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2021/07/12 16:00:00 From Akiya to Comfortable Eco-Home –– ポッドキャストインタビュー(Iain Davey 先生)

  • Category教員ニュース
  • Posted by英米語学科
英米語学科ブログの「教員ニュース」では、教員に関する、または教員発信の情報を紹介します。「教員ニュース」第1号は、環境問題を専門とするIain Davey先生より、先生が出演されたポッドキャストインタビューの動画の紹介です。Watch the videos if you are interested in Iain-sensei's eco life!


Hi everyone, I’m Iain Davey, one of your full-time lecturers at Kyoto Gaidai.

If you have taken any of my classes, you will know my research area is environmental issues and sustainable development. I also help with KUFS Eco Group that are doing great work on campus and around Kyoto.

You will also probably know I live in Shiga and try to lead a life that is as environmentally-friendly or sustainable as possible. We try to produce a lot of our own food, so have chickens, goats, bees, and grow a lot of different fruits and vegetables. We also live in house that produces all of its own power from the sun (solar PV) and has a toilet which turns the waste into compost for the garden. We use a car which we run, not on diesel, but instead, on recycled waste vegetable oil. All these things help to reduce our impact on the environment in different ways.

Last year and again this June, I was invited onto a Podcast series called Seeking Sustainability in Japan. In the interviews I talked about our eco-friendly house, garden and lifestyle. If you are interested and would like to listen to them, and of course, practice your ENGLISH, please follow the links.

Podcast Seeking Sustainability in Japan with JJWalsh on YouTube:
From Akiya to Comfortable Eco-Home
August 2020
June 2021
  • The eco house with its solar panels
  • The Davey family's two goats enjoying the weeds
  • Iain Davey 先生

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