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2020/11/27 23:30:00 在学生の声:2年次生へのインタビュー Student Interview

  • Category広報隊からのインタビュー~ちょっと聞かせてください
  • Posted byStudent Reporter




政策コースの授業「観光まちづくり論」で学んだ観光まちづくりです。これまでしっかり学んだことのなかった分野なので、知ることができて楽しかったです。自分たちでフィールドワークを実施し、プレゼンを行う機会もあり、実践的に学べたことも良い経験になりました。そのほかに、1年次生必修科目の「Global Engagement」も興味深かったです。グローバル観光学科は観光の授業が多いけど、この授業では国際機関などについても学ぶことができました。観光以外にも視野が広がる授業だと思います。







学生広報隊と、英字フリーペーパー「ENJOY KYOTO」の一面を作成させていただいているチームに所属しています。現在は参加できないけど、他大学の無料講座に行くこともあります。


Hello, I’m FUJIMATSU Momoha. I belong to the Department of Global Tourism Studies as a sophomore. We would like to continue to report the voices of current GT students. This time, I interviewed ISHIBASHI Naoko a 2nd year student.

①Where are you from?
I'm from Osaka. I live alone in Kyoto now.

②How do you go to school and how long does it take?
It takes 10 minutes on foot from my house to school.

③Why did you choose the Department of Global Tourism Studies?
I chose it because I wanted to study international relations or tourism studies and also because I can learn many languages at KUFS.

④Did you have any classes that caught your interest by studying at KUFS?
I became interested in the class "Tourism and Community Development.” I had never studied this field deeply, but I enjoyed studying it. I also could do fieldwork and give a presentation. It was such a good experience to learn about practical skills through these opportunities. In addition, I enjoyed the class "Global Engagement," which is a required subject for 1st year students. Although we study mainly tourism studies in our department, for this class, I studied international relations and agencies, which widened my view.

⑤What are your impressions about the GT students, professors, lectures, and the facilities of KUFS?
I think many KUFS students take actions for themselves. Professors are close to students and easy to talk to. I sometimes consulted with professors about my studies and other things. As for the lectures, the 1st year students are busy because they have a lot of required subjects, mainly in tourism studies. However, they can study widely about the basics of tourism studies. From the 2nd year of our studies, we have a lot more options, so we can choose subjects that we like and study what we want. The overall facility of our university is small, so we can interact with many other students. Moreover, it is helpful for me that it only takes a few minutes to move to the next class! lol

⑥How about class assignments?
We have many research papers to write. At first, it was difficult for me to write a research paper, but I gradually got used to writing the paper.

⑦Which facility in our campus do you recommend using?
I recommend a study space at the library. I can concentrate on reading books and working on my assignments.

⑧Have you ever used “NINJA” (Navigating an Independent Non-stop Journey to Autonomy)?
I consulted NINJA’s staff about English certification examinations because I wanted to know which examination I should take. Moreover, they gave me advice on
how to study for the exam.

⑨What is your third language?
I chose Russian because I think that we have few opportunities to get to study Russian. Moreover, I like world history, and I'm interested in Eastern Europe.

⑩What is your course ?
I belong to the Tourism Policy Course because I'm interested in town planning and community development. On the other hand, my friend who chose Tourism Business Course said that she chose it because she wanted to work abroad or involve with trades with foreign countries. She seems to want to work using English in the tourist industry or other businesses.

⑪Do you join any club or circle activities?
I belong to the GT student PR group and the team of creating an English article for an English free magazine called“ENJOY KYOTO.” I used to go to other universities to take free courses although I haven’t been able to do so recently.

⑫What is your recommended tourist spots in Kyoto?
I went to many places, and I recommend Kitano Tenman-gū.
  • 石橋さんのCEPの舞台、和歌山の海
  • ご出身地、堺市の大仙古墳

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