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2021/07/19 08:30:00 日本大学英語模擬国連会議(JUEMUN)学生レポート

  • Category学生ニュース
  • Posted by英米語学科

JUEMUN Website:JUEMUN 2021 – Japan University English Model United Nations

[Ai Umeda]
1. About the JUEMUN class and preparation 
  In the classes, students researched their assigned countries and exchanged information with each other regarding what problems the country had to solve and what policies they could suggest. All the JUEMUN classes held by Mr. Angus McGregor were helpful for my preparation for JUEMUN. Although a lot of research and critical thinking were required before the event, he gave a lot of advice and support so that I was able to join with confidence.

2. About the JUEMUN event  
  My first experience with JUEMUN was in 2018 as a 1st year student when I joined as a member of the support staff team. I could not observe the meetings well because of my staff work; however, I saw many participants who were engaged in this event with all their enthusiasm. I was overwhelmed by what I saw, so I decided to participate as a delegate the next year.
  Although this year was my third time to participate in the event as a delegate, I learned many new things. The first time I joined in 2019, I was not able to contribute to the meeting and discussions that much, which was really frustrating for me. Thus, I decided to join again the next year. In 2020 the event was held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and it was different from the face-to-face event, but I did better than the previous year. I was also in charge of a working group a facilitator for the first time, and I did my best to lead the meeting. It was not easy, but I tried to let all the delegates have a discussion. This year, I was a facilitator again and it is true that there were some difficulties; however, I realized that I could lead the discussions well and understand what other delegates were saying, and this was reflected in the final resolution we drafted. My experience this year is a result of my past experiences with JUEMUN, and all gave me more confidence for the future.

[Miku Yokoyama]
1. About the JUEMUN class and preparation 
  This year’s JUEMUN was on June 25th-27th, and both the event and class were conducted online. In class, Mr. Angus McGregor helped us to build the basic background knowledge of both the conference agenda and the countries that we were representing. The process of researching and deepening one’s knowledge about the country and its positions on the themed agenda was really challenging work because there was a massive amount of information. But, at the same time, through my research, I was able to learn that there were also a lot of people and organizations trying to make the world a better place. Most importantly, whenever students had troubles or things that they could not understand, Mr. McGregor always taught us very kindly and helped us out to be better prepared for the event.

2. About the JUEMUN event  
  This year was my second JUEMUN experience, and when I first participated in this event as a second-year student, I was surprised and overwhelmed by many other students’ passion and immense preparation for the event, so keeping up with the discussion and expressing some opinions were all I could do. However, this year I was able to write some resolution clauses and think deeply about the most effective way to solve the issues of the agenda. The common thing that I felt through my experiences these past two years is that participating in the JUEMUN conference was tough, but it was worth it and was certainly an enjoyable experience.
  JUEMUN and the KUFS class are not like a typical class that I took in a certain term, as it will remain as one of the memories that I experienced through university life. Moreover, for those thinking about joining JUEMUN in the future, you will be stimulated and influenced by the people you meet, and it will make you feel proud about being a KUFS student. Actually, there are many students from the Department of Global Studies that participate in this event, so it is a good opportunity to engage with other people from around the university. However, the class led by Mr. McGregor and Mr. Gibson are very warm and inclusive just like the slogan of SDGs “No one left behind,” so there is nothing to worry about.
  Two years ago, I joined JUEMUN after I heard that the class was stimulating and challenging, and at times I joked with my friend that it was also damaging. However, after participating in JUEMUN as a fourth-year student, I felt it was so inspiring. It is inspiring to participate in JUEMUN and the class, to try to suggest your opinion or solution at the conference with other delegates, and to learn about and face the reality of the inequalities in this world. All of this is challenging and motivating, and in the end, that was what JUEMUN was for me. It was fun and worth trying, so if you are thinking of joining in 2022, give it a whirl!

2021/07/16 10:00:00 「温故知新と英語の不思議」「日本語の文化と英語の文化」

  • Category教員ニュース
  • Posted by英米語学科


英語の学習といえば、読む、聞く、書く、そして話す、を中心とした語学の運用面に焦点が当たりがち。そしてその実用能力を語学試験(TOEICや英検)で腕試しすることが通例となっていますね。しかし、英語を学習すればするほど、不思議で納得のいかない現象に出会うのも常。例えば、不定冠詞の「a」。「一つの」という意味を持ちますが、それはなぜなのでしょうか。アルファベットの一番初めに来るから?それじゃ、「b」は2番目なので、「2つの」という意味になりますか。I have b books. いや、違いますよね。

実はこれ、昔の英語(Old Englishといいます)までさかのぼれば、謎が解けてきます。英語で、「1」は、「one(ワン)」、これを弱形で発音してみると「アン(an)」となります。つまり、かつては、anが基準になり、その語、母音以外で始まる名詞の直前の「n」が発音されなくなりました。中学生のころ、冠詞a(1つの)は、母音で始まる名詞の前では、「n」を付けますよ、と習ったことは実は順序が真逆なのです。こういったことを知るためには、現在の英語ばかり見て(共時的研究(synchronic approach))いるだけではだめなのです。歴史を通じた通時的研究(diachronic approach)を知る必要があります。その面白さは他にもあります。例えば、今度は単数形ではなく、複数形の場合、通例、複数形を表す接辞(affix/接尾辞(suffix))は、「-(e)s」を語末に用いますね。そうすると、dog→dogs、book→books、adult→adultsとなります。しかし、childはchildsとはなりません。どうしてでしょう。Childrenのrenが複数を示すのでしょうか。-renを用いた複数形なんて、children以外見たことないですよね。











2021/07/12 16:00:00 From Akiya to Comfortable Eco-Home –– ポッドキャストインタビュー(Iain Davey 先生)

  • Category教員ニュース
  • Posted by英米語学科
英米語学科ブログの「教員ニュース」では、教員に関する、または教員発信の情報を紹介します。「教員ニュース」第1号は、環境問題を専門とするIain Davey先生より、先生が出演されたポッドキャストインタビューの動画の紹介です。Watch the videos if you are interested in Iain-sensei's eco life!


Hi everyone, I’m Iain Davey, one of your full-time lecturers at Kyoto Gaidai.

If you have taken any of my classes, you will know my research area is environmental issues and sustainable development. I also help with KUFS Eco Group that are doing great work on campus and around Kyoto.

You will also probably know I live in Shiga and try to lead a life that is as environmentally-friendly or sustainable as possible. We try to produce a lot of our own food, so have chickens, goats, bees, and grow a lot of different fruits and vegetables. We also live in house that produces all of its own power from the sun (solar PV) and has a toilet which turns the waste into compost for the garden. We use a car which we run, not on diesel, but instead, on recycled waste vegetable oil. All these things help to reduce our impact on the environment in different ways.

Last year and again this June, I was invited onto a Podcast series called Seeking Sustainability in Japan. In the interviews I talked about our eco-friendly house, garden and lifestyle. If you are interested and would like to listen to them, and of course, practice your ENGLISH, please follow the links.

Podcast Seeking Sustainability in Japan with JJWalsh on YouTube:
From Akiya to Comfortable Eco-Home
August 2020
June 2021
  • The eco house with its solar panels
  • The Davey family's two goats enjoying the weeds
  • Iain Davey 先生

2021/07/10 09:30:00 7/16・17 TOEIC IPテスト(1・2年生対象)

  • Categoryお知らせ
  • Posted by英米語学科
英米語学科1~2年次生、短期大学1~2年次生を対象に TOEIC(IP)オンラインテストを実施します。対象学生は必ず受験してください。

2021年7月16日(金) 0時00分 ~ 7月17日(土) 23時59分(注:試験実施(受験可能)日時までに受験が完了していること) 


2021/07/08 18:20:00 KUFS Eco Group 環境月間Report

  • Category学生ニュース
  • Posted by英米語学科
英米語学科ブログの「学生ニュース」では、英語学習や国際理解などの分野で活躍する英米語学科の学生たちを紹介します。「学生ニュース」第1号は、環境問題に高い関心を持つ4年生の佐々木光さん執筆の活動報告です。(English below)
*インスタより、KUFS Eco Groupによるプレゼン「World Environment Day 2021」(英語)が視聴可能です。Bee kind!!


こんにちは、KUFS Eco Groupの佐々木光です!先月5日は世界環境デーだったのをご存知でしたか?今年のテーマは「生態系の回復」ということで、KUFS Eco Groupでは6月を環境月間とし、このテーマに関する様々な活動を行い、Instagramにその様子を投稿しました。

左上の写真はbug hotelといって、京都外大に生息する虫たちが泊まれるホテルを作りました。材料は、竹、枝、松ぼっくりなど様々です。可愛くて簡単に作る事ができ、虫の生態系を回復させることにもつながるので、是非皆さんのお家でも作ってみてはいかがでしょうか?このbug hotelは後日外大に設置予定です。



新しいメンバーも大募集中です!少しでも私たちの活動に興味を持ってくださった方は、KUFS Eco Groupに入ってみませんか?InstagramのDMでご連絡お待ちしています!

Hello I'm Hikaru Sasaki from KUFS Eco Group. Did you know June 5th was World Environment Day? The theme for this year was "Ecosystem Restoration", so we conducted an online event and did some activities for saving the ecosystem.

This is a bug hotel (photo: top left) which is a place for insects to rest, and it's made from bamboo, twigs, pinecones, etc. Adding a bug hotel to your garden, balcony, or any outdoor space, is a simple, effective way to help insect populations recover, and I highly recommend you to try it! And this lovely bug hotel will be placed in KUFS campus soon!

We also went to the Kamo River to pick up some garbage (photo: center left) since more and more people are gathering and drinking there because of the corona virus situation. At a glance the river looks really beautiful but when you look closer, there is so much garbage like cigarette butts, plastic bags, or empty cans. As you know, the Kamo River is a really important habitat for many kinds of animals such as ducks, herons, great cormorants, or Koi fish and Ayu fish. Please take your own trash home to prevent animals from eating it by mistake.

Do you want to see more pictures? Go to our Instagram page where you can see some encouraging posters created by students and a short presentation regarding the ecosystem restoration! (photo: top bottom)

If you are interested in our projects and activities, why don’t you join us? We really hope to have you as a part of our group! Contact us through DM on Instagram!
  • Bug hotel
  • Kamo River Clean-up
  • KUFS Eco Group Instagram

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