stay. I felt that the beauty of this tour is that you can come into contact with people with whom you have no contact on a daily basis at a special place like Okunoin.
I learned the spirit of "self-interest and altruism" in this lecture. This is the idea that respecting and benefiting others is in our own interest. I felt that this concept is necessary in the hospitality industry. Hospitality is not the same for all people, so we need to think about how we can serve customers in different forms. Hospitality also increases the number of repeat customers. This is the moment when the benefit to others becomes the benefit to oneself.
After hearing Mr. Tamura's story of planning a tour from a different angle in Koyasan, I felt compelled to plan something by myself. Kyoto has a variety of untapped tourism resources. To promote Kyoto's tourism resources to both domestic and foreign countries, I believe that the best way to promote the city is to plan a tour or event. I would like to make an effort to promote tourism in my hometown, Kyoto.
Lastly, I would like to introduce some of the events that are currently taking place in Koyasan, such as the "Koyasan Invitation Campaign" being run by Nankai Electric Railway Co. From October 2020 to March 2021, a total of 10,000 tourists will be selected in a drawing to win a ticket to Koyasan station, free bus tickets for Koyasan buses, and a coupon worth 6,000 yen to be used locally. The "#Koyasan10,000 Invite Campaign" is being used on Twitter, Instagram, and other S N S, showing the excitement of the event. Why don't you take part in this campaign?
Acknowledgments: I would like to thank Mr. Nobuhiro TAMURA, President of AWESOME TOURS for his very interesting lecture. I would like to thank him again.
Reference information
AWESOME TOURS Inc. https://awesome-tours.jp/
最後に、現在高野山で行われているイベントの紹介をしたいと思います。2020年9月より、「高野山1万人ご招待キャンペーン」が南海電気鉄道株式会社によって実施されています。このキャンペーンの目的は、高野山及び山麓のエリアへの来訪促進です。2020年10月から2021年3月までに計1万人の観光客に向けて、高野山駅までの切符、高野山内バスフリー乗車券、現地で使える6000円分のクーポンを抽選でプレゼントするという企画です。Twitter, Instagram などS N Sで「#高野山1万人ご招待キャンペーン」が使われているなど、盛り上がりを見せています。是非、皆さんも参加してみてはいかがでしょうか?
謝辞:(株)AWESOME TOURS代表取締役・ 田村暢啓様には大変興味深い講義をしていただきました。改めまして、深く御礼申し上げます。
(株)AWESOME TOURS https://awesome-tours.jp/
Hello everyone! I am Koa IKEDA, a first-year student in the Department of Global Tourism Studies. In a class called "Global Engagement & Peace," a required subject for first-year GT students, we had Mr. Nobuhiro TAMURA as a guest speaker. He is the president of AWESOME TOURS, who has been organizing and conducting night tours at Okunoin Temple in Koyasan for about 10 years. Mr. Tamura said that his motivation for starting the company was to show Okunoin Temple, which was in his neighborhood, to foreign tourists. The tour will be led by a monk and a former butler who has worked at the temple. He also said that the same is true for lodging at the shukubo in Koyasan, where ascetics and monks at the temple will be available to help you with your stay. I felt that the beauty of this tour is that you can come into contact with people with whom you have no contact on a daily basis at a special place like Okunoin.
I learned the spirit of "self-interest and altruism" in this lecture. This is the idea that respecting and benefiting others is in our own interest. I felt that this concept is necessary in the hospitality industry. Hospitality is not the same for all people, so we need to think about how we can serve customers in different forms. Hospitality also increases the number of repeat customers. This is the moment when the benefit to others becomes the benefit to oneself.
After hearing Mr. Tamura's story of planning a tour from a different angle in Koyasan, I felt compelled to plan something by myself. Kyoto has a variety of untapped tourism resources. To promote Kyoto's tourism resources to both domestic and foreign countries, I believe that the best way to promote the city is to plan a tour or event. I would like to make an effort to promote tourism in my hometown, Kyoto.
Lastly, I would like to introduce some of the events that are currently taking place in Koyasan, such as the "Koyasan Invitation Campaign" being run by Nankai Electric Railway Co. From October 2020 to March 2021, a total of 10,000 tourists will be selected in a drawing to win a ticket to Koyasan station, free bus tickets for Koyasan buses, and a coupon worth 6,000 yen to be used locally. The "#Koyasan10,000 Invite Campaign" is being used on Twitter, Instagram, and other S N S, showing the excitement of the event. Why don't you take part in this campaign?
Acknowledgments: I would like to thank Mr. Nobuhiro TAMURA, President of AWESOME TOURS for his very interesting lecture. I would like to thank him again.
Reference information
AWESOME TOURS Inc. https://awesome-tours.jp/
2020/11/24 23:50:00 城南宮・鳥羽重宏宮司様によるゲスト講義
- 授業関係
- Student Reporter
こんにちは!グローバル観光学科二年次生の松浦芽衣です。今回は、グローバル観光学科の重要な科目の一つであるCEP(Community Engagement Program)に向けた、CEWS(Community Engagement WorkshopⅡ)京都スピリチュアルツーリズムチームにて行われたゲスト講義についてご紹介します。
はじめに、私が参加している京都スピリチュアルツーリズムプログラムについて簡単に説明します。このプログラムは、今年新しく作られたプログラムで、グローバル観光学科の藤本茂先生、CEC(Community Engagement Center)職員の中井達也さんをはじめ、多くの教職員の協力によって実現されました。このプログラムでは、新たな多言語体験型コンテンツを作ることを目的として、神道や宗教全般の学習や京都の様々な神社でのフィールドワークを行います。
謝辞:今回のゲスト講義では、城南宮宮司 鳥羽重宏様から大変貴重なお話を伺いました。深く御礼申し上げます。
参考情報:城南宮様HP https://www.jonangu.com/
はじめに、私が参加している京都スピリチュアルツーリズムプログラムについて簡単に説明します。このプログラムは、今年新しく作られたプログラムで、グローバル観光学科の藤本茂先生、CEC(Community Engagement Center)職員の中井達也さんをはじめ、多くの教職員の協力によって実現されました。このプログラムでは、新たな多言語体験型コンテンツを作ることを目的として、神道や宗教全般の学習や京都の様々な神社でのフィールドワークを行います。
謝辞:今回のゲスト講義では、城南宮宮司 鳥羽重宏様から大変貴重なお話を伺いました。深く御礼申し上げます。
参考情報:城南宮様HP https://www.jonangu.com/
2020/11/23 19:30:00 城崎温泉西村屋 七代目社長・西村総一郎さん ゲスト講義
- 授業関係
- Student Reporter
こんにちは!グローバル観光学科2年次生の横田藍子です。今日は、Community Engagement Program(CEP)で訪れる、城崎温泉にある老舗旅館「西村屋」の七代目社長、西村総一郎さんのゲスト講義の様子について、お話ししたいと思います。
謝辞:西村屋社長 西村総一郎様のゲスト講義から、多くのことを学ばせていただきました。改めて御礼申し上げます。
CEP Letter
謝辞:西村屋社長 西村総一郎様のゲスト講義から、多くのことを学ばせていただきました。改めて御礼申し上げます。
CEP Letter
2020/10/31 13:20:00 旅が平和を作り、平和が旅を可能にする Travel makes peace, and peace makes the travel possible.
- 授業関係
- Student Reporter
みなさん、こんにちは!グローバル観光学科1年次生の中村音葉です。水曜日2講時の1年次生必修のGlobal Engagement & Peaceという授業では、毎回、様々な分野で観光にかかわるお仕事をされているゲストスピーカーにお越しいただき、お話をしていただいています。
Hello, everyone! I am Otoha NAKAMURA, a first-year student in the Department of Global Tourism Studies. In the "Global Engagement & Peace" class, which is a requirement for GT first-year students, we have invited guest speakers who work in various fields related to tourism to speak to us in the 2nd Period on Wednesday.
On October 14th, Peace Boat staff member Sachiko MORITA spoke on the theme of "Traveling to Create Peace." Peace Boat offers a "round-the-world cruise" for the purpose of international exchange. During the voyage, lectures are given by experts in various fields. The Peace Boat also focuses on the SDGs, delivering musical instruments, stationery, and other supplies, as well as ambulances around the world. Ms. Morita has been working hard to eliminate landmines in Cambodia. She told us that she would learn about the history of the civil war and interact with the people living in the minefield villages when the ship stopped in Cambodia.
The 2019 Campaign to Eliminate Landmines from Cambodia, which was held in 2019, raised money in five locations across the country and more than 2 million yen was donated for the cause. As a result, the conditions of children's primary schools were improved, allowing children to play safely. In addition, since 2017, the Peace Boat has been cooperating with the natural cosmetic brand LUSH to continuously provide soap to the children of Elementary School in Snahai Village, which was built on a site that has been cleared of landmines. As there are no places to receive medical services around Sunahai village, she continues her hand-washing project to educate the village children on the importance of hygiene management so that they can stay healthy.
One of the things Ms. Morita values is to make an equal relationship with people who receive her support. A "giver-receiver" relationship is not an equal relationship. It is not only important for volunteers in Cambodia and other countries to never say what they can't do; it is also very important for them to build good relationships with the people around them.
I would like to support handicapped people with special needs through tourism, and I support the view of Ms. Morita. I would like to provide them support not because I feel sorry for them but because I am willing to work with them.
Before listening to Ms. Morita's lecture, I thought that the Peace Boat was just a boat trip around the world. However, through her lecture, I learned that the boat trip made opportunities to meet with people from all over the world and also learned about the problems faced by each country and how they were being tackled. I think this is exactly what the trip is all about to create peace. Hearing the words "We have the power to change the world" made me realize the importance of taking action without hesitation. If our small actions spread, they can become a great power and change the world. Thank you very much, Ms. Morita of Peace Boat.
Hello, everyone! I am Otoha NAKAMURA, a first-year student in the Department of Global Tourism Studies. In the "Global Engagement & Peace" class, which is a requirement for GT first-year students, we have invited guest speakers who work in various fields related to tourism to speak to us in the 2nd Period on Wednesday.
On October 14th, Peace Boat staff member Sachiko MORITA spoke on the theme of "Traveling to Create Peace." Peace Boat offers a "round-the-world cruise" for the purpose of international exchange. During the voyage, lectures are given by experts in various fields. The Peace Boat also focuses on the SDGs, delivering musical instruments, stationery, and other supplies, as well as ambulances around the world. Ms. Morita has been working hard to eliminate landmines in Cambodia. She told us that she would learn about the history of the civil war and interact with the people living in the minefield villages when the ship stopped in Cambodia.
The 2019 Campaign to Eliminate Landmines from Cambodia, which was held in 2019, raised money in five locations across the country and more than 2 million yen was donated for the cause. As a result, the conditions of children's primary schools were improved, allowing children to play safely. In addition, since 2017, the Peace Boat has been cooperating with the natural cosmetic brand LUSH to continuously provide soap to the children of Elementary School in Snahai Village, which was built on a site that has been cleared of landmines. As there are no places to receive medical services around Sunahai village, she continues her hand-washing project to educate the village children on the importance of hygiene management so that they can stay healthy.
One of the things Ms. Morita values is to make an equal relationship with people who receive her support. A "giver-receiver" relationship is not an equal relationship. It is not only important for volunteers in Cambodia and other countries to never say what they can't do; it is also very important for them to build good relationships with the people around them.
I would like to support handicapped people with special needs through tourism, and I support the view of Ms. Morita. I would like to provide them support not because I feel sorry for them but because I am willing to work with them.
Before listening to Ms. Morita's lecture, I thought that the Peace Boat was just a boat trip around the world. However, through her lecture, I learned that the boat trip made opportunities to meet with people from all over the world and also learned about the problems faced by each country and how they were being tackled. I think this is exactly what the trip is all about to create peace. Hearing the words "We have the power to change the world" made me realize the importance of taking action without hesitation. If our small actions spread, they can become a great power and change the world. Thank you very much, Ms. Morita of Peace Boat.